New York SESA Tracker

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I agree with you and looking forward to your input in this letter, All of us should share the responsibility and become more positive by contacting the media and the labor department higher management itself, We have to show our case to the American society, We are not against the labor dept, but we want to support our rights to get the permit resident in proper and respectable way.

Here are some points I hope you can explain in the letter:

- The importance of the H1B employees to the US economy.
- The un fairness of merging our cases with the 245 cases which was not the case 4 months ago
- The impact on the H1B employees and their families because of delaying this process.
- Comparing our cases to the DV program where more then 50,000 immigrate visa got issue every year to unqualified people to got them the Permit resident
- The impact of delaying this process, for example:
- Migration of the H1B skills to Canada which welcomes these guys who coming with the US experience and US money.
- Another Migration back to the East where many in India and China opened outsourcing firms which currently eating up the economy in USA.
- Third one to the Europe Union, especially in Germany where the immigration process for the high tech immigration is simpler and effective.

- What we can do as H1B employees to support and improve this process, financially or technically

I hope that help
Originally posted by msubbu
tanveer, it seems to be your personal opinion to run to another state ... you're welcome to try it... let us know how it goes.

ahalem, you're right, we shouldn't lose our temper. But we should lose our 'we're helpless' attitude and try to question people and make people accountable.

Sorry guys, I'll try to come up with the letter this w/e ... been kinda busy.


I agree with you 100%. All I meant was (and that's why i was frustrated also) that they must be held accountable for their duties and actions.

Negativity won't take us anywhere.

Please do draft the letter, and if possible share with us. Then we will send it out to media and also we should look around and find out if someone can also send it some politicians etc, as that also creates an impact.

Good Luck (to us all)
I think everyone should update the letter. If everyone who are watching this groups touches it , we will have a good turnaround.

Guys , Please please please Come in and edit this letter one by one.
Thanks for your initiative.

Folks, come in and edit the letter add the importance of " How the ACT21 affected us"

"Difference between different states"
I added in some of my thoughts.

Please do edit, modify my writing. I am an engineer and not very good with this sort of writings. My addition is in blue.

Personal opinions:

1. While contacting various media or other sources to get us heard, we should stress that we are working to keep the jobs from going overseas or to other countries.
2. We should contact the head of the NY SWA(?).
3. Ask your company's official to write to local NY state senators or assemblymen emphasizing #1.
Hi Meg_z,

thanks for your contribution , I added few lines ( in green) and removed my original points, as you I am not English writer , I would prefer to write this letter in JAVA :), so please guys: all your input and corrections is appreciated.

One comment , we should try to keep our letter with in 1 or 2 pages max , because people do not read long letters, also in parallel we should prepare list of the people who we should receive the letter, HERE is my input on this list:

- The head of the NY SWA . need contact info
- Albor Ruiz from the New York Daily News
- Time Magazine, I will provide email once I get it :)
- Forbes Magazine , Need contact info
- Money Magazine, need contact info
- NY Times , need contact info
- Wall street journal , need contact info
What does SWA stand for?

I was checking the NY DOL on the net. I assume SWA is inder DOL. Thanks.
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I only found the commissioner of DOL...

Here is her address:

Linda Angello, Commissioner
New York State Department of Labor
State Office Building Campus, Room 500
Albany, NY 12240-0003
(518) 457-9000

Here is the link

I could not find any listing of SWA under DOL. Do not know if she is the one we should contact.
HR 3271

I just heard from some one that Judiciary comm. has passed this bill to go to the next level on Thursday Oct 23, 2003. being that is the case- what are the next steps? House/Senate and then to GW...? How long does it usually take? Could you guys shed some lights on this issues as this one will eliminate problems for lot of us (who have been working at least 5 years) and do not have to file for LC and I-140 any more and can file for 485 directly. Let's talk about this issue and be proactive rather than wasting our time on DOL-NY issue....

I think only quicker ways remaining for all of us are either PERM or this HR 3271 proposed bill, if any of these two gets implemented..we will be much safer in a quicker way...a real light at the end of our closed dark tunnel...

so let's talk about it....
Re: HR 3271

Where did you hear this?, I can't find anything related on the Judiciary committe's website

Originally posted by loveusa03
I just heard from some one that Judiciary comm. has passed this bill to go to the next level on Thursday Oct 23, 2003. being that is the case- what are the next steps? House/Senate and then to GW...? How long does it usually take? Could you guys shed some lights on this issues as this one will eliminate problems for lot of us (who have been working at least 5 years) and do not have to file for LC and I-140 any more and can file for 485 directly. Let's talk about this issue and be proactive rather than wasting our time on DOL-NY issue....

I think only quicker ways remaining for all of us are either PERM or this HR 3271 proposed bill, if any of these two gets implemented..we will be much safer in a quicker way...a real light at the end of our closed dark tunnel...

so let's talk about it....
HR 3271

Somebody please read this in detail...from what I was able to read this is for people that are in "unlawful" status.
Re: HR 3271

I don't understand either. It looks like unlawful are more welcome.

Originally posted by JustWatching
Somebody please read this in detail...from what I was able to read this is for people that are in "unlawful" status.
Is this also called the DREAM bill?

If yes, it is targeted minors who were brought to this country illegally. They will need to stay in school and are subject to the same monitoring/reporting procedure as F-1 students. I read this from a newspaper of my ethnic community.

To be qualified for any special-interest-targeted bills, you must first ignore the law and become illegal


We should focus on our letter.
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I am not discoruraging , but Please dont think this kind laws will be coming to effect that quickly in this Government where they have so many issues like Iraq and Afghanistan etc.

I think we should focus on the letter . Just think like this way . we are not going to spend more than a dollar to send it to 10 -15 receipents in a USPS mail and emails to some editors. I just want everyone to put sometime and get the points cleared in the letter , so that we can gettogether oneday in NY city and talk about " How to send the letters" etc.

I would really appreciate if someone good at english come forward and complete this letter.

Thank you
Re: Re: HR 3271

Originally posted by mananD
I don't understand either. It looks like unlawful are more welcome.

Can we challenge things like this ? How can they keep giving legal status to people who show no regard whatsoever to 'law of America'. And in the process they put our case in the back burner - people whoi came legally, are law abiding and are paying full taxes all along.

I think it might be possible to initiate aclass action on this.

your participation on this letter is really appreciated, I see that the letter got down loaded 58 times, I am sure you guys found adds or mistakes on that letter
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