NSC approvals Tracking: Part V

Filing I140

Can i file I140 from NSC taking the approved labour from TSC ?
FYI, my company has headquaters in chicago.Also i am waiting for my hardcopy of labour filed in chicago.Since it\'s taking more than a month to get a hardcopy from chicago, i am thinking of filing my I140 from NSC with labour from TSC.
Please reply.
All service centers are under audit

I heard from my lawyer, that October is the month for the yearly audit for all service centers. So, that is why there has been a lot of delays in getting approvals.....

My 2 cents worth of information.
For Badhsa - I think your employer is responsible for the fare back to India

I am not sure what the rule citation is. When the employer signs on the form I-129 for H-1, he/she also signs on a statement that he/she will be responsible for the fare back under sonme circumstances (and I believe that includes lay offs) - Look up a blank form I-129 and see what the statement says. The employer certifies under oath so he/she has to abide by that.

If you have a copy of your H-1 petition filed by your emplyer, it should have the staement as well as their signature.

Double check with a lawyer
How Long

I got a request for additional information from INS and they received it on 8th Nov, normally how long it takes to process this kind of request.
Venus: yaid:

Currently processing September 3rd week cases according to my attorney, based on RD or ND? please explain. Thanks