"Ocean" subproject - Fax to Senators of California - Get 15 Adjudicators for EB I-485


Are you trying to get any appointments. I'm trying to get one with Congress Woman Zoe Lofgren Office.
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I got a reply from Congress Woman Zoe Lofgren Office stating that "Congresswoman is aware of the lengthy waiting process by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services."

However, to schedule a meeting to discuss I-485 applications, in general, asked me to contact Sandra Soto, Chief of Staff, Office of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, and it seems she will be away from the office until approximately November 10th.

I'll try to contact Ms. Sandra Soto and will update you if I get an appointment.

Kashmir are you willing to join me if any meeting is scheduled. I told we are about 10,000 online community and I'm a volunteer for this effort from San Jose. While requesting for meeting I can let her know how many of us are willing join for the meeting.
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Originally posted by rk4gc
Are you trying to get any appointments. I'm trying to get one with Congress Woman Zoe Lofgren Office.
Hi, rk4gc,
Thanks for your updating the status with Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren.
For an appointment with Congressperson or Senator, I will post my thinking at Project Ocean main thread later.
Thanks again,
Re: got thru to Dianne Feinstein's office

Originally posted by waitn2long
finally... managed to fax the 15 adjudicator petition.
Thanks again for your faxing to Dianne Feinstein, waitn2long.
status as of 10/29/2003

10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/28/2003 BB wittAAAA ... fax line busy
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
status as of 10/30/2003

10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/28/2003 BB wittAAAA ... fax line busy
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
10/30/2003 none !?
10/31/2003 ...
EB I-485 processing dates

(originally posted at Project Ocean main thread)

EB I-485 processing dates

EB I-485 processing dates
     10/15/02    10/15/03 months
CSC  10/01/01 -> 12/16/01  2.5
VSC  09/15/01 -> 01/15/02  4.0
NSC  06/17/01 -> 08/10/01  2.0
TSC  10/01/00 -> 01/23/01  3.5
The processing date of EB I-485 at the CSC proceeded only two months and a half per year,
but it proceeded four months at the VSC.

I think the reason is the difference of "resource" at the service centers as described at:

As you know, CIS FY2004 budget is still not enough, and one month has already passed.

Our petition of ImmigrationPortal.Com is common to all service centers,
however, the short-term resource allocation is competition among the service centers due to the limited budget.
If another service center would win, the CSC would lose as FY2003.

Frankly speaking, I am disappointed with the result of the fax compaign to CA Senators.
However, I'd still like to continue that campaign for a while.
If I can not get enough endorsements, I may have to change my strategy.
Faxed today.

It is really surprising to see so many people viewing this forum and not many showing support to kashmir efforts. I believe many people visit this forum at least once a week to get info and spending few minutes in faxing or mailing doesn't take much of your time and you don't loose anything doing it. Please do think about it.

Re: USPS Certified Mails sent - "Ocean" subproject - Fax to Senators of California

Originally posted by kashmir
I have just sent the following documents to both Senators' Washington DC offices by USPS Certified Mail.
1) cover letter
2) petition (8 pages)
3) list of 3,002 signatures as of 9am 10/27/2003 (134 pages)
Delivered to both Senators' Washington D.C. offices on 10/30/2003.

Your item was delivered at 8:14 am on October 30, 2003 in WASHINGTON, DC 20510.

Here is what happened earlier:

* ARRIVAL AT UNIT, October 30, 2003, 2:22 am, WASHINGTON, DC 20599
Called both Senators' offices

I called both Senators' Washington DC offices today.

1) Barbara Boxer
I asked the telephone operator to connect to a staff handling immigration issues.
Unfortunately, she was not in the office today, so I asked her name.
She is Julia Lee, and you can check at:
I faxed another letter to Julia this evening.

2) Dianne Feinstein
A male telephone operator (?) asked me to call San Francisco office although I explained it was not an individual case but the general immigration backlog issue.
Anyway, I called San Francisco office and confirmed we should call Washington D.C. office for such a general issue.
status as of 11/3/2003

10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
10/30/2003 none
10/31/2003 none
11/03/2003 BB wittAAAA (mail)
11/03/2003 DF timesa
11/03/2003 BB timesa
11/03/2003 BB kashmir
Talked to Ms. Julia Lee at Barbara Boxer Washington DC office

I have just talked with Ms. Julia Lee at Barbara Boxer Washington DC office.
She has not seen our petition yet, so I mentioned that several members of ImmigrationPortal.Com had sent letters and that I had sent hundres pages of list.
She promised to read them at first.
I emphasized the followings:
1) only EB I-485 backlog has been significantly growing recently
2) to need to talk to the CSC Director

When I mentioned about the backlog at the CSC, she told that she had heard it from ONE person before.
So, I am 2ND person to claim the backlog at the CSC directly to her.

