Non RIR Discussion Only !

Track your case

so_depressed said:
How come we are both EB3/Non_RIR, your PD is 2005 and my PD is April 2002 and have not got my 45 DL? I know they are not doing FIFO but this is way too much!!! This is not about you, please do not feel bad. Congrats to you.

Have your lawyer ask the BEC for a screenshot of your case. The wise folks at the BEC have been known to close cases at random

Thanks jack_b_uta, I already had a sceen shot last week and showed no progress.

jack_b_uta said:
Have your lawyer ask the BEC for a screenshot of your case. The wise folks at the BEC have been known to close cases at random

Whats going on here?

txtramdream said:

Fula149 is a RIR remand case. So it is very possible that he does not need to go through the recruit again.

So let me get this straight. Any case that was filed as RIR and then remanded as NON-RIR is now being treated as RIR? So why remand it to NON RIR in the first place? Another thing... They say that current NON RIR cases will have to do recruitment based on current prevailing wage. However these cases have been in queue for ever and conditions change. How the hell is this fair.
I know they are trying to protect American workers but this is taking it too far. If thats the case why not round everyone on a work visa and deport them on the grounds of protecting the "American workers". And declare that the USA is no longer welcoming any new immigrants. This gwaddam double standard of saying one thing and doing something else is getting on my nerves.

Just an FYI, This is not against my fellow sufferers like Fula149 who have been through enough. Just questioning the system here.

BarneySha said:
Pls. share more details about your case like:

1. First few digits of your case number
2. Was your company asked to post any advertisements?
3. Did any other recruitment happen on for your case?
4. 45 day letter end of April 2005 or 2006?
5. Which SWA?
6. Did your case make it to regional?
7. Was your case remanded from RIR to Non-RIR?
8. Was your case at Philly / Dallas?

Many thanks

Hi, BarneySha

The company lawyer does not communicate with me much. I do not know the details. I only know some activity when they ask me to sign some forms. I try to answer your question as much as I can.

1. I did not ask my case number from my lawyer, I do not know what it can be used for.

2. I am not aware any activity after the 45 days letter. So I don't think company did advertisements this time after 45 days letter.

3. I don't know. I did not check "".

4. The 45 letter is 4/2006.

5. TX

6. I am not sure. I guess so. There was some activity at 2004.

7. Yes. It happened in 2002.

8. Dallas.

Hope this helps.

PD: 3/2001
RIR --> Non-RIR in 2002.
45 days letter: 4/2006
LC certified: 6/2006
Got 45 days notice

Hi everyone,

Just want to share my update on GC process. My ex-employer received 45 day notice for my LCA. Received on June 03, 2006 and replied somewhere in Mid June 2006. My case's prioridy date : February 02, 2004. Its Non-RIR EB3 from Texas. ETA case # D-05222-00XXX. :D

I have left my earlier company when i had 7 th year visa extension on my passport and they promised to continue process my GC due to my good relationship with upper manager. Currently I am in way to apply my GC with new employer through PERM. I will be applying PERM in EB2 case because i have BS +5 years experience. I am hopeful that thorugh PERM i will be able to process 140 before end of this year. This is the first week my new employer are going to place ad in newspaper.

Good luck to you all in your GC process.
Chances of NOF and Rejection?


If the company has 2 continuous months of layoffs (Reduction in Force), then what are the chances that the BEC will issue a NOF or reject the NON-RIR labor application? My company is undergoing layoffs now. Reading all your posts, it seems that my labor application might get processed within the next 6 months.

labor_headache said:

If the company has 2 continuous months of layoffs (Reduction in Force), then what are the chances that the BEC will issue a NOF or reject the NON-RIR labor application? My company is undergoing layoffs now. Reading all your posts, it seems that my labor application might get processed within the next 6 months.

I dont think layoffs in the past affect a TR application as much as an RIR application. Since the recruitment has not been done for TR.

MY company and I guess many of the larger organizations have had layoffs almost every year since 2002 and thats why they preffer filing TR rather than RIR

just my thoughts...I dont know if its a figment of my imagination
Recruitment done

Mine is EB3 Non-RIR. Pl see my signature. Company lawyer says 'The application was filed via the regular recruitment method and recruitment has already been completed'. Does it mean my case doesn't have to go through recruitment again? Since recruitment has already been done, Do they consider my case as RIR? What other steps are involved before my case gets approved? Can someone throw light on this?
sss2000 said:
Mine is EB3 Non-RIR. Pl see my signature. Company lawyer says 'The application was filed via the regular recruitment method and recruitment has already been completed'. Does it mean my case doesn't have to go through recruitment again? Since recruitment has already been done, Do they consider my case as RIR? What other steps are involved before my case gets approved? Can someone throw light on this?

i don't think you will have to go through recruitment again... don't worry.
recruitment for only(most) those cases, which have been filed as TR and transferred to BEC from SWA.(not regional).
What is recrutment?

