"Ocean" Next Campaign Idea Invited

Schwarzenegger's words 11/17/2003


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
West Steps of the California State Capitol
November 17, 2003


When I became a citizen 20 years ago, I had to take a citizenship test. I had to learn about the history and the principles of our republic.

What I learned - and what I've NEVER forgotten is - that in a republic, sovereignty rests with the PEOPLE - not the government.


Ladies and gentlemen, I have an immigrant's optimism - that what I learned in citizenship class is true: THE SYSTEM DOES WORK.

I believe that with all of my heart.

I have BIG HOPES for California. President Reagan spoke of America as "the shining city on the hill." I see California as the GOLDEN DREAM BY THE SEA.

Perhaps some think this is fanciful or poetic, but to an immigrant like ME - who, as a boy, saw Soviet TANKS rolling through the STREETS of Austria. To someone like me who came here with absolutely NOTHING and gained absolutely EVERYTHING. It is not fanciful to see this state as a Golden Dream.

For millions of people around the world, California has ALWAYS glimmered with hope and glowed with opportunity. Millions of people around the world send their dreams to California with the hope their lives will follow.

A fax/email campaign to the Governor is totally worth it. We should take this up and start another thread for it.

Being an immigrant, there is a bright chance that he may take up our cause. In the light of the lawsuit, we should consult Rajiv Khanna as well just in case if he thinks that it may affect the lawsuit in an adverse manner.
Not sure how the governor of a state can help with a federal process. We already know that he cannot help the state with the federal budget, so can't imagine how he would help us with homeland security. I think we are better off bugging senators and congressmen.
Looking at it logically, I agree with you. Homeland security is a federal office instead of a state level office.

Although I don't have experience in political matters, my guess would be that if Arnold throws his support to our case, Bush would listen. Being in the same party also helps.

Also, since Arnold seems to be good at media (remember when he remarked positively in one of his interviews about the legislation for allowing immigrants to become president, it became a news and almost every channel reported it), if he makes a public statement people will certainly notice. Even if he just writes a letter to Don it will help to build pressure on him.

Its a long shot... but then lets not leave any stone unturned !

Anyway sending 10-15 faxes won't hurt us (ofcourse if we think it will hurt our lawsuit or our cause in anyway we should not do it).

Just a suggestion, rest is upto "Ocean"!

BTW, thanks to you guys for all your efforts. Keep it up!
I agree on theWarrior's two points.
Schwarzenegger cannot take any direct action to USCIS, but he can influence through Republicans and Media.
I believe it's worth to try.
Originally posted by theWarrior
my guess would be that if Arnold throws his support to our case, Bush would listen. Being in the same party also helps.
Unfortunately that is not true. Bush doesn't care about California or Californians. It was aptly proved when he cut California's share of the Federal budget inspite of Governor Arnold actually making the trip to DC and meeting with the president. And if you think Arnold din't fight for our share of the budget you are wrong. And he would definitely fight for it way more than immigrant rights.

Here are my reasons why we should NOT send our faxes to the Governor:
1. 20 faxes don't cause change in policy.
2. I want to keep people's attention focused on one proven thing, and that is Congressional Faxing. We need to keep sending faxes to Congress members.
3. We have increase the number of people sending faxes from the current 20 to 100, and make this a regular monday morning routine for everyone. This repeatative dose WILL force the Congressmember to do something.
4. Only after we have sufficiently strong core volunteers who send faxes regularly can we widen the scope of the program. That is when we can bug Arnold, or even Bush/Cheney directly.

We need numbers, and commitment. Before getting that randomly sending faxes, is a waste of time. I am sorry if I am a little harsh or extreme, but the current fax/mail campaign is EXTREMELY important, and unless it becomes a success, I would want to concentrate on it. Schwarzenegger et al, are shots in the dark. Where as Congressional faxes are a sure shot thing. So why not make them a success first and THEN widen the scope?
1. 20 faxes don't cause change in policy.
2. I want to keep people's attention focused on one proven thing, and that is Congressional Faxing. We need to keep sending faxes to Congress members.
3. We have increase the number of people sending faxes from the current 20 to 100, and make this a regular monday morning routine for everyone. This repeatative dose WILL force the Congressmember to do something.
4. Only after we have sufficiently strong core volunteers who send faxes regularly can we widen the scope of the program. That is when we can bug Arnold, or even Bush/Cheney directly.

