New York SESA Tracker

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Congratulations! kulkven,

I'd like to ask you a question: How did you get this "NY SWA receipt date : JUNE 8th 2001"? My attorney told me that DOL does not give receipt for LC, is that true?

Acknowledgement from the Postal/Fedex office for delivery confirmation.

That's ture. NY SWA don't issue any official receipt notice.
No wonder even my company's lawyer keeps telling me that they don't have any receipt date. I'll also ask them for the Fedex/UPS ack. date.

And thanks a lot for posting this positive development.
NY Labor Cert: Kulkven's case

Congrats!!! Hi - pls let us know how did your lawyer advertise for your job position? Where and how many days? My Lawyer has advertised in NY Times once - for Fri/Sat/Sun (three-day at a stretch) only. Besides it was posted in our company website. Will that be enough?


Of course congrats to your LC. It's a great news!!! Yes, would appreciate if you could share some of your processing experiences with us...may help us a lot...

Good luck in your next step...
RIR denied

Hi Guys,

While people are happily celebrating the recent progress of LC processing, my RIR application was rudely denied.

I am a programmer, RIR appliation was filed on April 24, 2001, reached regional office on March 26, 2003, RIR was denied on April 26, 2003.
My coworker who holds the same position in my group and filed together with my case was denied too.
The funny thing is that people working in other groups got approvals.

I contacted the lawyer and she said my case will be sent back to state office, and we have to run some additional advertisement. It is no longer RIR. The insteresting part of what she said is that although this case is no longer RIR, it is not exactly regular application either. It is something in the middle and should be processed faster than regular appications. Is this true? What is this statement based on?

Anyway, good luck to every one and hope this only happens on me and does not begin a new trend of denial in NY.

Re: RIR denied


it might be remanded to the state for some proof of advertising or additional advertising and make take only a couple of months. not very sure of this but i have read abt such an occurence. just my 2 cents. good luck...
Hi razor,

Sorry hearing your LC was denied. Can you give more information on your case? Are you in software engineer category? What is the category of the guys got LC approvals in your company? I'm worrying my LC, my employer just did a new round layoff. Thank you!

Thank you very much, guys.
My category is Programmer Analyst, dot code: 030.162-014. Those who got approvals are in the same category.
My lawyer didn't tell me the reason, other than saying something like "in today's job market, this is normal." The lawyer is hired by our company, not by me, and she doesn't really care much about communicating with us.

HamHongeK, thank you very much for telling me the possibilities of my case. Do you know where I can get more information about how to handle RIR denial cases?

Thank you very much again.

Hi Pals,
Could somebody please let me know what to write in the inquiry mail to DOL ! And does it matter as from what e-mail address you send the inquiry mail, meaning from your company's address or your personal (hotmail etc...). ?

Thanks in advance...
Leave the subject blank, in the body of the message:

Tax ID 12-3456789

Personal email is fine. Let us know if you get any news.
Good luck!
edited........ got the answer from another email in the thread
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Labour Approved

Hai guys
Atlast Labout has GOt approved....

Applied to SESA on June 5 2001
Received by SESA on June 6 2001

Appoved a letter saying my labour got approved...

Dont have the other details...yet....will post them when i get them

Good Luck for others....
Attorny received hard copy today!!!

Today morning attorney received the approved hard copy and
faxed it to me. My Priority Date is JUNE 08 2001 , the
receipt date to NY SWA. So for the guys who are curious about
the priority date, it will be same as the receipt date of SWA.
I will be applying 1-140 in next week.


That should be fine. My employer gave the advertisement
He was giving the advertisement even after i applied for labor
certification. May be for other candidates in the pipeline.

I will be visiting this forum quite often. I will be happy to answer
people's questions.

Any update from jrinny, hemantkd and fathi718 ???

I am expecting them to hear good news soon !!!
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Hi All,
I have been observing this thread for long time. Thanks for all those who are keeping the morale up. My case was filed on Jun 15, 2001. Keeping my fingers crossed after seeing some June approvals. Today I talked to my lawyer and he says they are still processing April/May cases. I will let you all know as soon as I hear.
My Update

Sorry guys for not filling in earlier. Here is whats going on : My case received an RFE at NY SESA regarding wages and some other issues. My company replied to the same and now it has been forwarded last week to NY DOL. My attorney spoke to some lady at the DOL today and they said the case should be assigned to an analyst any day now. Keeping my fingers crossed - hoping to get certified soon.

Good Luck to all of us.
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