Newark local transfers

Thanks a lot Mikhail!

Thanks for the info! I think, the only two reasons I could have been asked for an interview would be:
1. Company name has changed, although, my lawyer did send in a letter of explaination regarding the name change.
2. I had a previous family sponsored application, which would have taken years, so I had cancelled it, before getting my H1s, and I had also sent in a letter from the consulate, regarding my withdrawal and an explaination along with this.
Other than these two, I cannot think of anything else. I have been with the same company since past four years, and everything else is pretty straightforward. Anyway, thanks to u all, and I will keep my status updated.
Newark interview....

Handed my interview letter at around 9.30AM. I was called in at 1.45PM. The officer took our fingerprints and signatures on the Form 551. Took us to his desk. Asked for our passport, employment letter and medicals(copies, not new). Before I ask him why was my case tfrd , he said that since I changed my earlier jobs too often VSC tfrd the file to the local office. He asked me the reason, I said no reason in particular, just for better opportunities. I also added that in the last four years I\'ve changed only one job. I will be completing three yrs at my current job. I am not sure if he was satisfied with the answer.

Then he took out the I-94 from our passports. He said that he is going to stamp our passport with \'pending\' stamp. Since I didn\'t understand what that means, I asked him to clarify. He said I will get the notice by mail in a week or two. I still didn\'t understand what he was doing so I asked him if he has approved my case or not. He said pending does not mean approved. He then put the stamp "New Sec. 245" Underneath the stamp he put the date, A# and his signature. He also gave me a white sheet of paper with our name, A# and he put a check mark on the last bullet point, which reads "Your case is being held for CIA review and you will receive a decision within 180 days. No additional information is necessary from you at this time".

After coming out I called up my attorney to find out what all these means. She told me to wait till we hear back from them since she never came across this type of weird outcome.

Lets see what happens to you all guys who are taking the interview this week. Pls share your experiences with us.
were you asked to bring in the current employment letter.

Did your interview letter have the current employment letter box checked. I have my interview at Newark office on the May 23rd. I am quite concerned now. Thanks for sharing your experience.
fib, hi this is samku

My interview letter asked for only the PP, I-94 and the interview letter. But the officer asked me to give him PP, current job letter as well as the medical reports. He didn\'t ask for my EAD and AP. You better take everything you can. Don\'t go by the letter.
Three times...

Worked for three employers in the first three years of my H1 visa. The current job letter had my job title only, no detailed description of the duties.
Based on what you said I just could not figure how your case is pending based on 245i

Did you live/work here illegally.

that was rather unfortunate, they are really coming up with some weird rules in the light of what is happening to this country.
Could you please share (for the benefit of others and possibly you too) as to why you think your case has been transferred to CIA for review - has your lawyer been able to find anything out yet or comment on it any more? Please share..

Fib, you are next on 23rd...good luck and please keep all of us updated.

Neither can I.

The other thing I could not understand is why the window#1 at which everyone was handing over their interview letter was labeled "New Sec. 245". The only other window#2 that was open was labeled "EAD and APs Only". This was in Room#1300 on the 13th floor.
Sorry to hear that Samku

But I think you will definitely hear something with in a week or two as the officer told you.
In your latest message you said something about Room#1300 - is it the room# you were called for interview, or the room# the Window#2 people called for?

I think you have interview on May 23rd, so please post all your experience ASAP after your interview.
I will post my experience in this thread. All I need to do now is pray to God to do justice to all o

samku and operations ??

Are you the same person ? If not, operations - what has been your experience ??

Question regarding Medical report

My lawyer said it is not necessary to get the Medicals done again.
So, my question is, can I take a Copy of the medical report or do I have have to take another fresh report from the same doctor (who did our medicals last year) and submit it during interview?
Any input is appreciated. Please respond immediately.
I did not redo the tests but will be taking a fresh form filled by the same doctor who did my medica

in a sealed envelop, dated June 2001.