Non RIR Discussion Only !

Update on MI Non-IRI case

Per lawyer's comments adds were placed early this month.

Non-IRI, Michigan, EB3
PD = April 19, 2001
45-day Letter = April 17, 2006
45-day Replied = before May 5, 2006
Case # = D-06061-xxxxx
Adds => Sep 06
Still waiting for LC
Any details please? Like how long your ads need to be? How the results will be processed? And how the BEC will do their ad?


xman_74 said:
Per lawyer's comments adds were placed early this month.

Non-IRI, Michigan, EB3
PD = April 19, 2001
45-day Letter = April 17, 2006
45-day Replied = before May 5, 2006
Case # = D-06061-xxxxx
Adds => Sep 06
Still waiting for LC
I would say that it is very difficult to predict what BEC is going to do with our cases. In my company, I heard from my attorney that a few June 2001 cases were approved recently. (They were remanded to state thus became non-RIR.) But no recruitment instructions were received for any cases. Seems to me it's all random.

tb2904 said:
By looking at the job postings in AJB here are my observations:

1. It seems like BEC's are posting jobs that were filed during Mar-April 2001.
There are thousands of 245i cases that were filed in Mar-April 2001 due to the amnesty for out of status workers that ended in April 2001.

2. Most of the out of the status worker were non-IT workers (no stereotype but that's the fact). That would explain most of the jobs posted being non-IT jobs (cook, machine operator etc).

Cases were entered in the BEC's database by boxes shipped by State (SWA). That's the reason we cannot predict Priority dates by the case numbers. So, a case that starts with P/D-05312 may have earlier Priority date than P/D-04110.

If the above observations are correct than it would be critical to find out if anyone with the priority date AFTER April 2001 gets either a recruitment instructions or gets their job posted in AJB. Looking at the priority tracker there are some members of the NON-RIR forum that has April 2001 priority dates. I am not sure if these members are still active.

In one of the post someone mentioned that their lawyers have started receiving the recruitment instructions. It would be helpful to find the exact priority dates of those cases.
As promised...

roddy said:
Hello everyone,

I looked at all jobs posted on the and compiled a list of case numbers, hoping to find if there's any order in which the jobs were posted. The case numbers seem to be in random order, so I am guessing the jobs are posted by priority date. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell.

I am currently upgrading my laptop and do not have Excel installed. I attached the text version of the file and later this weekend I'll post the Excel version. The file includes the case number, job title and state. I hope that if we check cases in the file in a month or so, we may be able to determine how long it takes from the ad post to the final decision.

Best luck to all
To xman_74


Thanks for replying back. Few questions:

1. What is the official procedure that BEC asked your employer/lawyer to follow?
2. When did you receive the recruitment instruction?

Please keep us updated as you are the first active member of this board that has recieved the recruitment instruction.


xman_74 said:
Per lawyer's comments adds were placed early this month.

Non-IRI, Michigan, EB3
PD = April 19, 2001
45-day Letter = April 17, 2006
45-day Replied = before May 5, 2006
Case # = D-06061-xxxxx
Adds => Sep 06
Still waiting for LC
My Guess

I think DBEC will make the approval process very easy for those cases that did not receive any response from any potential candidates.

So, let's hope that no one applies for our position once the posting is made at the AJB.

Also, if most of the postings get on the system around December time frame, the number of responses would be very low because of holidays.

I personally think majority of the cases from 2001 to 2004 would be approved by the 1st quarter 2007.

Just a thought!
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In Process

I haven't got any recruitment instructions so far. I also checked about 50 cases in vicinity of my numbare, they all seem to be in 'In-Rocess' from the DOL link.

I was reviewing the excel sheet posted by Roddy (thanks a lot roddy!!).

I checked all the cases in Michigan and found that 6 out of 25 cases are "Closed" and 2 of 25 shows a "Data Review" status.

So, my question is:

Does that mean DBEC received some response for those closed cases?


Does that mean no 45-D letter response was received from the employer?

Any thoughts?
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From the # can you guess the PD's

From the posting of the jobs...can you guys guess the PD of the application...I thought somebody had a capacity to look at the #'s and make a accurate guess about the PD...
Analysts at DBEC

So far I have checked few job postings at the AJB and found the following:

1. There are 12 different suffixes associated with all the Job ID's / postings under teamexceed
2. These suffixes are: BG, CW, CAW, DA, FH, KC, KG, MC, RB, SS, TR, VP
3. I think these are initials of different analysts at the DBEC
4. I only checked 12 so far and may be there are more which needs to checked

(Can some one please keep checking to see if there are more folks out there at DBEC?)

5. This tells me that "may be" 12 people are working on all 100K cases.
Closed cases


I'll be adding a status column to the excel spreadsheet with the decision date. Do you have the case numbers that were showing as "Closed"?


MI_NonRIR said:
I was reviewing the excel sheet posted by Roddy (thanks a lot roddy!!).

