Non RIR Discussion Only !

indianpresent said:
I talked to my attorney day before. Should we consider RIR conversion ? I asked. He doesn't recommend it. I basically don't trust BEC, he said.

EB2-MA-PERM-NOV/06 - approved.
Do you trust your attorney? :)
RIR Conversion process..


I am in the same boat, My adds in the news paper were done, now we are sending an intent to convert mail to BEC.

The adds in the news paper did not mention salary, is that a requirement for RIR adds, attorney said it is not required.
Only the job order posted with SWA will have the salary and that has to be done again if it is already done or some thing like that.

In your case does the print or website add mention salary?

Any info on this would be apreciated very much.

Also some one mentioned that we can find the prevailing wage in some website any idea what is that site.

gcez said:
I have been a silent spectator to this wonderful forum for long.
Lucky7 - My attorney also said the same thing.

(1) After Oct 06 release of FAQ for conversion from TR to RIR my recruitment efforts were started- Paper ads done and Company website ad done. My attorney wants to do one more ad and before that could be done, Dec 22 06 - 'Hold Harmless' Memo was released.
My attorney so put off the third mode of ad saying, after we send the intent to convert email, BEC will send us the prevailing wage and if that happens to be more than what was stated in 750A and/or Ads already done, those ads will have to be scrapped and redone. So, attorney did not want to waste one more mode of ad before hearing from the BEC.
Intent to convert email was sent two days ago for my case.

(2)My attorney also brought up another point saying, now The DOL defines job opportunities appropriate for RIR conversion as any position that has an SOC code falling into the following.

"in-(high)-demand" occupations, as listed on O*NET (browse by job family)

"high-growth industries" as identified by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA)

any position/s identified by a State Workforce Agency (SWA) as in-demand or shortage occupation/s

IF the industry and the underlying jobs for the industry is not in any of those, DOL could deny conversion.
t to d

u were right coolmaro. Today I changed T to D and case shows as in process.
BTW, there was some delay in receiving 45 day letter although it was sent on time. Reply was made again to DAL and my case was reinstated with original priority date. (thats the email from DAL to attorney)

My attorney told us NO to RIR conversion. He still thinks that waiting is safer than conversion.



You said you submitted your conversion 2 days ago. is it 1/3/2007 or 2 days before 12/22/2006? My attorney said they need to submit conversion request email first. But when I ask him about prevailing wage issue, he did not reply directly, he only said since my recruitment effort has been done, the prevailing wage is valid. I am very concerning that BEC spent a couple of monthes to reply the conversion email, then when time reach summer, we submit our conversion. then it takes for ever.

thank you for your information.

bpc2001 said:
First, I have never heard of anything from BEC is needed for RIR conversion. My conversion was submitted 2 days ago. They did the recruitment, then prepared some documents and submit. I am working in a big company and everybody is following the same procedure. I suggest that you consult with a different attorney. I remember that you can even check prevailing wage through a website.

Second, if it is true that they got the extension, it is the worst news of the new year! These stupid DOL people!
One Non-RIR case my company got approved without any recruitment effort, it was a remanded case though.

stuck2001 said:
I saw approvals of couple of my friend's remanded cases 2001 ( EB3, CA, Jun. and Dec. ) since last week. They did not do RIR conversion or PERM conversion.

I saw my ad on AJB almost a month ago. My lawyer did not inform me about any recruitment instruction yet.

GOD know what is in store for me ?
Waitingfor4+yrs said:
What does remanded case mean?

A bunch of cases (like mine) were orignally (in 2001) filed as RIR but because of bad economy in 2002 they (DOL-Fed) converted them to Non-Rir asking for more recruitment. Many of those cases were later recalled by DOL and processed as RIR but some unfortunate ones were stuck as Non-Rir and never picked up. We are the unlucky remanded ones still waiting for someone to look at our case.
How long does job ad stays on AJB ?

It has been a month since I saw my job ad on AJB. How long does it stays there, any experience ?

I did not hear about recruitment instruction yet from my lawyer !

Fianlly after 5 and a half years my May 29, 2001 labor is certified!
Mine was a remanded case and it was certified without any ads, I did not ask for conversion and did not ask DOL to treat it as RIR either.
I did write a lot of letters to DOL and Senators and Congresswoman but that was long time back and I don't think that helped much.
I really really wish everyone who is still stuck best of luck, especially the remanded cases, there is no one else who can understand this pain more.
I haven't received the papers yet, just checked it online today.
Once i get the papers I will let you know.
Gosh, this is unbelievable, I hope next stages are quick, hope to start my new life soon.
Best Regards.
Days_go_by said:
Fianlly after 5 and a half years my May 29, 2001 labor is certified!
Mine was a remanded case and it was certified without any ads, I did not ask for conversion and did not ask DOL to treat it as RIR either.
I did write a lot of letters to DOL and Senators and Congresswoman but that was long time back and I don't think that helped much.
I really really wish everyone who is still stuck best of luck, especially the remanded cases, there is no one else who can understand this pain more.
I haven't received the papers yet, just checked it online today.
Once i get the papers I will let you know.
Gosh, this is unbelievable, I hope next stages are quick, hope to start my new life soon.
Best Regards.

