"Ocean" subproject - Fax to Senators of California - Get 15 Adjudicators for EB I-485

I think at this stage, lawsuit is the approach we should pursue most vigorously.

So far, petitions, letters and emails have not got the attention from congress people and BCIS officials, and they simply ignored us. Lawsuit, as the one some illegal immigrants filed against Walmart this weekend, will definitely raise our voice to a much higher level, and even if the lawsuit failed, we will get the attention from relevant party and help us in our future effort.

At the same time, we should work on these different projects (Ocean, Symphaby, etc) as well.

sent faxes again to Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein and Michael Honda.
sent the petition and cover letter by email also.
sent petition and cover letter by snail mail too.
status as of 11/6/2003

10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
11/03/2003 BB wittAAAA (mail)
11/03/2003 DF timesa
11/03/2003 BB timesa
11/03/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 BB karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 DF karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 DF kashmir
11/10/2003 BB kuldeepc (fax, mail)
11/10/2003 DF kuldeepc (fax, mail)
11/10/2003 MHonda kuldeepc (fax,mail)
just got an automated email response from Michael Honda's office. will follow up later with his office on the petition.
One page of letter is enough !!

One page of your letter is enough to fax to Senators' Washington DC offices
if you mention about ImmigrationPortal.Com
because both Senators's offices had received the petition and the list of signatures by USPS Certified Mail.

I think only ten letters are too few to move Senators.
It's just one page, so please fax your letter to Senators.
Can I send a fax too?

Hi Kashmir or anyone else who can answer my queries

I reside in CO but my application was filed in CA since my company files all application in CA. So my question is that since I live in CO whom do I fax the petition to and what exactly do I state?


p.s. Reading all the work you guys are doing its real amazing and impressive. Thankyou for all what you are doing.
Re: Can I send a fax too?

Originally posted by zipzap
Hi Kashmir or anyone else who can answer my queries
I reside in CO but my application was filed in CA since my company files all application in CA. So my question is that since I live in CO whom do I fax the petition to and what exactly do I state?
p.s. Reading all the work you guys are doing its real amazing and impressive. Thankyou for all what you are doing.
Hi, zipzap,
You should contact two Senators and one Congressperson whose district includes your residential address.
For instance, you should contact CO Senators, not CA Senators.
They can also work on your individual case and our general issue such as our petition with the CSC.
You can start faxing your own cover letter and 8 pages of petition to them.
Of course, our project is not limited to CA, so you are welcome.
status as of 11/12/2003

10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
11/03/2003 BB wittAAAA (mail)
11/03/2003 DF timesa
11/03/2003 BB timesa
11/03/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 BB karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 DF karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 DF kashmir
11/10/2003 BB kuldeepc (fax, mail)
11/10/2003 DF kuldeepc (fax, mail)
11/10/2003 MHonda kuldeepc (fax,mail)
11/12/2003 BB yih
11/12/2003 DF yih
11/12/2003 MHonda yih
status as of 11/13/2003

10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
11/03/2003 BB wittAAAA (mail)
11/03/2003 DF timesa
11/03/2003 BB timesa
11/03/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 BB karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 DF karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 DF kashmir
11/10/2003 BB kuldeepc (fax, mail)
11/10/2003 DF kuldeepc (fax, mail)
11/10/2003 MHonda kuldeepc (fax,mail)
11/12/2003 BB yih
11/12/2003 DF yih
11/12/2003 MHonda yih
11/13/2003 DF kashmir
11/13/2003 BB kashmir
got an email from Dianne Fienstein's office

This is probably a result of the FAX and direct mail I sent. They have sent me an email to fill up my details to follow up with INS. They want to authorize Dianne to contact INS and enquire my details.

Do I need to inform my lawyer about this? Or just go ahead and send the WAC number, A#, etc to Dianne?

Kashmir and others - please advise

am I the only one... ?

I haven't got a single response from my faxes to the Senators
and the congresswoman.

Kashmir's contact at B. Boxer's office also never returned my
Re: got an email from Dianne Fienstein's office

Originally posted by sri3440
This is probably a result of the FAX and direct mail I sent. They have sent me an email to fill up my details to follow up with INS. They want to authorize Dianne to contact INS and enquire my details.

Do I need to inform my lawyer about this? Or just go ahead and send the WAC number, A#, etc to Dianne?
Kashmir and others - please advise
Hi, Sri,
Congressional office provides a service to support an individual case against the federal agency such as USCIS.
Usually, one of staffs at the local office handles each case.
I think the e-mail you recieved is asking your information to be used in this service.
You need to sign the form and to provide the information of your individual case.
It is up to you whether you should inform your lawyer or not.

On the other hand, general Immigration issues such as our petition are handled by the staff at Washington DC office.

If your case is very old or in a special situation, it might be helpful.
Good luck,
Re: am I the only one... ?

Originally posted by waitn2long
I haven't got a single response from my faxes to the Senators and the congresswoman.

Kashmir's contact at B. Boxer's office also never returned my call.
I don't think so.
Congressional offices seem to be overloaded, too.
Even if you leave a message, they will never call you back.

I think it is not enough just sending letters,
however, if the office received a couple of similar letters, a staff should notice our presence -- ImmigrationPortal.Com and our petition.
She/He will not ignore you when you call to Washington DC office.

I encourage you (each one who had sent a letter) to call to Washington DC office of Senators and Congressperson until it being connected to the staff handling Immigration issue.
Re: got an email from Dianne Fienstein's office

Originally posted by sri3440
This is probably a result of the FAX and direct mail I sent. ...
Hi, sri3440,
Sorry but I seem to have missed your name in the status list.
Can you post the detail (again) ?
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I have no responce from boxer or fienstaine

Hi ,
My wife faxed our case details about delays in CSC to fienstiane as well as boxer almost 2 months ago {first time} and second time one month ago we sent one more fax to both senetors but we haven't got reply from them.

then we decided there is no use of contacting pete {we live fremont} when boxer and fienstaine haven't responded.

when sri said he sent mail to finestaine, I was wondering is it ok to send mail to senetors? I am interested to sen email about process delays in csc, could any one of you please provide email of finestaine.

I didn't post all these details till now because my experience will discourage people to contact to sentors and there is much for critics in this forum for uprise and jump onto conclusion like no use of contacting anybody including senetors.

vasu {pathapati}.
Re: I have no responce from boxer or fienstaine

Originally posted by pathapati
Hi ,
My wife faxed our case details about delays in CSC to fienstiane as well as boxer almost 2 months ago {first time} and second time one month ago we sent one more fax to both senetors but we haven't got reply from them.

then we decided there is no use of contacting pete {we live fremont} when boxer and fienstaine haven't responded.

when sri said he sent mail to finestaine, I was wondering is it ok to send mail to senetors? I am interested to sen email about process delays in csc, could any one of you please provide email of finestaine.

I didn't post all these details till now because my experience will discourage people to contact to sentors and there is much for critics in this forum for uprise and jump onto conclusion like no use of contacting anybody including senetors.

vasu {pathapati}.
Hi, pathapati,
When you fax to Congressional offices for your individual case, you have to sign the form and to send it to the local office.
You can get that form at Senator's official web site.
However, a staff at the Senator's local office seems to be also overloaded, so you had better call to the local office and talk directly to the staff.
I hope it would help you.