"Ocean" subproject - Fax to Senators of California - Get 15 Adjudicators for EB I-485

Political Impact

It's great that you are taking some political action to get something
done, but I feel that this effort may be misguided. Let take a moment
and consider what everyone's interests are.

Politicians are motivated to stay in power. This is accomplished by 2
main drivers:

1) Votes
2) Money to fund campaigns to get those votes

Clearly, we immigrants do not have any impact with votes, since we
have no voting power.

We do pay taxes, but this does not directly help the politician that
wants to stay in power.

Unless we have some very wealthy immigrants willing to make large
contributions to influential politicians, I don't think that we can do
much. There is the option to pool some money together and hire a
political lobbying firm for us - This requires great organization and
many demands of time and money for us.

The other route is to convince voting Americans that our plight
deserves more attention. Unfortunately, as many of you know, this is
a major uphill battle. Americans have always been a little
xenophobic, and with the economy taking a beating in the last 3 years,
Americans don't want to hear about how immigrants WITH JOBS want to
stay in America permanantly. Yes, yes, we all know that immigration is
good in the long run and we can preach all day about the economics of
it all, but this does not work to convince the average joe American.
Again, we could pool resources together to hire a PR firm
that would run commercials and tap the media to tell our story,
but again, this seems very time and money intensive.

One more possibly effective alternative is to convince your employer
to lobby on your behalf. Clearly, they have an interest in keeping
you here otherwise you would not have been hired.

Please consider these thoughts. I welcome your comments and feedback.

I am a WAC-02-186, so I have a loooooooong wait ahead.
Re: Political Impact

Hi, Akuma,
Thanks for your having described your opinion here.
I think that your ieda itself is good but that a coule of important things are not considered.

At first, it's too general.
I have seen a lot of similar messages in this forum, but nobody has not taken the initiative.
So, it's been always just an idea, but it's never become a reality.

So, I believe we need the specific action plan, and to put it into action.
The only specific recommendation you mentioned is to convince your employer to lobby on your behalf.
Yes, I have discussed with my HR Immigration Manager several times.
Before writing my experience with HR, I'd like to hear your experience at first.

Actually, we started preparing lobbying and lawsuit, especially at VSC forum.
As you mentioned, it requires time and money.
I think it takes a couple of weeks (or months) to take off.
You can find the detail at:
I encourage you to join and to work actively.
Or, you should start your own initiative to implement your idea.

At last, this campaign has already started, and it's real.
Since I started Proect Ocean campaign a couple of months ago:
I have attended Congressperson's town hall meetings 6 times.
I have visited Congressperson's district offices almost 10 times.
I have sent USPS certified mail to Director of CSC and several Congressional members almost 10 times.
I have faxed a letter and the petition almost 100 times.
I have called to Congressional offices again and again.
Recently, I have received a few positive responses, and almost 30 people have participated in the campaign.

I think you have a good opinion, so I encourage you to put it into action to make it happen.
Originally posted by Akuma
It's great that you are taking some political action to get something
done, but I feel that this effort may be misguided. Let take a moment
and consider what everyone's interests are.

Politicians are motivated to stay in power. This is accomplished by 2
main drivers:

1) Votes
2) Money to fund campaigns to get those votes

Clearly, we immigrants do not have any impact with votes, since we
have no voting power.

We do pay taxes, but this does not directly help the politician that
wants to stay in power.

Unless we have some very wealthy immigrants willing to make large
contributions to influential politicians, I don't think that we can do
much. There is the option to pool some money together and hire a
political lobbying firm for us - This requires great organization and
many demands of time and money for us.

The other route is to convince voting Americans that our plight
deserves more attention. Unfortunately, as many of you know, this is
a major uphill battle. Americans have always been a little
xenophobic, and with the economy taking a beating in the last 3 years,
Americans don't want to hear about how immigrants WITH JOBS want to
stay in America permanantly. Yes, yes, we all know that immigration is
good in the long run and we can preach all day about the economics of
it all, but this does not work to convince the average joe American.
Again, we could pool resources together to hire a PR firm
that would run commercials and tap the media to tell our story,
but again, this seems very time and money intensive.

One more possibly effective alternative is to convince your employer
to lobby on your behalf. Clearly, they have an interest in keeping
you here otherwise you would not have been hired.

Please consider these thoughts. I welcome your comments and feedback.

I am a WAC-02-186, so I have a loooooooong wait ahead.
Re: Political Impact

Originally posted by Akuma
1) Votes
2) Money to fund campaigns to get those votes

Clearly, we immigrants do not have any impact with votes, since we have no voting power.
Unless we have some very wealthy immigrants willing to make large contributions to influential politicians, I don't think that we can do much.

Hi Akuma, In case you did not already know- immigrants cannot make make any contribution to any kind of election compaign. That's against the law.

And yes you've a very long way to go, unless you work proactively.
WAC-02-186 - Re: Political Impact

Originally posted by Akuma
Posts: 2
I am a WAC-02-186, so I have a loooooooong wait ahead.
Hi, Akuma,
As the above message was your second one, I checked your first posting.
Originally posted by Akuma 9th May 2003 03:39 PM
I'd like to request that someone scan WAC-02-186.

