Non RIR Discussion Only !

How long before adjudication?

I have been following a few TR cases that were advertized for on AJB on/around 22 Sept 2006. It has been 3 months and none of these cases have been approved (dol site says "in process"). Just makes me wonder how long it takes from the time your ad is posted on AJB until certification. Any one here has a successfully approved TR case? How long did it take from the time job ad was posted on ajb?
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4 - 5 months?

I recall a couple guys here posted that the whole recuitment period takes about 3 months. So 3 1/2 months won't be enough for the final certification. I would guess give it aonther 1 month we can see some of them got approved. Please keep us updated when you see any approved ones.

shanpai said:
I have been following a few TR cases that were advertized for on AJB on/around 22 Sept 2006. It has been 3 1/2 months and none of these cases have been approved (dol site says "in process"). Just makes me wonder how long it takes from the time your ad is posted on AJB until certification. Any one here has a successfully approved TR case? How long did it take from the time job ad was posted on ajb?
Very little approved from DBEC of late August AJB posting

I did the same research as shanpai did recently (but only spot-checking based on the Excel that roddy posted )

Some of those starting posted on 8/29/06 got Certified. Example:
D-05209-55557, D-05115-70520, D-05124-93008.

So, I guess 3.5 -5 months after the initial posting on AJB seem to be the reasonable timeframe to find the decision.

so_depressed said:
I recall a couple guys here posted that the whole recuitment period takes about 3 months. So 3 1/2 months won't be enough for the final certification. I would guess give it aonther 1 month we can see some of them got approved. Please keep us updated when you see any approved ones.
snap-shot from state to region

Hi guys !
My snap-shot was incomplete (some fields were not populated) and incorrect (State instead of Region) for almost a year. Recently, my lawyers contacted the DOL to fix the State to Region problem. Well, after one month of the request my snap-shot is now completed -all fields populated- and better yet corrected -Region instead of State-........any ideas if this means they are finally working on it ?????????. My PD is 01/02...........

How to check AJB for an add

Tired 072001 said:
I think yes mine is also in Aug 2001 , and I saw my job posted on AJB this week, so look like they finally are moving . I hope they will do this as I am in 8th year.

How do we check the adds on AJB. Please point me to the post if some one has already covered this on some thread.

Thanks in advance
I plugged in some numbers from Roddy's excel sheet. So far the job ad for the latest approved case is dated 9/15/06. So I am assuming it takes approximately 3 months from the time your ad is posted on AJB. Although, there a few cases older than 9/15 that are still pending. So let's say 3 1/2 months? This is for DBEC. I am not sure about PBEC.

txtramdream said:
I did the same research as shanpai did recently (but only spot-checking based on the Excel that roddy posted )

Some of those starting posted on 8/29/06 got Certified. Example:
D-05209-55557, D-05115-70520, D-05124-93008.

So, I guess 3.5 -5 months after the initial posting on AJB seem to be the reasonable timeframe to find the decision.
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remandedDude said:
How do we check the adds on AJB. Please point me to the post if some one has already covered this on some thread.

Thanks in advance
1) Go to

2) Select "Company Job Id" from first drop down list.

3) Select "Partial Matches" radio buttom.

4) Now enter your ETA number WITHOUT "D-" e.g. 05173-XXXXX for Dallas BPC or WITH "P-" for Philadelphia BPC.
If posted, you can see your job and what day it was posted. If you click on
hyperlink, it will have details.
Tired 072001 said:
I think yes mine is also in Aug 2001 , and I saw my job posted on AJB this week, so look like they finally are moving . I hope they will do this as I am in 8th year.

Hang-in there! Hopefully soon you will hear news. My PD is April 2001. AJB in early september. LC approved in early Dec. Good luck!
xman_74 said:
Hang-in there! Hopefully soon you will hear news. My PD is April 2001. AJB in early september. LC approved in early Dec. Good luck!

My PD is also April 2001. Nothing yet! :mad:
I'm proposing that

Since BECs have not made the tracking web site available yet, I am proposing that all Non_RIR users of this thread to post a note when they receive their recuitment instruction with their priority date. This will give others some kind of relieve. So far we know:

Tired 072001 Aug. 2001, AJB around Dec. 12
If you have received RI

Tell your lawyer to be careful when placing your newspaper ad. This is the part of the RI that can attract the most number of prospective applicants for your job. Some newspapers automatically list the job on their website also. This is not necessary for the traditional supervised recruitment and can attract unnecessary applicants. So the lawyer or ad agency may need to specifically tell the newspaper to not list the job online.

This happened to me and my job was actually listed as 4 different positions all with the same description and file number on the website due to a glitch in the automated posting software although the job only needed to be posted in the newspaper itself.
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vsaminat said:
Tell your lawyer to be careful when placing your newspaper ad. This is the part of the RI that can attract the most number of prospective applicants for your job. Some newspapers automatically list the job on their website also. This is not necessary for the traditional supervised recruitment and can attract unnecessary applicants. So the lawyer or ad agency may need to specifically tell the newspaper to not list the job online.

This happened to me and my job was actually listed as 4 different positions all with the same description and file number on the website due to a glitch in the automated posting software although the job only needed to be posted in the newspaper itself.
Thanks for the info , My lawyer got RI instructions today so DBEC is moving, hopefully will move fast.
vsaminat said:
Tell your lawyer to be careful when placing your newspaper ad. This is the part of the RI that can attract the most number of prospective applicants for your job. Some newspapers automatically list the job on their website also. This is not necessary for the traditional supervised recruitment and can attract unnecessary applicants. So the lawyer or ad agency may need to specifically tell the newspaper to not list the job online.

This happened to me and my job was actually listed as 4 different positions all with the same description and file number on the website due to a glitch in the automated posting software although the job only needed to be posted in the newspaper itself.

unfortunately for me the ads appeared in the website too....hope it doesn't come back to bite me. :(
xman_74 said:
Hang-in there! Hopefully soon you will hear news. My PD is April 2001. AJB in early september. LC approved in early Dec. Good luck!

Congrats.... :)

how long did it take for BEC to send you resumes?
how long did it take after the BEC sent the resumes for the case to be certified....

Does anybody have an idea, how long does it take to reach to the conclusion for an application once it is posted on AJB?

xman_74 said:
Hang-in there! Hopefully soon you will hear news. My PD is April 2001. AJB in early september. LC approved in early Dec. Good luck!

Mine was posted yesterday.

Can you please give us details how the whole process worked for you.

Much appreciated!
Goodphysq, could you please specify your PD and which BEC your case is stuck in? This would help others to know where the BEC is working at for TR cases.

goodphysq said:
Mine was posted yesterday.

Can you please give us details how the whole process worked for you.

Much appreciated!