Let me be the one to congratulate you, if not first one. I would also extend my thank to you for your past interest in raising the fund (which never got implemented anyways), but your participant was indeed great in overcoming BECs fear.

Good luck for your all the further steps.
Days_go_by said:
Fianlly after 5 and a half years my May 29, 2001 labor is certified!
Mine was a remanded case and it was certified without any ads, I did not ask for conversion and did not ask DOL to treat it as RIR either.
I did write a lot of letters to DOL and Senators and Congresswoman but that was long time back and I don't think that helped much.
I really really wish everyone who is still stuck best of luck, especially the remanded cases, there is no one else who can understand this pain more.
I haven't received the papers yet, just checked it online today.
Once i get the papers I will let you know.
Gosh, this is unbelievable, I hope next stages are quick, hope to start my new life soon.
Best Regards.
Thanks a million for sharing info. It will give some hope to me. My remanded case is from July 2001.

I also did things similar to you. But, I think, DOL, senators don't care. Is it sign of reduction of quality of life in US, I am not sure ? Whole this mess removed my illusion about US system's fairness and efficiency. It reminds of how I have dealt in most of third world government offices.
I feel that I may see light at the end of the tunnel. Got a NOF couple of weeks back, that was responded to immediately.

At least, case is now with an anlayst - and hope for favorable resolution.

I wouldn't have cared if they had rejected my case, but they should do so in a timely manner.

This back and forth as far as dispostion of my case (State to DOL, then back to State when remanded from RIR to Traditional, then tranfer to BEC) and lack of transparency has been sheer torture.

Yes, I feel DOL is more dysfunctional than the worst government department in any third world country.
Days Go By

Congratulations.. Good luck in your hopefully shorter journey from now on.

I have received recruitment instructions for my case from June 2001 couple of days back.

Filed in TX
Priority : EB3 RIR June 2001
Remand date : Jan 2003
45 day letter : Oct 2005
Recruitment ins : Jan 2007
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RIR Conversion

Hi Guru,
My employer emailed for the conversion on this friday but he has already given 3 ads on 3 differernt webs running since Dec 22nd and one print ad in LA Times on Sunday 31st.And as per the FAQ one is supposed to submit all the apperwork by April 1. Pl. let me know how many more prints ads are required and secondly does it matter if BEC send you the reply back for the prvailing wages sooner or later.Is it a smart step to get converted. This really frustrates me. My PD is
April 30th 2001
Dallas D-0511*-*****

Just let me know waht to do next


Recruitment period

NJ_unbelievable said:
Thanks Wait4LaborNJ.

We have the same AJB posted date and I know my RI received date is 12/4/06. But I don't know my recruitment period. Do you know your recruitment period?

Thanks again for sharing your info
My recruitment period was to end by Jan 8, that's all HR told me.
I will post again, if I hear anything.

Best of luck,
Congratulations Days_go_by !!!

This is great news dbg, especially for the remanded cases. Hope all of us hear this great news for our cases soon.

Days_go_by said:
Fianlly after 5 and a half years my May 29, 2001 labor is certified!
Mine was a remanded case and it was certified without any ads, I did not ask for conversion and did not ask DOL to treat it as RIR either.
I did write a lot of letters to DOL and Senators and Congresswoman but that was long time back and I don't think that helped much.
I really really wish everyone who is still stuck best of luck, especially the remanded cases, there is no one else who can understand this pain more.
I haven't received the papers yet, just checked it online today.
Once i get the papers I will let you know.
Gosh, this is unbelievable, I hope next stages are quick, hope to start my new life soon.
Best Regards.
remandedDude said:

I am in the same boat, My adds in the news paper were done, now we are sending an intent to convert mail to BEC.

The adds in the news paper did not mention salary, is that a requirement for RIR adds, attorney said it is not required.
Only the job order posted with SWA will have the salary and that has to be done again if it is already done or some thing like that.

In your case does the print or website add mention salary?

Any info on this would be apreciated very much.

Also some one mentioned that we can find the prevailing wage in some website any idea what is that site.

Yes, my newspaper ad & wesite ad have salary in them. I do not know if they are required or not. The ads were basically worded by the attorney from my 750A.
I do not know the way to find the prevailing wage, if there is one.

My attorney did tell something like, unlike in the past, now BEC can tell us under what classification, the job will fall under and accordingly the prevailing wage will be determined....(I did not understand this part much..) Any one throwing light on this will be greatly appreicated. thanks

Thank you very much for the info , i will try to find out from my attorney, but i just wanted to cross check with some other source also.

gcez said:
Yes, my newspaper ad & wesite ad have salary in them. I do not know if they are required or not. The ads were basically worded by the attorney from my 750A.
I do not know the way to find the prevailing wage, if there is one.

My attorney did tell something like, unlike in the past, now BEC can tell us under what classification, the job will fall under and accordingly the prevailing wage will be determined....(I did not understand this part much..) Any one throwing light on this will be greatly appreicated. thanks