I checked all the cases in Michigan and found that 6 out of 25 cases are "Closed" and 2 of 25 shows a "Data Review" status.

So, my question is:

Does that mean DBEC received some response for those closed cases?


Does that mean no 45-D letter response was received from the employer?

Any thoughts?
Texas Cases

roddy said:

I'll be adding a status column to the excel spreadsheet with the decision date. Do you have the case numbers that were showing as "Closed"?


Roddy, nice work. I checked all the Texas cases based on the Spreadsheet you set up from the DoL on-line status checking system, and found out:

1. Date Posted=8/29/06, Case#=D-05115-70872, the case status="Withdrawn".
2. Date Posted=9/15/06, Case#=D-05116-74491, the on-line status checking system cannot find this number.

All the other Texas cases are in the "In Progress" status. I think I will regularly monitor these Texas cases, and see how soon they will get certified to have a better estimate of their process timeline.

Thank you.
Thanks, txtramdream.

I checked all the states and updated the statuses. (spreadsheet is attached)
Btw, there are 1 closed, 5 withdrawn, 3 cases with "wrong" case numbers, and 1 certified!!! 2 ads refer to the same case number, though for different job titles (highlighted in red).

txtramdream said:
Roddy, nice work. I checked all the Texas cases based on the Spreadsheet you set up from the DoL on-line status checking system, and found out:

1. Date Posted=8/29/06, Case#=D-05115-70872, the case status="Withdrawn".
2. Date Posted=9/15/06, Case#=D-05116-74491, the on-line status checking system cannot find this number.

All the other Texas cases are in the "In Progress" status. I think I will regularly monitor these Texas cases, and see how soon they will get certified to have a better estimate of their process timeline.

Thank you.
roddy said:
Thanks, txtramdream.

I checked all the states and updated the statuses. (spreadsheet is attached)
Btw, there are 1 closed, 5 withdrawn, 3 cases with "wrong" case numbers, and 1 certified!!! 2 ads refer to the same case number, though for different job titles (highlighted in red).

Roddy: You have done an exceptional job, and I truely appreciate your all efforts. The one that is certified - is there we can make sure the posting date for this labor is 8/29/06? If this is the first date posted, then we can assume that within a month or less once the ad getting published in ajb will see the certification. Also, is it right that once the ad is published the resumes will go to the employer or comes directly to BEC, if it comes to BEC then it is another mess.

Just a guess, since there are dupilicate numbers for the different job catagory, I would think for multiple jobs one case number is enough? if it falls in the same location? Also, why the hell someone wants to withdraw the posting after receiving the instruction and the ad being posted in ajb? anyone know the cost of job post in ajb or its free? The website status check when it fails to find the number can be regarded as a failure to its system, the case once being entered, it should be either withdrawn, or closed or certified.
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Hats off to Roddy

roddy said:
Thanks, txtramdream.

I checked all the states and updated the statuses. (spreadsheet is attached)
Btw, there are 1 closed, 5 withdrawn, 3 cases with "wrong" case numbers, and 1 certified!!! 2 ads refer to the same case number, though for different job titles (highlighted in red).
>>>Also, why the hell someone wants to withdraw the posting after receiving the instruction and the ad being posted in ajb? anyone know the cost of job post in ajb or its free? <<<

I have a friend that withdrew his RIR application when they got certified. The simple reason was that he got his green card through marriage. One can assume that the withdrawal may be caused by either getting legalized in some other way, returned home or sadly may be deceased.
As far as the add goes, it appears to be free.
What do you think?

I would like to question your opinion as to what will happen when all of the Backlog jobs will be listed on the DOL website. The more will show, the less responses will they have. As may know, there is thousands of application from before 4/2001 that are due to be processed. And in reality, many of those people waiting for certification are already working in that or other position. I just hope that the “new” job listing will not be used politically, where they will claim thousand of new job creation. :confused:
vexlak said:
I would like to question your opinion as to what will happen when all of the Backlog jobs will be listed on the DOL website. The more will show, the less responses will they have. As may know, there is thousands of application from before 4/2001 that are due to be processed. And in reality, many of those people waiting for certification are already working in that or other position. I just hope that the “new” job listing will not be used politically, where they will claim thousand of new job creation. :confused:

The current administration has been planning to play this "job creation" game since day 1.

There will be 100K plus job openings before the election in November '06.

This will give them the opportunity to claim for the extra credit - we are just the hostage of their game plan.

So, my guess is: in 2-3 weeks thousands of jobs will be posted on the AJB site....
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MI_NonRIR said:
The current administration has been planning to play this "job creation" game since day 1.

There will be 100K plus job openings before the election in November '06.

This will give them the opportunity to claim for the extra credit - we are just the hostage of their game plan.

So, my guess is, wait for another 2-3 weeks - you'll see thousands of jobs on the AJB site....

CArl ROWE all over again... :eek: