Ok thank you! It is difficult for me to get to the SSA as it is not that close, I don;t have the car during the day, I have 2 toddlers, and DH has trouble getting time off work to take me.
So instead of getting the one with conditions attached and then going to get it again, I'll just wait until after the interview and go once - my interview is only 2.5 weeks away.
I think this would be a wise decision.
OH - just thought of a few things:
1. If I am a stay-at-home-mum and don;t work, does it really matter if my SSN has the condition attached?
It shouldn't matter but it is important to keep you SSN updated with your current immigration status.
2. Can I get it changed at any time (like after I get my NY license and can drive there myself in say 6 months time)?
I don't think it would create problems but get it changed whenever possible.
3. Can you go and get the card without conditions attached as soon as you have done your interview, or do you have to wait until you get the GC? If that is the case, I might just go ahead an apply - I want the ssn not for working, but for getting my driving license and for generating my own credit reports (we are hoping to get a house by the summer). Having the conditions on the card wouldn't really matter if I can go and apply to have it removed at a much later date.
I don't think I can update the SSN with my passport stamp (the stamp of approval). I will have to wait for the physical card.
The SSN with or without conditions can be used to apply for bank accounts, driver's license etc. - it shouldn't be a problem.