#1 We are not looking at change of policy by Arnold. All we are looking at is a letter to Don from him just to put more pressure. This will be *in addition to* what is being put by congressmen as a result of our fax campaigns.
#2 Well, adding just one more should not be a big distraction.
#3 Agreed. This is a fundamental problem which must be resolved.
#4 Even if 20 people send, it will help in bringing this issue and our lawsuit to his awareness (or maybe his team's awareness) as compared to no or little awareness.

Anyway no more comments from my side on "Arnold Strategy". I am not hung up on this. I will let "Ocean" decide on whether to take action.

I will keep my fax machine ready just in case !

Moving on to action in Prakash Khatri front...!
Hi, theWarrior,
How about your starting a new thread for the campaign to Schwarzenegger ?
It's not limited to Action Core Team to start a campaign.
Everyone can take the initiative and I strongly encourage it.
Actually, hussein started Organizing a Rally/protest against I-485 Backlog in the City of San Francisco.

Considering the current situation of the forum members' participation,
I don't think it is too much.
New member should bring new idea to the forum and implement it.
If one of our attempts would succeed, it would be greatly helpful for I-485 backlog reduction.
We need only one or two strong success story(s).
Even for our lawsuit Rajiv is leading, nobody is sure that we can win with great success.
But we cannot give up our own future lives just because of I-485 backlog.
Let's do everything we can do !!
I am planning to send email to Don Neufeld regarding clarification on 485 resources, now, since TPS extensions are complete.
If not anything he will atleast realize that we are monitoring each and every step of his. There will be a CSC liason meeting sometime in March second week for NAFSA region 12 mostly in March in (LA) within couple of weeks in Los angeles. we should try to see if any LA members associated with NAFSA can bring up this issue.
i will try to email NAFSA
Kelly Moran
Center for International Education
California State University, Hayward
Hayward CA 94542-3012
Tel: 510/885-2903
Fax: 510/885-2787
to see if they can also address 485 issues and specifical ask when Don neufeld is moving resources from TPS to 485 ...
NAFSA Region 12 - CSC Liason Meeting in March

Hi, Dadagiri,
That's a good idea.
Please post your letter,
then I will follow up soon.
Originally posted by Dadagiri
I am planning to send email to Don Neufeld regarding clarification on 485 resources, now, since TPS extensions are complete.
If not anything he will atleast realize that we are monitoring each and every step of his. There will be a CSC liason meeting sometime in March second week for NAFSA region 12 mostly in March in (LA) within couple of weeks in Los angeles. we should try to see if any LA members associated with NAFSA can bring up this issue.
i will try to email NAFSA
Kelly Moran
Center for International Education
California State University, Hayward
Hayward CA 94542-3012
Tel: 510/885-2903
Fax: 510/885-2787
to see if they can also address 485 issues and specifical ask when Don neufeld is moving resources from TPS to 485 ...
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Originally posted by Dadagiri
I am planning to send email to Don Neufeld regarding clarification on 485 resources, now, since TPS extensions are complete.
If not anything he will atleast realize that we are monitoring each and every step of his.
EXCELLENT idea! I will work on the wordings as well.


1. Don't reckon getting a letter from the Governor is going to change too much from Don Neufield's prespective, an analogy would be you getting a letter from some random manager in your own company.
2. It is not that one more fax campaign will be a distraction, just that it will add to the confusion of what to do.
3. As far as bringing our issues to Arnold's notice is concerned, I think they have enough on their plate with the budget that they won't care too much for 20 faxes.

Well not to pour water on your enthusiasm. I was just putting forth my view points. I definitely agree with Kashmir that we need new members to roll up their sleaves and bring forth fresh ideas. Who knows Arnold might do the trick. I will definitely join the fax campaign if someone takes the initiative.
Two Initiatives

  • theWarrior - Campaign to Gov. Schwarzenegger
  • Dadagiri - NAFSA / CSC Liason Meeting
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Here is the response from Pat Preston
Seems like there is a district meeting in April where CSC updates will be there. It wont be open to public since I got an additional reply from Jane.Kalionzes Deputy director of Nafaa Region 12.
So we cannot be understandaly in the meeting. Since these meetings are primarly for school they dont always discuss 485 issues but since last couple of times they have been discussing this.
We should inudate Don neufield with Fax with reference to these liason meeting and force him to give an update. This is our LAST chance...

Dear My Name

I have no information about permanent residency applications; however, the following information may be helpful to you.


