Newark local transfers

fib..please clarify some queries....

Congratulations on your approval, must be a big relief !! Please clarify these for the rest of us...

1. Who was the primary applicant - you or your husband ??
2) If he was, what was the repercussion of his company being acquired? At what stage of the 485 filing was the company acquired ? >180 days or
Answers to Mikhail\'s Questions

1. My husband was the primary applicant
2. I made a mistake - the company name change was between the I-140 and I-485. So, what the officer said was that the employer who sponsored the LC was out of business - that was the reason for the transfer.
3. My husband told him that the company was acquired by another company. He did not ask any related documents.
4. I don\'t know. All I can say was that we submitted the interview letter at around 9:50am and we were called in at about 10:45am - after we were called in, it took the officer 15 minutes (asking us questions, and deciding to approve our case) - so, if IBIS was done, I don\'t know when. The fingerprints and signature were taken when the officer called us in (10:45am).
5. Yes. our passports were stamped at 11:00am by the officer.

Thanks very much...

That answers my question. I am almost in the same situation - my company was acquired shortly after filing 485. Did your husband file an amended 140 ?

Can you share the name of the officer if you know ??

fib, finally....

Please answer these last set of questions...
1) Exactly when was your husband\'s company acquired - after 485 was filed or before. If after 485, had it been 180 days after filing?
2) I am assuming the Tax ID of the new company was different than the Labor filing company.
3) Why did your attorney not file an amended 140 - basically, what clause did he use to justify that an amended 140 was not required.
4) What supporting letters/docs did you take to support this company name change - can you post a sample of the letter you took from the new employer/attorney.
5) Did you have to take "ADIT" style photos with you to the interview ? If yes, where can you get those taken?

Thanks a lot for all your help - lots of us will benefit from this.

1. Before 485 application.
2. I don\'t know. I guess it did change. I am not sure though.
3. The attorney did recommend, but we refused to file one since we had observed a lot of delay caused to cases due to amended 140.
4. Will reply soon. Officer did not ask for any. He asked us to raise our right hand and swear to speak the truth, before we were seated. But I think it depends from officer to officer and what opinion he makes about you after reviewing your case.
5.Yes we did. But the officer did not ask for any. He had our photographs in our files.

Go with an open mind. INS officers are good people. If you never had any problems with the INS and if you have faith in God, the interview will be a breeze. Prayers worked for me.
Passport stamped post interview.....

Interview was smooth.
My lawyer besides some typographical known errors to me, had some unknown typographical errors (this was the reason for my transfer)
Cleared it in front of the Officer. Case approved. Passport Stamped.
Awaiting plastic cards.......
Interview on May 13, Did not get stamped

Hello All
I have put similar post on main thread level. But Mikhail said this is better place to put it. Sorry for the double posts guys.

I have had my interview on May 13 but did not get stamped due to few problems.

1. The officer did not have the company name change(an acquisition) letter. I shown him a letter from my employer which stated that I am employed by "ABC company" and was formerly an "XYZ company". Officer wanted something on State/corporate level. When the company name change occurred, it was officially filed at INS for all employees working in my company. He asked me to mail it to him as soon as possible which I did the same day with return receipt I got a return receipt day after. In fact, we sent two letters supporting acquisition which had following information :
 -First letter was addressed to "New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue" and Titled as "Certificate of Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation". This letter stated the section numbers under which the corporate acquisition occurred and the former name of the company, Number of Shares voting for amendment etc.
 -Second was on company letter head, addressed in general to "Whom it may concern" stating the former name of company and the nature of business etc.

2. Also, he did not have the copy of my Labor certification. Fortunately I have had it. So he asked me to send two copies of it along with the name change/acquisition document. I did that!

3. Lastly, he said that even if he had all documents, he could not stamp my passport since computers were down. He also said that, if everything else was ok and if I send him all the document he asked for, he\'d try to get me approval notice as soon as possible.

So I guess it was not my day afterall. Did anyone got stamped on May 13 and how did it go? Did you guys face problem with computers being down?

Thanks for moving to this thread GeeCee...I guess you must have seen the posting by fib and realized that you were in the same situation - the company name change (acquisition) occurred for both of you before the 485 was filed. Basically, your Labor filing and 485 filing are in 2 different names.
\'fib\'s officer did not want see any additional documents and said "that was fine" while yours asked for additional documents - that\'s strange since there is no consistency in the way they act. But, I do not blame them - I have gotten the general impression that Newark officers are very nice, sympathetic people - your officer has asked for docs which you have submitted and your approval would be on it\'s way soon.
Meanwhile, please post any other information which can be helpful to others. This is the way we all learn and prepare ourselves.
FYI:You can delete your other thread if you so desire so that there is no duplication.

