Non RIR Discussion Only !

Does EB2/EB3 play a role in Labour

I have been told by attorney that EB2/EB3 do NOT play any role is fastening Labour Cert. It's only RIR / Non-RIR that matters.

Is that correct? Can someone please clarify this.
K2004 said:
RIR converted to TR
ETA #D-05115-XXXXX
PD - 03/07/01
RD - 01/XX/04
45 Day Letter :9/2/2005
45 Day Letter Replied : 9/9/2005
45 Day Letter :2/22/2006
45 Day Letter Replied : xx/xx/2006
Certified Date : ??????

Yes. I got 45 days letter again. What does this mean? :confused: Have any of you received it more than once?



ARe you lucky or not enough? People are waiting for one 45 day letter to

come and you got two! well your PD looks pretty old Can't understand whats

going on in Dallas BPC. I was hoping to get my 45 day letter soon, but it

looks like there is no hope in 2006. Anyways Good luck!!!
I am trying to find that out from the Attorney and will post as soon as I get to know that. Meanwhile I received the BRC case # which starts with
D-xxxxxxxxxx my guess is that it means Dallas.

txtramdream said:
Hi there,

Do you happen to know which BEC is handling your case? California's cases were split into these 2 BECs. Your 45-day letter should say which one is handling yours.

Thank you.
bala_su said:
Just to inform everyone that received 45 day letter on 28 Feb 2006.

Thanks for all the posts been reading everyday. Can anyone tell how long it will take from here to get an approval ?

PD : 03-03-2003

hi bala_su:

gratz on your 45 day letter. at least you are one step closer.

looking at your pd i would think you should hear something towards the end of 2006 or early 2007. this is only my guess.

hope this helps...good luck~

WhatALabor said:
Hi shagua

Thank you for the kind words, But it is very frustrating to see an organization who are supposed to monitor and streamline the workforce of the country is making this kind of flaws in their job, it is quite a paradox; and where does their credibility stands as far as a fair and proper analysis of applications are concerned; on which the future of thousands of applicants hangs,(One of my friends received his case closed from the BEC for not responding to 45DL which neither the employer nor the Attorney received). Btw I am almost there in getting the documents from my home town so I am not in a hurry; without which I do not think I could complete the filing of the next stage of GC. Thank you for your support in the forum. I am not able to visit the forum as frequently as before.

Also did you have a RFE or NOF at the state level?.

I appreciate your answer in advance and keep up your good work here, God bless you.


hi WAL:

yes i did get RFE at the state level right after i applied my labor in 2001. state questioned the existence of my company which i provided business license and tax returns. and they also questioned my experience saying that the position doesn't require one year experience. i went on and found similar job title and provided to state that the position does require at least 1 year of experience.

hope this helps...

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K2004 said:
RIR converted to TR
ETA #D-05115-XXXXX
PD - 03/07/01
RD - 01/XX/04
45 Day Letter :9/2/2005
45 Day Letter Replied : 9/9/2005
45 Day Letter :2/22/2006
45 Day Letter Replied : xx/xx/2006
Certified Date : ??????

Yes. I got 45 days letter again. What does this mean? :confused: Have any of you received it more than once?


hi k2004:

i think you should ask the attorney to contact BEC regarding this. they should only based on one of the 45 day letter. it's their internal error and they should be able to correct this. BEC won't give out case status but errors like this they will fix it. maybe both your RIR and TR are open....if RIR is still open for you, it would be better off to stick with RIR since BEC is working faster on RIR.

just my opinion...consult attorney first.

yawningyoda said:
I have been told by attorney that EB2/EB3 do NOT play any role is fastening Labour Cert. It's only RIR / Non-RIR that matters.

Is that correct? Can someone please clarify this.

hi yawningyoda:

your attorney is right. labor do NOT play any role in labor stage.

labor approval depends on the job title, education, recruitment. in other words, BEC is only looking at whether American needs your position to be filled by a foreigner. :)

Dallas BEC it is


Dallas BEC it is. Based on the knowledge of reading posts from this great forum: D- means it is in Dallas. P- means it is in Philly. T- means the data entry is incomplete (i.e. if you are in the state of California, you will not know which center is handling your case.)

You can draw this conclusion from a great tracker that was maintained by JustWatching, now mvinays. It is a great source to get trend analysis and guess what the BEC may be up to.

Here's the link to the latest tracker that mvinays posted.

bala_su said:
I am trying to find that out from the Attorney and will post as soon as I get to know that. Meanwhile I received the BRC case # which starts with
D-xxxxxxxxxx my guess is that it means Dallas.
Labor Approved !! NON-RIR

My attorney gave me good news and I also received approval letter in mail from Dallas BEC. My 3 years 5 months of waiting became fruitful now. Good luck to all waiting.