Pat Preston

NAFSA Region XII Bulletin

March 9, 2004




Contacting the CIPP-RRs

As previously reported, Marjorie Gooding, from Cal Tech, has now joined Jane Kalionzes as Co-CIPP-RR for the Region. They have now divided the CIPP-RR duties between them as listed below. It is still preferred that you contact the CIPP-RRs by email if at all possible.

For help with I-539, I-765 applications or Student concerns contact:
Jane Kalionzes
Email Jane.Kalionzes@sdsu.edu
Telephone: 619-594-1982

For help with H-1B expedites, or Scholar concerns contact:
Marjory Gooding
Email marjory.gooding@caltech.edu
Telephone: 626 395-8808

Advisors requesting H-1B expedites after 75 days are asking to use the following format when emailing Margie:
In the Subject line of the email: H case pending over 75 days
Applicant Name WAC# Filing date Payroll end date
Name of Institution Contact Advisor Name Advisor Email address
Reason for Expedite

Upcoming NAFSA/CSC Quarterly Meeting
The next meeting will be held at Loyola Marymount University during the NAFSA So. District Conference on April 6. This will be a closed meeting, only open to those advisors who RSVP in advance with specific concerns.

Please submit any questions you have for the meeting to Jane Kalionzes at Jane.Kalionzes@sdsu.edu by March 22, 2004.

NAFSA Region XII Bulletin

March 9, 2004



Northern District Spring Conference 2004

Thursday March 18th - Fort Mason Center, Building C Room 370
Registration: 7:30 - 8:00am
Workshop: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The PDP F-1 Beginner's Workshop still has some space available for on-site registration. We advise you to call the Registrar, Jenny Bresnahan, at 415-442- 6588 in order to get your name on the list for on-site registration, as space is limited.
Thursday March 18th - Fort Mason Center, Building C Room 362
Registration: 12:00 - 1:00pm
Workshop: 1:00 - 4:00pm
There is still plenty of space for on-site registration for the Tax Workshop. Special presenters from the IRS Education and Outreach Department will be conducting a workshop on everything you need to know about international student and scholar tax requirements. Tax time is just around the corner! This workshop will give you the tools to properly advise the students on your campus. Information about resources available to help you and your students will also be discussed, and there will be time allotted for questions.

Friday, March 19 - Spring Conference Schedule
Fort Mason Center
8:00 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 10:15 Session I
ATESL round table
Considering International Student Re-entry Programs
Global Emergency Medical Plans
Advisors Practice Q&A part I
OPT issues
10:30 - 11:45 Session II
NAFSA's COOP Grant: From Conception to Completion
International Education Week: Models of Creative & Innovative Programs
Next Generation TOFEL- An Overview and update
Advisors Practice Q&A part II
What's after OPT
11:45 - 1:15 Lunch
1:15 -2:30 Session III
COMCOL round table
F1 PDP Follow up
Understanding IELTS for Assessing English Language Ability
Outsourcing Foreign Credential Evaluation: Pros & Cons
F.B.I.E. Episode I: Breaking the Barriers
2:45 - 4:00 Session IX
Gov't Update
Funding Opportunities for Study, Research and Professional Development Abroad

Pamela Serota
Academic Program Coordinator
UC Hastings College of the Law
200 McAllister Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415)581-8881 www.uchastings.edu

Hi Patricia,
I am an immigrant in Santa Clara California. I have done my graduate study from Pennsylvania.
I have applied for permanent residency and would like to ask some particular questions regarding 485 backlogs we are seeing since past two years
I have been following NAFSA CSC liason meeting minutes and seems like a right forum to address these type of questions or Atleast bring them.
I was wondering if you can give me info on when and where is the next CSC liason meeting and how can attend or how can bring any questions
Best Regards
My Name
E-MAIL to NAFSA with Don Neufeld's Letter - 3/10/2004

Originally posted by Dadagiri
Here is the response from Pat Preston
Seems like there is a district meeting in April where CSC updates will be there. It wont be open to public since I got an additional reply from Jane.Kalionzes Deputy director of Nafaa Region 12.
So we cannot be understandaly in the meeting. Since these meetings are primarly for school they dont always discuss 485 issues but since last couple of times they have been discussing this.
We should inudate Don neufield with Fax with reference to these liason meeting and force him to give an update. This is our LAST chance...
Hi, Dadagiri;
Thanks for the update.
I have just sent e-mail to Jane as follows with Don Neufeld's Letter:

To: jane.kalionzes@sdsu.edu
Subject: CSC I-485 information

Hi, Jane,

I am (my name), a member of ImmigrationPortal.Com.
Recently, one of our members contacted your organization NAFSA about CSC Liason Meeting.

