NSC Approvals Tracking Part VII -- Starting Feb. 18, 2002

I am still waiting for my approval. I am anxiously waiting for my approval

I am also going for CP to Chennai. So, when do you expect to get your CP date? I am hoping to hear the good news sometime this week.
What is going on no recent NSC approvals..

I am not seeing any approvals in recent days, is NSC is busy in processing TSC transfered cases.

Please post your approvals.
New to I-140

My I-140 application was just sent on Feb-21-2002.Could someone please let me know what is the AVM phone number to check the status ?
Will cases from TX burn NSC?

I am goin got file my I140 very soon to NSC. I just heard that lots of TSC cases are transfered to NSC. Just wondering what will happen to our waiting time?
NSC timings have already gone haywire.

It\'s like plugging one hole only to find another unplugged; the system does not gain from it in any way.
did u get approval?????????


  Did u get the approval?
  Mine is-

  Do u have any idea what\'s going on at NSC?

to greencardaspirer


 My previous message was to u.

U & Yr company seems to be very fast

I think U got yr Hard copy on 02/20. How come u snet I-140 forms oon 2/21.? If so, Your company,Your lawyer are exceptionally meticulous. Congrats for haveing people like that.

Wheras, My HC rcvd on 02/12. Only y.day my Company has received it. God knows when they will send that to INS via lawyer again?????

Congrats..... try to reply how u have manged to be taht quick>?
Hai Sri-IL

I work for a small consulting company, about 50 employees.As I learned from DOL about my labor approval I got the papers ready (from attorney),got it signed thru employer and returned back to attorney.
As soon as attorney received hard copy from DOL, she mailed I-140 application.
Actually somebody in this forum suggested the same.Thanks for this forum and all the participants for all the information sharing and best of luck for you.
Entering this thread!

Attorney received the hardcopy from DOL last week. Getting ready to file. Glad to see familiar people on the thread- at the same time, worried to see prolonged processing times. Will post when appln is mailed.
friend got approved

I checked my friend\'s AVM last night and it was approved.
His case transfered from TSC on 02/06/02
NSC ND 02/11/02
AD 02/26/02

I am still waiting for mine.
Hi Rajeev Kumar

mine is also same. Attorney received the hardcopy from DOL last week. Getting ready to file. I will post when application is mailed.
Approval after transferred to NSC from TSC

My I-140 EB3 (Other) has finnally been approved.
RD @ TSC 07/16/01
Internally transferred from TSC to NSC by INS 02/06/02
RD @ NSC 02/11/02
AD @ NSC 02/25/02
Iam now sure that NSC is totally concentrating on TSC cases - We NSC guys

got caught in middle of this. My ND is 3-jan-02.. Since Nov guys are still waiting I think it will be while before I hear anything from NSC..

BTW.. congrats to TSC guys who got their approval after loooooong wait..
So, hang in there guys....Our day will come....