New York SESA Tracker

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Re: Re: Re: News

Atleast NY has an estimate on finishing off the applications by end of this year, no such luck in CA :mad:

Originally posted by very_upset_guy
Do not look for sense of sense in what goverment does. There is just a little of logic and even less of understanding.

To topic - you are correct it was weekend, but people were sending applications anyway.
So i won't count this as a good thing.
Assuming that other states are not highly loaded... is it possible to send some of the NY labour to other states or alternatively hire some people (DOL ) from other states and then speeden up the process..... in any case it has become tooooooo painful...
they already did for 800 cases from the month of May and June, they sent it to Washington DC, I do not think they will do that again , it was just a way to calm people down
I always thought I am very reasonable and calm person. But this situation is really challenging my peace of mind.
No good news yet

no good news , but I hope we can expect one good news may be end of end of november 2003 for really moving to May 2001.

Good luck. Let us pray and beleive GOD rather than these lawyers and Goverment.
same case

Originally posted by kohls
I always thought I am very reasonable and calm person. But this situation is really challenging my peace of mind.

I have been having the same feeling for last one year. What can we do? I smell the inability to anything on this on me.
is that what you mean , it looks like Project management more then contractors? :


Based on PWC's study to reduce the backlog
DOL has accepted the tenders to reduce the backlog.

Does anyone know the start date of this effort?

I know that the pilot was carried out at MD with CAPS concept.
And it was decided to proccess all the apps with regioanl & state at one place. Whats the implementation date for this one? Does anyone know about it?
Yes, that's what I was saying. Although when it will start is not known, at least, DOL is doing something.
Ironic thing : I see DOL/INS will really benefit if DOL work is also OSed (outsourced). I know it is a dirty word to be used, but the day is not far. Then they can get the backlog moving at at least 5 times the speed these 'gora' people work here at !
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They just passed a law in NJ and CA to stop outsourcing from outside USA, it might go federal soon, that should have good impact of the market for us and help in accelerating the labor process , i hope .....
and non-RIR are in March 2001 already

That must be a joke... Is there someone in charge over this DOL process?

They get back and forth with this april 2001 thing... One day they are in may, other day in june, other day they are back in april....

Meanwhile, non-RIR cases are in March 2001 already...

Check the start of this thread ... freaking JANUARY... They've been SIX months to go over a couple of days...

Is there SOMEONE overseeing this? Is there SOMEONE is charge? Looks like a freaking Irak campaign...

These guys are just not ACCOUNTABLE.. They probably do not have to go to work every day and they even get a full salary in the end...

That must be a JOKE.....

Where did you get the information about new law in NJ & CA ? Please provide your source.. as Nobody here in CA knows about it.

Thanks in advance
Yeah thats right. I cant point to you the source right now. I have read about it too. NO Government projects can be outsourced at this point and they may probably extend it soon for private companies. And its not just CA and NJ. A total of 5 US states have made that a law. I think VA is one of them. I will post the URL once I find it.

*EDIT* - Could just find this for now dated March 7, 2003
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jjsxbr , Please relax , that anger will not help, there is nothing make sense in the entire process !, but I guess we have to live with it
Hi everyone,

This thread sounds "bad news" rather than "good news".

NY DOL does NOTHING to speed up the process. Do not dream they move from April01 this year...
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