Hello Guru's,

My case is in Philly BEC. Please see my signature. Again the lawyer is giving information on the need to know bases only. I know the case number starts with P, and they have received and responded to the 45 day letter in december 05. Now, how will I know if this recrutement thing will hit me? Not sure if my case went to regional before going to BEC. Please advice.

Again ofcoures my company has been laying off people, and since oursourcing started am seeing people leaving the company left and right.

Thanks a ton,
Employer's Responsiveness To Recruitment Letter


I am seriously considering leaving the employer who originally filed the NON-RIR labor app. But I plan to seek H1B extension based on that pending labor application.

Now, here's the question. When this labor comes up for recruitment, what happens if the employer does not take any action at all - I believe my employer will not take the trouble to doing recruitment if I am not with them any more. When sending the recruitment instructions, does the Labor Dept mandate any time by which the recuruitment has to be done - failing which they consider the application as "abandoned"?

I am concerned that my 7th year H1 extension should not get invalidated for the reason that the Labor Dept found the labor application to have been abandoned.
Guys Please Respond


I sending this again - does anyone know the answer to this? If the employer fails to take any action on the recruitment letter (since the employee has left) will the Labor Dept conclude that the application has been abandoned? If so, how long does the Labor Dept wait before making that determination?

labor_headache said:

I am seriously considering leaving the employer who originally filed the NON-RIR labor app. But I plan to seek H1B extension based on that pending labor application.

Now, here's the question. When this labor comes up for recruitment, what happens if the employer does not take any action at all - I believe my employer will not take the trouble to doing recruitment if I am not with them any more. When sending the recruitment instructions, does the Labor Dept mandate any time by which the recuruitment has to be done - failing which they consider the application as "abandoned"?

I am concerned that my 7th year H1 extension should not get invalidated for the reason that the Labor Dept found the labor application to have been abandoned.
recruitment instructions

labor_headache said:

I am seriously considering leaving the employer who originally filed the NON-RIR labor app. But I plan to seek H1B extension based on that pending labor application.

Now, here's the question. When this labor comes up for recruitment, what happens if the employer does not take any action at all - I believe my employer will not take the trouble to doing recruitment if I am not with them any more. When sending the recruitment instructions, does the Labor Dept mandate any time by which the recuruitment has to be done - failing which they consider the application as "abandoned"?

Unfortunately NO ONE on this forum has rcvd the recruitment instructions from BEC as yet. So we have no idea what the time frame is gonna be to respond to the recruit instr.

Thats why no ne has responded to your query.
Best to ask a lawyer your ?s.
labor_headache said:

I sending this again - does anyone know the answer to this? If the employer fails to take any action on the recruitment letter (since the employee has left) will the Labor Dept conclude that the application has been abandoned? If so, how long does the Labor Dept wait before making that determination?

Guys Please Respond

I sending this again - does anyone know the answer to this? If the employer fails to take any action on the recruitment letter (since the employee has left) will the Labor Dept conclude that the application has been abandoned? If so, how long does the Labor Dept wait before making that determination?
Originally Posted by labor_headache

I am seriously considering leaving the employer who originally filed the NON-RIR labor app. But I plan to seek H1B extension based on that pending labor application.

Now, here's the question. When this labor comes up for recruitment, what happens if the employer does not take any action at all - I believe my employer will not take the trouble to doing recruitment if I am not with them any more. When sending the recruitment instructions, does the Labor Dept mandate any time by which the recuruitment has to be done - failing which they consider the application as "abandoned"?

I am concerned that my 7th year H1 extension should not get invalidated for the reason that the Labor Dept found the labor application to have been abandoned.

PD 02/2003 EB2 - Non-RIR
ETA Case Number: T-05143-31XXX
Processing Type: TR
State - NJ
45 DL - Sept 2005
Never Went To Regional
No Recruitment Letter Yet
6th year H1B

it will be considered abondoned as long as you don't respond timely or file for an timely extension.
Need advice.

Please folks am in desperate need of some advice. Please... respond, anyone??


nkimmigration said:
Hello Guru's,

My case is in Philly BEC. Please see my signature. Again the lawyer is giving information on the need to know bases only. I know the case number starts with P, and they have received and responded to the 45 day letter in december 05. Now, how will I know if this recrutement thing will hit me? Not sure if my case went to regional before going to BEC. Please advice.

Again ofcoures my company has been laying off people, and since oursourcing started am seeing people leaving the company left and right.

Thanks a ton,