PD: Oct 2, 2002
Occupation code: 030-062-010
45 Day letter received: 2/17/2005
Case #: D-05019-33***

Approval letter sent on: Feb 21, 2006
Approval received: March 02 2006

Thanks everyone for sharing & updating info on this great web site.

Also came to know about another approval in my company
PD: 9/11/2002
Approval received: last week of Feb, 2006
m_omaha said:
My attorney gave me good news and I also received approval letter in mail from Dallas BEC. My 3 years 5 months of waiting became fruitful now. Good luck to all waiting.

PD: Oct 2, 2002
Occupation code: 030-062-010
45 Day letter received: 2/17/2005
Case #: D-05019-33***

Approval letter sent on: Feb 21, 2006
Approval received: March 02 2006

Thanks everyone for sharing & updating info on this great web site.

Also came to know about another approval in my company
PD: 9/11/2002
Approval received: last week of Feb, 2006


Great news buddy. Can you please tell from which state did you apply?
Congratulations, you fortunate one........

Couple of Qs -
Was your appl. already at the regional level?
Did your company receive Recruitment instructions from the BEC ?


PD June 2002
45Days letter - Oct '05
State: Nebraska
Application moved to regional(Chicago) around Sept 2003
Company did not receive any Recruitment instructions from BEC.

I also heard another approval in different company (non-rir/Nebraska) last month of PD 2002 (July or Aug) so hang on guys. Yours must be coming along any day.
congrats omaha!

m_omaha said:
State: Nebraska
Application moved to regional(Chicago) around Sept 2003
Company did not receive any Recruitment instructions from BEC.

I also heard another approval in different company (non-rir/Nebraska) last month of PD 2002 (July or Aug) so hang on guys. Yours must be coming along any day.

finally some movement for Nonrir cases.
can you share more info about the other aproval from nebraska. did the case move to regional?
m_omaha said:
State: Nebraska
Application moved to regional(Chicago) around Sept 2003
Company did not receive any Recruitment instructions from BEC.

I also heard another approval in different company (non-rir/Nebraska) last month of PD 2002 (July or Aug) so hang on guys. Yours must be coming along any day.

hi m_omaha:

big congrat on your approval!! this is so encouraging to friends in the thread.

you didn't get any recruitment because you already finish recruitment before it went to regional.

very happy for you..

Did you get 45 notice from Dallas?
Mine has the same pd date as yours, non-rir EB2 from CA.
I haven't received 45 days notice yet.

bala_su said:
Just to inform everyone that received 45 day letter on 28 Feb 2006.

Thanks for all the posts been reading everyday. Can anyone tell how long it will take from here to get an approval ?

PD : 03-03-2003
I send e-mail to PHI and Dallas. I never get response from Dallas. I got E-mail from PHI. It is said that my case is with Dallas.
No more new story.

CA non RIR PD:mar 03,2003
I guess EB2.

no 45 days notice.

March_2002 said:
Mine is from Philadelphia BEC.

What about you?
Anybody from California?

I am so glad that somebody from california closer to my P.D got a 45 days letter . My PD is actually 2/13/03, my collegues P.D is may2002/nonrir/eb3 and we both didn't get 45 days letters. So can anybody shed somelight if bala_su case is picked up according to timeline ( I know that is really wishful thinking) or he happens to be one very lucky guy from California?


bala_su said:
Just to inform everyone that received 45 day letter on 28 Feb 2006.

Thanks for all the posts been reading everyday. Can anyone tell how long it will take from here to get an approval ?

PD : 03-03-2003
As I observed from several backlog track thread,
If bala_su got his 45 days notice from Dallas, He is one of very lucy guy from CA.
Dallas backlog center strongly discriminate non-rir cases. Phi sent out more 45 days notices to non-rir cases than Dallas did.

pd: mar 03,2003
EB2, non RIR

I am so glad that somebody from california closer to my P.D got a 45 days letter . My PD is actually 2/13/03, my collegues P.D is may2002/nonrir/eb3 and we both didn't get 45 days letters. So can anybody shed somelight if bala_su case is picked up according to timeline ( I know that is really wishful thinking) or he happens to be one very lucky guy from California?


Yes it is from Dallas.

I am sure there must have been more 45 day letters out there for CA. It is just that the info is not coming out here on the forum.
Hang in there everyone. Good luck to us all.

PD : Mar 03
45 DL Feb06

mamalabor said:
Did you get 45 notice from Dallas?
Mine has the same pd date as yours, non-rir EB2 from CA.
I haven't received 45 days notice yet.
Thanks for the infi,

Is your recruitment done?



CA Non RIR: PD 10/9/03 transferred from state, no 45 day lett. eb2