Schwarzenegger's words 11/17/2003
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
West Steps of the California State Capitol
November 17, 2003
When I became a citizen 20 years ago, I had to take a citizenship test. I had to learn about the history and the principles of our republic.
What I learned - and what I've NEVER forgotten is - that in a republic, sovereignty rests with the PEOPLE - not the government.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have an immigrant's optimism - that what I learned in citizenship class is true: THE SYSTEM DOES WORK.
I believe that with all of my heart.
I have BIG HOPES for California. President Reagan spoke of America as "the shining city on the hill." I see California as the GOLDEN DREAM BY THE SEA.
Perhaps some think this is fanciful or poetic, but to an immigrant like ME - who, as a boy, saw Soviet TANKS rolling through the STREETS of Austria. To someone like me who came here with absolutely NOTHING and gained absolutely EVERYTHING. It is not fanciful to see this state as a Golden Dream.
For millions of people around the world, California has ALWAYS glimmered with hope and glowed with opportunity. Millions of people around the world send their dreams to California with the hope their lives will follow.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
West Steps of the California State Capitol
November 17, 2003
When I became a citizen 20 years ago, I had to take a citizenship test. I had to learn about the history and the principles of our republic.
What I learned - and what I've NEVER forgotten is - that in a republic, sovereignty rests with the PEOPLE - not the government.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have an immigrant's optimism - that what I learned in citizenship class is true: THE SYSTEM DOES WORK.
I believe that with all of my heart.
I have BIG HOPES for California. President Reagan spoke of America as "the shining city on the hill." I see California as the GOLDEN DREAM BY THE SEA.
Perhaps some think this is fanciful or poetic, but to an immigrant like ME - who, as a boy, saw Soviet TANKS rolling through the STREETS of Austria. To someone like me who came here with absolutely NOTHING and gained absolutely EVERYTHING. It is not fanciful to see this state as a Golden Dream.
For millions of people around the world, California has ALWAYS glimmered with hope and glowed with opportunity. Millions of people around the world send their dreams to California with the hope their lives will follow.