TO: those who sent a letter to Barbara Boxer's office by fax or by mail;
I encourage to call Ms. Julia Lee at 202-224-3553.
Originally posted by kashmir
1) Barbara Boxer
I asked the telephone operator to connect to a staff handling immigration issues.
Unfortunately, she was not in the office today, so I asked her name.
She is Julia Lee, and you can check at:
I faxed another letter to Julia this evening.
Sent USPS certified mail to:

Representative Fortney Stark (D-CA 13th)
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

At main district office address. i.e. at Fremont and San Francisco.

status as of 11/4/2003

10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
10/30/2003 none
10/31/2003 none
11/03/2003 BB wittAAAA (mail)
11/03/2003 DF timesa
11/03/2003 BB timesa
11/03/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 BB karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 DF karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 DF kashmir
status as of 11/5/2003

10/27/2003 DF kashmir
10/27/2003 BB kashmir
10/27/2003 DF wittAAAA
10/27/2003 BB waitn2long
10/28/2003 BB lisansw ?
10/29/2003 DF jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 BB jeremy_polka (mail)
10/29/2003 DF waitn2long
10/29/2003 DF ben2000 (mail)
10/30/2003 none
10/31/2003 none
11/03/2003 BB wittAAAA (mail)
11/03/2003 DF timesa
11/03/2003 BB timesa
11/03/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 BB karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 DF karma_yoga (certified)
11/04/2003 BB kashmir
11/04/2003 DF kashmir
11/05/2003 none
2500 Montly Approvals campaign continued ...

(11/12/2003 updated)
Cmapaign name should be changed to "2500 Monthly Approvals".
Old one "15 Adjudicator" might be misleading.

We definitely need 15 EB I-485 dedicated adjudicators and 2,500 approvals per month at the CSC.
We have to make it happen and only we can do that.
Please go to the first message of this thread and join the campaign for yourself and your loving family.

(originally posted at Project Ocean thread)

Ths CSC has been approving about 350 cases per month for the last seven months, and it was quitely stable.

At the last night, the weekend scan of the Project Kashmir was done.
One fourth of November passed by,
and this month seems worse than any of the previous seven months...
[B]WAC01&02 I485 - number of approvals per month[/B]
323 ... October 2003
442 ... September 2003
252 ... August 2003
263 ... July 2003
395 ... June 2003
359 ... May 2003
397 ... April 2003
350 ... average

51,551 ... The total number of I485 cases filed between August 2001 and September 2002
33,702 ... The number of pending cases among the above

33702 / 350 = [B]96 months[/B] = [B]8 years[/B]
estimate of processing date with the current approval pace
(323 + 442 + 252 + 263 + 395 + 359 + 397) / 7 = 350 approvals per month

ND Month Filed App Pendi Mon Processing Date
Dec 2001 2,128 173 1,955 5.6 Oct 2003 - Mar 2004
Jan 2002 2,808 134 2,674 7.6 Mar 2004 - Oct 2004
Feb 2002 2,771 155 2,616 7.4 Nov 2004 - May 2005
Mar 2002                     May 2005 -
The CSC has approved about 350 cases per month in average for the last seven months.
The above estimate doesn't consider more than 5,000 pending cases filed between Aug 2001 and Nov 2001.
It needs another one year just to clear these cases.


Project Kashmir has been scanning all WAC-02 I-485 cases every weekend for the last seven months, and has several sample data in WAC-01 and WAC-03, too.
The CSC has been constantly receiving 100+ I-485 applications per day, i.e. 2,500-3,000 per month, 30,000-36,000 per year for a couple of years.
2,500 approvals per month is the minimum requirement that the backlog will not grow more than the current level.

Also, Project Kashmir shows the CSC has been approving 350 cases per month for the last seven month, and it seems quitely stable.
16 cases per day are supposed to be adjudicated by 2 officers.
To adjudicate 2,500 cases per month, at least 15 adjudicators must be allocated at the CSC.

I agree that Security Check is overhead at the CSC, however it can not be more than 80% of prcessing I-485 cases.
Actually, N-400 backlog has been reduced recently.
Among major application types, the only EB I-485 backlog has been significantly growing.
I strongly believe that it is caused by the number of adjudicators dedicated to EB I-485.
Simply, the Director of CSC has not been assigning reasonable number of officer for EB I-485 adjudication, and it is the discrimination by the U.S. Goverment against us, legal workers and their dependents.
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