NSC / St. Paul ( MN) timeline


From what i have read, there could be too big a line for this after
the ceremony.
right now i am inclined to apply at the post office may be the next day.
how about you?

Btw, I was exploring the web site of bethel college. They have a page
for calendar events


It does not list the 10th. what am i missing? do you think it is
just an omission on their part?

July 2006 Events
15 Alumni Event: Twins BB Game and Pre-Game Picnic, 4:15 p.m., Metrodome, Minneapolis, Minn.

19 Immigration Naturalization Service, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Benson Great Hall

20-23 Bethel Summer Community Musical: The Mystery of Edwin Drood
I think these dates are not right, it should be the 10th instead of the 19th.
The federal courts website lists the 10th with 2 ceremonies at Bethel.
In any way it's the USCIS problem and they better take care of it.

DO you know how long the ceremony takes once it starts?
I'm going to do the same and apply at the post office the next day.
I found the following info in one of the earlier posts in this thread.
So iam guessing about 3 hours!! There were always be some
people who will show up late :rolleyes:

< copied from earlier post >
Naturalization Oath Ceremony: February 15, 2006 (Minneapolis)
We were asked to report at 8:30 am. When reached at 8:00 am there were about 500+ people ahead of us in the line. I thought some of the officials managing the line could have been more polite. Some of the attendees had issues and questions and had trouble expressing themselves clearly in English. I overheard an official asking, "How did you pass your interview?" Beyond that point - from the time we actually checked in - everyone was very warm and welcoming. My wife and I were assigned separate seats initially. It was very easy to get that changed so that we could sit together. The ceremony began at 11:00 am when everyone was checked in and seated. (We had to surrender our green cards.) It was over by 11:45. We walked out with the other 1240 brand new citizens (from 200 countries), naturalization certificates in hand. We were unable to stick around to shake hands with the judge as we had to rush out to turn our passport applications in (remember the trip abroad?).
hi friends,
I attended my oath yesterday. It was a good experience.
Even though I reached about 45 minutes early, the lines
were too long already. It took a long time to get everyone
seated and i think the whole thing lasted about 3.5 hours.

Minoush, did you attend the afternoon ceremony?
how was your experience?

I do have one question about the certificate that they
give you. It asks us to sign our full name. however, i found
the following info on the web..

You need to sign the certificate with your name exactly as it appears on the certificate. Don’t use the same abbreviated signature you use to sign checks, letters, or credit-card slips. For example, if the name on the certificate appears as John James Doe, then sign exactly like that "John James Doe." Even if you sign your name as John Doe or J. Doe or J.J. Doe, don’t sign it that way. To repeat, sign your name exactly as it appears on your Certificate of Naturalization. If you previously signed the photograph that is mounted to your Certificate of Naturalization, then sign your certificate using the exact same signature you used to sign your photograph, even if that signature does not match the full name shown on your certificate.

In my case, the officer did have me sign my photograph at the time
of interview. the signature was not my full name, but the regular
signature (not an abbreviation, but a regular signature).
at the time of interview, did you guys sign on your picture with
your full name or you regular signature?

so from reading the above information it appears that i should be signing
my certificate as i signed my photo. correct? any suggestions?

thanks. wish you all good luck.
My ceremony was at 2pm in Bethel college as well.
I got there at 12:30 and there was a huge line, by 1pm everybody was seated. we were done by 14h45, but it took another half an hour to get out of the parking lot as too many people were trying to leave at the same time.
we were 645 new citizens, from 80 countries. what was amazing is at the end you could go and take your picture with the judge. lo and behold most of the people were heading out trying to beat the rush. we were 20 people or so trying to take a picture.
On the way home I stopped by the post office and applied for the blue book. I did have to sign my name in the certificate in order for it to be valid. I paid for expedited service. I would advise against it especially if you have time in your hands, i heard of people getting their passports through normal processing in 2 weeks. I just couldn't take that chance as I'm going home in 3 weeks.

Benign, congrats man!! i don't know what to tell you. there was an insert with the certificate that talked about signing it. I guess that you should follow what's in their. be careful you want to make sure you do it right, it takes a year to get a replacement certificate. my gut feeling tells me that you have to sign your name as it spelled out in cursive letters. just a guess.

Good luck to everyone. now it's time to move to the K1 board. suxs to be an INS slave for life.
thanks Minoush. congrats to you too.

we too faced long lines of cars in the parking lot on our way out.
for most people, it must have felt like freedom at last.. :)
Interview done. When will be my oath?

I have my citizenship inverview done on June 27th and received 'Congratulations you have been recommended letter' at bloomington (minneapolis/st.paul MN) after the interview. I have seen that some people who were interviewed on the same day at the same location have already had their oath ceremony done (on july 10th).

I tried to check my case status online and entered my lin number but I get 'case status can't be found' error.

Can any one tell what I should do?

PD : march 8th
ID : June 27th (recommended for citizenship)
oath : haven't received yet.

Don't worry, I was surprised i made the cut for july 10th. as a matter of fact given that we were seated serially. I was in the last row. I'm sure you will be getting an oath appointment for the August ceremony
the online system doesn't show anything.
If you don't get a letter come August 1st, take an infopass to see an officer

Good luck to you
Oath ceremony ion August 16th. Letter not received though.


I called the 1800 number and I was told that my oath ceremony is scheduled to August 16th and I should receive a letter any time.

PD : march
FP : april
ID : June 27th
oath : aug 16th
Here is my st paul n400 timeline

1. Application Mailed(USPS Express): 09-May-2006
2. Application Received : 10-May-2006
3. Check Cashed : 15-Mar-2006
4. Priority Date : 10-May-2006
5. NOA Date : 19-May-2006
6. NOA Mailed : 19-May-2006
7. NOA Received : 24-May-2006
8. FP Notice Received : 15-Jun-2006
9. FP Notice Mailed : 12-Jun-2006
10. FP Scheduled : 28-Jun-2006
11. ID Received: 15-Jul-2006
12. ID scheduled: 21-Aug-2006
Sushil, you got your interview letter, correct?

I was just not sure what updates were you looking for?

btw, my wife got an interview appt for 8/24.

good luck.
Timeline update- St Paul DO

Here is my N-400 timeline update:

4/11/06: PD
4/20/06: Check Cashed
5/30/06: FP Notice
6/17/06: FP Scheduled
8/03/06: ID Scheduled.

Good luck to everyone.

I have read that some places people has same day interview and oath, Is there anyone who heard about that for citizenship?
Interview Done

I just got done with interview this afternoon. It went pretty smooth besides officer asked my marriage certificate which i didn't have it at that time so i had to come back and get it from home.

He asked my around 20-25 question and ask me write single sentence. That's about it.

Now i am waiting for Oath letter. Is anyone received Oath letter for August 16th. I am just wondering whether i will get August 16th or not because i am traveling oversear in first of september.
glad to hear that your interview went smoothly.

Did you get a form saying 'congratulations, you have been approved'
at the end?

If your case was approved, you can expect to get a oath letter in a week
to 10 days (to 2 weeks). That has been my observation with St.paul

btw, was your gc/n-400 based on marriage or employment?
my wife's interview is on 24th and I am trying to gather docs for her.
Our marriage certificate has incorrect name... :(

thanks and good luck.
saint paul

my green card was based DV category. I got form says that you are recommened for citizenship. i am hoping for august 16th oath but lets see what will happen?