> Upcoming NAFSA/CSC Quarterly Meeting
> The next meeting will be held at Loyola Marymount University during the NAFSA So. District Conference on April 6.
> This will be a closed meeting, only open to those advisors who RSVP in advance with specific concerns.
> Please submit any questions you have for the meeting to Jane Kalionzes at Jane.Kalionzes@sdsu.edu by March 22, 2004.

I'd like to share information about I-485 processing at CSC.
My representative Anna Eshoo wrote to CSC Director Don Neufeld in November 2003,
and he responded to her on 12/22/2003 as attached:
> As we make progress in completing the older background checks,
> the processing time for I-485's will begin to improve.
> However, because of the competing need to adjudicate approximately
> 60,000 El Salvadoran applications for Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
> prior March 9, 2004, we do not anticipate assigning any additional staff
> to process I-485s until the latter half of this fiscal year.
> We do plan to significantly increase resource allocations to I-485
> adjudications beginning April 2004. Based on current workload projections,
> our goal is to reduce the processing time for Adjustment of Status
> applications to 12 months or less by the end of September 2004.

By the next meeting, the CSC should have allocated enough resource for I-485 adjudication.
Could you please confirm Don Neufeld keeping his promise to Anna Eshoo ?
If he can keep his promise, it's great news for both NAFSA and ImmigrationPortal.Com.


(my name)
(my address)
(my contact information)

1) Don Neufeld's Letter to Anna Eshoo 12/22/2003
NAFSA update 3/11/2004

Jane to kashmir
Dear (my name),

The liaision work I do is for members of NAFSA who are affiliated with an educational institution. I do not do liaison for the general public or for private organizations. Please continue to work with the CSC on your own.


kashmir to Jane
Hi, Jane,

I understand your working for NAFSA members,
and I haven't asked you to support our litigation against the CSC.

The reason why I sent you Don Neufeld's Letter was:
if some members are suffering from I-485 processing delay at the CSC,
you can use his letter as evidence of his promise,
so I think you can have an advantage at the discussion with the CSC.

Our litigation covers all Employment Based I-485 applicants as class members.
If you have EB I-485 applicants, we may support them.


(my name)
(my contact information)
Jane to kashmir
Dear (my name),

You are correct in that I did not understand your position in sending me the previous email message. Thank you for giving NAFSA current information about I-485 processing. I will discuss its relevance to our meeting with my colleagues. However, once again let me state my position that I only do liaision work for NAFSA members. Attorneys liaison with the CSC through the American Immigration Lawyers Association.


Jane Kalionzes
Originally posted by theWarrior
OK, I will draft an e-mail to Arnold and will start a new thread on this in next couple of days.
Hi, theWarrir,
How is it going ?
I'm looking forward to your new campaign to Gov. Schwarzenegger.
Based on your conversation with Jane seems like atleast they will discuss this in CSC liason meeting.
If she even asks one question she will write in her meeting minutes which are pretty upto date on the NAFSA liason website.
I will shortly put the link to those minutes inspite of her saying they do not discuss 485 issues they did ask questions about that.
I will shortly paste the link and relevent text in the message.
nafsa/csc november meeting 2003 minutes

Question 2 Part 1: Adjustment of status applications seem not to have been a recent priority for any of the Service Centers. Please comment on why this has been so and when is this going to change?

Answer: Prior to October our priorities were on adjudicating the 360s and related 485s for the religious workers since that program was sun setting. There will be another priority for the Service Center to adjudicate many of the I-765s related to TPS applications and this will also require resources that might otherwise be applied to the I-485s up through March of next year.

Question 2 Part 2: In this regard, what should we do about our scholars with pending 485s who have expired or soon to expire fingerprints?

Answer: Those with expired prints will be rescheduled. No action is needed on your part.

Question 2 Part 3: In that regard, is there something that Division 1 would like us to do to assist in 485 adjudication?

Answer: As far as assistance, I would recommend keeping the addresses and attorneys current.
Question 3 Part 1: It seems to many universities that the outstanding researcher EB category has gotten harder to satisfy in the last 12 months. Please comment.
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Lets Ask Jane to follow up on these questions which were asked in Nov 2003.
This is only chance we have