OCI - Houston Tracker

Thank you so much for detailed information. I really appreciate it.

on houston cgi web site it says "The Consulate is making its best efforts to process each OCI application swiftly so that the turnaround time after submitting the application with Travisa is 30 to 40 days." I wonder if they are talking about end to end time. if so, then what about taking care of people who applied before Travisa came in picture... sobs

I emailed mailto:shettybn@nic.in as per Arun_K and what do you know I got response from him immediately!!!!!

Here's what he recommended for my situation, he wasn't able to exactly trace my application but gave general answer which was more then what CGI Houston has done..

My question to him was "Dear Mr. Shetty,
Could you please help me with this query? It has been almost 9 months since I've applied. My staus on Online OCI enquiry web site shows as "Registration under process" and hasn't changed since January 25th. I'm not able to get anyone to answer phones or emails at CGI Houston. I have a situation for which I need your assistance. My daughter's US passport is expiring in August. How will this effect the OCI process if it's not completed by then? If I apply for her new passport before OCI process is complete will there be any issue? In the worst case scenario, if my daughter's OCI process is not complete by the time her passport expires (august) what will happen? will she still get OCI documents and U visa sticker on her "expired" passport?


His reply....


Due to huge backlog of applications pending with CGI Houston, the processing time is from 6 to 8 months. Please wait for some more time. The backlog is likely to be cleared by next month.

Hopefully, the backlog will be cleared before that. Please donot change the passport at this stage. Better, first get the OCI documents and the U visa sticker on the existing passport. After the documents are issued to you on the existing passport, the option will be with you, whether to get the visa transferred to new passport or not, since it is not mandatory. But, if you get new passport before it, then you will have to apply for misc. service before the docuements are issued to you. Transfer of visa may take another 6 to 8 weeks time.

In worst case scenario, you will have to apply for m isc. service and new booklet and new visa sticker will be printed and issued with new passport. This will involve payment of fees of about $39 plus shipping charges and two months time.

Efforts are underway to clear the backlog by end June.

Hope this helps someone on this forum.
...But, if you get new passport before it, then you will have to apply for misc. service before the docuements are issued to you. Transfer of visa may take another 6 to 8 weeks time.

In worst case scenario, you will have to apply for m isc. service and new booklet and new visa sticker will be printed and issued with new passport. This will involve payment of fees of about $39 plus shipping charges and two months time.

Efforts are underway to clear the backlog by end June.

Hope this helps someone on this forum.

Thanks for the feedback OCIFl; the above information should be useful to Vellabadu in case he has not already received similar communication from CGI Houston.

It's unfortunate Mr. Shetty was unable to help with details on your specific file/case number.

It's however good to know that Mr. Shetty is a reliable/responsive source for clarification on non-typical cases.
So, at the houston consulate it seems we have to wait quite a long time at every stage of the process..The granting, printing, receiving from Delhi to consulate, and receiving passports back...I hope all this gets completed for me before the end of summer.

Registration granted per online status

Application Status
Photo/Signature Scanned
Registration Status
Documents Printing Status
Documents Dispatched to Concerned Mission/Office on NOT DISPATCHED
Documents Received at HOUSTON

Update: The photo was scanned today per MHA Online Case Status
Thanks for the info. I have sent OCI for the whole family in October 2010. I had family emergency and had to get six months visa to India in January 2011. Now most likely, we might have to go again (family illness) which means we have to get another six months visas. This really sucks. I also noticed that some people got their OCI thru TRAVISA within two months (after March 15, 2011) and they still have to go thru CGI Houston. How can they do it within two months and we have to wait eight months.

Sent on 10/1/2010
Received by CGI-Houston 10/2/2010
Date Of Acknowledgment 30-DEC-2010
Photo/Signature Scanned On 30-DEC-2010
Registration Status UnderProcess
Do you have any update on document printing ?

3 cases filed via Travisa @ SFO have granted dates after 4/25 and documents printed on 5/13. No CGI Houston based cases in the tracker were printed after 4/22.

Arun K,
Do you have any update on document printing ?
Arun K,
Do you have any update on document printing ?

My status was updated on Saturday, 21'st, to printed. Then it changed again on Monday, to printed on 23'rd. It has not changed again in the last 24-48 hours. So, I am assuming that it is now printed and does not need additional printing/updates. The document has not been dispatched to the mission yet.
My status was updated on Saturday, 21'st, to printed. Then it changed again on Monday, to printed on 23'rd. It has not changed again in the last 24-48 hours. So, I am assuming that it is now printed and does not need additional printing/updates. The document has not been dispatched to the mission yet.

I think you should be Ok, and see a dispatched status soon.

I had a similar experience, "Printed" on 2 consecutive days and then dispatched, likewise for a couple of folks in the Chicago tracker. Have to assume they had 2 print runs for whatever reason.

Same here, Mine printed today:

Application Status
Photo/Signature Scanned
Registration Status
Documents Printing Status
Documents Printed On
Documents Dispatched to Concerned Mission/Office on NOT DISPATCHED
Documents Received at HOUSTON
Does anyone have their documents "Received at Houston" date yet?

My documents were received at Houston CGI on 27'th (Friday). I also got an email from them notifying me of the same on Friday.

However, it will be some time before I get my OCI because I am currently in India (got an entry visa and left some time back because I could not wait indefinitely for the OCI). I am sure other Houston OCI's that were dispatched 23'rd must have in the same package and will be processed soon.