We had the interview yesterday. The reason for the local transfer is my FP expired. We got new FP appointments and "S245" stamps on our passports. We gave our updated medical report during the interview as well.

The officer said he didn\'t think my case would not be approved... So We have to go for FP again next month. Will keep you updated.

So guys don\'t worry too much about it.

The other things happened while intervew....

Thank you Mikhail for the reply. I will go ahead and delete the other thread!

The other things happened at the interviews are....
My wife travelled on India and she returned on April 27th. We had interview on May 13. The officer assumed that we both travelled, which was a usual assumption anyone would make. Anyway, so he kept looking for the arrival stamp in my Passport. He asked me where the stamp was on my passport. I thought he was looking for the stamp when I travelled from India last. So we spent few minutes in this confusion. Later I realized what he was looking for and told him that I did not travel. This cleared the stamp issue.
After he asked us to mail everything to him, he also asked if our finger print was done or not. My wife told him the month and year it was done. He asked if you were ever arrested for anything, we said \'No\'. So he said if everything else is ok, I will get your approval letter soon. I am just curious, what \'soon\' means. Its been 12 days and I am kind of getting impatient. Its almost a Five and half yrs long journey and does not seem to coming to an end.
What are the things I should be aware of while going for stamping? What documents I should carry and what other ways I should be prepared?
Any feedback or advice for anyone will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help and sorry about the loooooooong posts!
Everything went absolutely smooth!

Hi friends,
On 24th our interview went very smoothly and both my wife and I got our Passports stamped. The officer was very very good and By SaiBaba\'s Divine GRACE everything went on very smoothly.

I am sorry for posting my details late - because I am on long weekend and so will write all the details of the interview on Monday and will clear any doubts that anyone of you have. Untill then, Bye.
Yes, waited for an hour for IBIS clearance...

Yes, we had to wait an hour before the officer called our names again and handed over the stamped passports to us.
I agree to one of the previous postings on this forum. There is a reason for a transfer in 99.9% cases. And do not worry the reasons in most of the cases are to clear some confusions about either some errors in the application, lawyer blunders, missing documents, expired medical/fingure prints etc.
No need to panic at all....
Hope this helps....
Still awaiting plastic cards....
Will keep you posted....
Here are the details of the interview!

Hi friends,
As I posted earlier, here are my interview details :

We were at the INS office by 8.00am on 24th April. By the time the officer called our name, it was 8.30. Both my wife and I were tensed because everyone there were coming with lawyers and we did not take our lawyer, as my lawyer said my case is staight forward and there is no need for him to come.
So, we finally went into the officer\'s cubicle and the officer made us take the oath to tell the truth. The Officer is a Very Nice Person. Then the officer checked our documents and said our case looks straight forward. Then we were asked for the Medical reports (we submitted a copy of our previous medical reports given by our Doctor). I was also asked for the letter from my employer which I submitted. Then the officer took a copy of my tax returns and W2. The officer went through the files of both of us and simply stamped on our passport. We then gave our signature and fingerprint and before even we realised we came out HAPPILY!!! But to be frank, our minds were blank for a while as everything was finished by 9.10 or 9.15am.
Any questions, you can ask me.
Thank you!!!
Thank you all friends for helping eachother and Special Thanks to Mr.Rajiv Khanna for maintaining this site and guiding us.

any updates on your case?

1. Did you take an attorney with you for your interview?
2. Did you speak to your personal or your company\'s attorney regarding this after the interview - my attorney tells me that you could have invoked AC-21 in this case because of the company acquisition and the fact that the case had remained unadjudicated for 180 days.
3. Did the officer mention anything regarding an amended I-140?

Thanks for your reply, hope your approval comes through soon.
interview letter received

Hey everyone, we just received our interview call letter from INS, the interview has been scheduled for the 17th of June, I am keeping my fingers crossed! They have asked for the letter, I 94, passports, medical reports, and a company letter. I had done my medical on the 22nd of June 2001, any idea if I have to get my medical done all over? or the copies of the old medicals would do? Also, any other pieces of advice would be great! Do I need to take our lawyer with us? Hope to hear some feedback soon, thanks a lot!
no need for new medicals....

since they are less than a year old. If you still want to play it safe, you can have a new form filled and signed by the same physician - usually they charge about $25 per person for that service.

Since you think your case has been x-ferred because of your company name change, take adequate paperwork to support that change.
1. When did your company change it\'s name - before 485 or after 485 had been filed?
2. Was it a simple name change or was it an acquisition?
This very thread has lots of such cases which you can review, eg. fib, geecee2002 etc. and decide what you want to do, seeking some assistance from your company lawyer would certainly help.

Good luck.