New York SESA Tracker

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Next draft of the letter

Attached is the letter, the first page has contacts we need to get the letter to.

Especially when sending the letter to senators we need someone with return address in New York (I do not, while I work in NY I live in NJ).

If some of you or all of you want to send the letter out the better, just post where you are sending it to so we know that each recipient got the letter at least once.
CNN email address

I agree with sankat_mochan. There is no point in sitting idle and posting our frustrations. I sent emails to CNN and FOX news channel from their "Contact us" pages. CNN has replied so far and we can send our concerns to this email :

I am not that much optimistic but even if we get 2 minutes of coverage that should be good enough to start with. Once the letter is ready we can send to them. Can we have Rajiv S. Khanna or any other good lawyer/senator who can represent us?

Will post response from FOX once I receive it.


You guys are doing a great job, taking the initiative to address the issue and bring it to attention of Media , Public Representatives and concerned Officials.
I have a few suggestions to be included in the letter.
Under Impacts, I feel an item can be added highlighting the issue of Childrens education also.
Is it possible to highlight the contributions of the Immigrants and with easier and quicker procedures , how it would help them to contribute more effectively.
The Bill no being talked is HR 3271 and not HR 2371. Must have been a typo.
Also speedier process would be in line with the proposed policy of The President to complete the immigration process in six months, for which funds are being allocated in the Budget.
Would it not be beneficial if this letter is addressed to all the Senators, House of Representatives also.
As for Media, TV coverage would be most appropriate, more specifically NBC (Dateline, Fleecing Of America etc), CBS (20/20, 60 Minutes) etc.
Re: Letter

Thank you for the comments. Can you elaborate more on the Children's education issue?

Since we are trying to focus on the NY labor certification process, I don't know if there will be value in sending to all Senators, it definitely can hurt.

I'll post another version tonight and let's start sending it out.

Originally posted by sraj1
You guys are doing a great job, taking the initiative to address the issue and bring it to attention of Media , Public Representatives and concerned Officials.
I have a few suggestions to be included in the letter.
Under Impacts, I feel an item can be added highlighting the issue of Childrens education also.
Is it possible to highlight the contributions of the Immigrants and with easier and quicker procedures , how it would help them to contribute more effectively.
The Bill no being talked is HR 3271 and not HR 2371. Must have been a typo.
Also speedier process would be in line with the proposed policy of The President to complete the immigration process in six months, for which funds are being allocated in the Budget.
Would it not be beneficial if this letter is addressed to all the Senators, House of Representatives also.
As for Media, TV coverage would be most appropriate, more specifically NBC (Dateline, Fleecing Of America etc), CBS (20/20, 60 Minutes) etc.
Re: Re: Letter

I meant to say it CAN'T hurt to send it to all the Senators...

Originally posted by JustWatching
Thank you for the comments. Can you elaborate more on the Children's education issue?

Since we are trying to focus on the NY labor certification process, I don't know if there will be value in sending to all Senators, it definitely can hurt.

I'll post another version tonight and let's start sending it out.
The Letter

The letter is great. Just to add some more facts & suggestions:

A. We currently estimate the permanent resident process to be taking five to eight years (3 yrs for LC, 2-5 yrs for I140 & I485). Currently I485 process is severly slowed down. With the current speed, a month's application requires 3 months' processing time, which means more backlog in the future.

B. New York RIR Labor Card process has the worst backlog in the whole nation. Currently only 3 states (Indiana, Washing D.C. and New York) are still processing April 2004, and New York will be the last one to finish all April 2004 cases.

C. There is a stark unfairness to New York Labor Card applicants. Since after LC processing, we have to wait in line for I140 & I485 in Vermont Region. The immigrants from all other faster LC processing states can be advanced to I140 & I485 phase much earlier than us. It is ridiculous that we will be waiting in the line after those applicants who even submit their LC application years later in the future.

ii) On a personal level
A. Inability for those who have single entry visa to travel back home for family reunion, marriage, funeral etc.

Proposed Solutions
A. Create an express LC processing category. If budge is needed, additional express fee can be charged to those applicants who are willing to join this category.

B. They can outsource some applications to private companies or hire more processing staff. Again, if there is a budge limit. Funds can be requested from the Federal or State government. In worse case, they can charge additional express fee to the applicants.
You are right, its time to move forward in this case, I sent the RIR letter to the following news contacts, Please do the same , if they received more then 10 letters , they will feel the serious of our case:

- Wall street Journal ,Michael Schroeder
- Time ,
- Turner
- Daily news Albor Ruiz from the New York Daily News

Could you please provide me with more contact emails you might know, also Here is the draft for the cover letter which i sent to Time, then i attached Justwatching letter to the email:

Dear Time Magazine,

Thanks for the great work you have always done and I have always seen you as a charismatic news leader in this country.