Thanks and keep up the good work! This forum is great!
WAC-02-186-5xxxx @ CSC
RD 05/15/02
ND 05/16/02
FP 07/10/02
Do you know WAC-02-186 has been reported at Project Kashmir since 5/31/2003 ?
Faxing today


I don't know whether you're are reading today, and I haven't tried this myself yet, but it occurs to me that maybe a good time to fax something is while there's a holiday on... maybe thats a time when the fax machine is not ringing off the hook constantly...
Reply to Akuma

Hi Akuma,

I have to admit that I used to have the same opinion. However, I've been pleasantly surprised. For example, consider the letters that Congresspeople Honda and Eshoo wrote for us to Don Neufeld. There's an excellent example of how they realise that we're important, maybe not immediately in terms of the vote, but certainly in other terms that they care about (tax-revenues, economy...). Also, when i looked at the web pages for the Senators and Congressperson I've been interacting with, I notice that they each have a member of staff assigned to help deal with immigration problems. They didn't turn my case away because it was not affiliated with a US Citizen... (ie: a family-based petition of some kind). So, I'd say that they are aware and are concerned, the challenge is making that concern their top priority for long enough to make something happen. I hope this cheers you a little, and please please please find the time to take some action with us, your voice counts so much.

Originally posted by Akuma
It's great that you are taking some political action to get something
done, but I feel that this effort may be misguided. Let take a moment
and consider what everyone's interests are.

Politicians are motivated to stay in power. This is accomplished by 2
main drivers:

1) Votes
2) Money to fund campaigns to get those votes

Clearly, we immigrants do not have any impact with votes, since we
have no voting power.
Tom Lantos (D CA 12th) San Mateo office 12/3/2003

Originally posted by san_gcwait
Thanks Kashmir,
I'll wait outside his office at 8:30 AM.
I don't know I somehow feel the 'discrimination' part needs to be removed from the mail. What do you think?
Hi, san_gcwait,
See you at Tom Lantos' San Mateo office at 8:30am on 12/3/2003.

> I don't know I somehow feel the 'discrimination' part needs to be removed from the mail. What do you think?

Can you bring your own cover letter ?
I will bring 8 pages of petition and 150+ pages of list of signatures.

TO: other residents of CA 12th district;
You're welcome to join us.
Hi Kashmir,
Your letter looks perfectly fine and what all you've mentioned is so true, its just I'm trying to be nice to get the work done. ;-) I know we all are loosing patience but there's still hope.

I just changed the second paragraph------------------------------------

The backlog of EB I-485 reached almost two years at the CSC, and it has been still growing. However, Naturalization backlog decreased 11% compared to one years ago. Not only Naturalization, among major types of applications at the CSC, only the EB I-485 backlog has been significantly growing. Due to the delays at the CSC, innocent EB I-485 applicants such as legal workers who pay taxes and their dependents are suffering.
See you at 8:30 AM on Wednesday. The directions seem to be slightly wrong. When you're on CA-92, take El Camino North exit and go all the way on El Camino North(1 mile approx) and make a U turn on 4th Avenue to get onto El Camino South.
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Congressman Tom Lantos 12/03/2003 8:30am San Mateo office

Hi, san_gcwait,

> I just changed the second paragraph ...
Thanks for your modification.

> See you at 8:30 AM on Wednesday. The directions seem to be slightly wrong. ...
Also, thanks for your correcting the directions.
See you there tomorrow.

Congressman Tom Lantos (D CA 12th)
400 S. El Camino Real, Suite 410
San Mateo, CA 94402
Ph: 650-342-0300
Fax: 650-375-8270
Just got back from vacation, a little doped up thanks to jetlag but still on target to see you guys tomorrow morning at 8:30 am outside the office.

Kashmir if you can pm me your cell phone number it will be great. I have pm'ed you mine. So please call me tomorrow morning to co-ordinate the meeting.

Do you want me to bring any document or papers to the meeting?
Hi, 140_takes_4ever,
> Do you want me to bring any document or papers to the meeting?

I will bring two sets of documents:
1) the petition (8 pages)
2) list of signatures (150+ pages)

Eveyone should have the cover letter with signture.

See you tomorrow,
USCIS is now hiring Center Adjudications Officers

USCIS is now hiring Center Adjudications Officers.

Current Vacancies

DHS Immigration Related Vacancies and Employment Information

If you are interested in immigration-related career opportunities with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), please see the job listings on the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) USAJOBS website. This page will list vacancies for these DHS immigration-related organizations:

* U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
* U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
* U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Read more about Core Immigration related occupations.


District Adjudications Officer/Center Adjudications Officer
USCIS is now accepting registrations for the written test for District Adjudications Officer and Center Adjudications Officer positions at the GS-5 and GS-7 grade levels. Positions are available nationwide. The Public Job Notice (announcement), AO-04-01, is open from December 1, 2003 through February 2, 2004. There are two early consideration dates, please see the Public Job Notice for more information. For a copy of the Public Job Notice that contains information on the positions and the registration process, please click here. To go directly to the registration for the written test, please go to the DAO/CAO On-line Application.

Read more about Current Federal Salary Pay Scales.

Originally posted by kashmir
Eveyone should have the cover letter with signture.
Too late for me to bring anything, don't have access to a printer right now, and the meeting is pretty early tomorrow morning.

I am just going to play a supporting role in this meeting, probably take down some notes and back you up with more faces to add urgency to the cause. Will be more prepared the next time around.

See ya tomorrow.