I would like to take a moment to point to you the issues pending with New York DOL Alien Labor Certification which hurt more then 60,000 person on NY state.

NYDOL has been processing April 2001 cases for last 2 and half years and it looks like they will take another year to move to May 2001.

This is causing pain to me and thousands to Workers who are eagerly waiting for ther immigration.

Please do look into the the attached letter and help expedite the processing faster.

Thanks for your time and cooperation...

Amr Halem

P.S. this is part of the campaign to the media nation wide to support our rights to live in USA
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Albor Ruiz from daily news already in contact and he will review the letter , please email him too, he needs to feel how serious this case is.


Re: RE: april 2001 until spring

Originally posted by ahalem
I start to give up ... Spring next year .... no comment

6 more month. No way. Cannot endure it anymore !!!!!!!! We have to Shout, Shout, Shout ......................
Complain, Complain, Complain ...................:confused: :confused: :mad: :mad:

nomorewait - these are good comments. Now that the letter has been sent out I don't know if we want to have different versions sent out. I will update the letter so if this starts to hit we will distribute that one.

A volunteer - Can someone put together a spreadsheet and track who has received the letter?


It seems like the letter has been sent to the media but not to NY senators and Labor Department. Can someone that lives in New York do this. The letter is really addressed to them, cc the media.

Please post the result letter

Please post the complete instructions - the cover letter and the world doc so that we could send it

Thanks for your work
JustWatching, great work! The letter is very good.

It seems not a lot people in this thread. Guys, please inform all people you know who are in this painful LC process, NY SWA is hopeless. Let them read this thread and get to know the situation and support the letter.
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Guys, I'm sorry I stayed out of all the action for so long though I was excited to be part of the early stages of this 'awareness campaign' with you guys. (I know I'm worse than the DOL in delays). ahalem and justwatching and others too of course, great job by all of you ... especially gathering the contacts and all. I'll be reading the letter today (I glanced through some versions) and will give my 2 cents later in the evening(if it is not too late by then). The only thing I wanted to say now is that we need not justify our stay here by quoting stats and trying to justify the very basis of immigration. Our letter is only to 'focus' on the untold suffering caused on a personal and professional level due to the delays in DOL processing. All other discussions about whether immigration helps or doesn't help the american economy has already been beaten to death in newspapers earlier(it does help of course!).

In that respect I liked the earlier letter we had, where the 'personal' side of suffering came out more strongly. Other than the suffering, the letter should focus on the fact that it's the illegal apps (245 something i believe) which are delaying the legal apps and that the DOL didn't employ more people inspite of receiving much more than usual apps.

We should end with the statement that that even though we are not citizens and don't have 'rights', the DOL shouldn't be oblivious to our 'plight' caused by the delays and should expedite the processing by all means possible.

I'll try to edit the letter later today or tomm and put in my points ... but I'm not sure if everybody will agree to my changes.
If most people agree we'll go with that else we'll go with what we have (any start is good).

It's great to see so many people come forward to 'do something' instead of sitting back passively.
Thanks msubbu , I hope this letter work somehow .

Justwatching , it looks like most of the guys here live in NJ and work in NY , Do we have to be NY residents ?

Every body, did we start to send this letter , Guys, your feed is appreciated
When mailing the letter to the senators, they will only respond to a NY address.

Letters to everybody else anyone can send.

Originally posted by ahalem
Thanks msubbu , I hope this letter work somehow .

Justwatching , it looks like most of the guys here live in NJ and work in NY , Do we have to be NY residents ?

Every body, did we start to send this letter , Guys, your feed is appreciated
In other news...

As you may have seen in previous posts, an RFP was sent out by the DOL to setup to processing centers to help with national backlog of labor certifications. The RFP is due back December 12.

They anticipate the contract will be awarded 1st qtr 2004. They then have 60 days to become operational.

One of the questions asking for clarification was timing on implementation of PERM...they are now saying April or May 2004.

Also, one of the questions was if they had process labor certifications by date...answer: Yes . This leads me to believe that separating the 245(i) into a seperate queue is not likely.

If you want to read materials, they are at:
shortened version of the letter


I took the letter and streamlined it a bit, with the help of a government relations expert from our company.

I have submitted it to Sen Clinton and Schumer (I do have a NY address both for home and work) and will submit it to some of the other suggested recepient.

While it leaves out some of the detail of the original letter, I think it is a bit more persuasive.

For anyone who would like to use this version I have attached it to this message.

Let's start firing out of all cylinders with this one!
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