New York SESA Tracker

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And I believe that in all fairness, we deserve to be told about what dreamer_ny has said.

Can our lawyers 'demand' it from DOL ?
Originally posted by dreamer_ny
[Here are simple q's that any functioning department should be able to answer.

1) how many applications did you receive in a given month?
2) how many applications do you resolve on average per month?

You can find the article "LABOR CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES IN AN ECONOMIC DOWNTURN ¡V An update from New York" using the following link:

It was said: "There was a backlog of over 53,000 applications at the state office as of December 31, 2001. Over 38,000 of these were filed before the ¡± 245(i) deadline of April 30, 2001."

Having a guess that NY SESA processes one thousand applications per month, several years are needed to complete this huge backlog.

And they do not care how many years it takes, because their salary does not depend on the backlog size.

We can expect NY SESA will officially move to May 1, 2001 in the end of this year or on the middle of the next year. If no, many of us (H1B slaves) will need 7-year working visa extension.

If PERM will be introduced in January 2004, we may not save much time. They say it will not be possible to convert RIR to PERM easy and a new advertisement should be started again. As you probably heard, PERM has much more restrictions in LC. The experience is not going to be taken into account. It means, any american worker with the same skill level should be hired first. For example, it is not the matter if you have 10 years of experience in C/C++ under Windows. Any native fresh graduated specialist with the same degree should be hired instead experienced foreign worker. And LC will be denied...

Good luck to All.
Do you beleive these funky Attorneys

Junior Member

Registered: Jul 2002
Location: n.y.
Posts: 27
hi everyone, my attorney told us a few days ago that the processing dates moved to april 27th, & april 26ths went pretty fast, , may be a few weeks, so i really think its moving & quicker than any ones giving it credit for, & i know my attorneys pretty accurate, so keep the faith.:


Do you guys still beleive these HOKEY attorneys. Where are these attorneys now, they were claming all sort of good stuff, like NY SESA is processing July.

Dear friends, 90% of these SO CALLED ATTORNEYS knows less than you guys.

If you hear any claim from them just remember it is BS.
Its a good way to make money in a down market.U have a few approved labor cases who have quit or whatever.So u get someone who can get a project along with the co. can earn the moolah without shifting from their seats........WOW??

What happens if the project finishes15 days after joining the co? do they say u have to be able tomake money for them for a minimum of 2 yrs???

I have heard that many cases of preapproved labor is getting rejected by BCIS nowadays. So beware guys .......
I've been reading posts .. not all.

i understand that this situation hurts.

here is what i think:
1. Goverment is going to do nothing about these "illegal" cases - reason is simple - while these people are illegaly here- they are not paying taxes. meanwhile we are all accounted and paying all possible fees and taxes and have only one right - right to work. Which was the original idea of H visa.

2. what can we do? - go home. sue DOL.

more likely - change the job. to get into another line.

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Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 65
Any one looking for APPROVED LABOURS and file their Green card ASAP?
My employer is looking for few people who want to file their Green Card with approved labour certification. So you can start your next stage within week’s time of joining. They want to select candidates within next few weeks. There are few basic requirements.

This is another scam......... Dont pay any attention to these stupid ads and contact scamters......
is it : no news good news ?

Do you guys have any updates about LC , PREM , The letter from Mr Khanna ....
Why did regular LCs jumped from 1998 to 2001?

While all the RIR case are bottlenakes at April 2001, the regular process backlog dropped fast to March 2001 from 1998 within a year. Does this mean that as soon as April backlogs are over, regular as well as RIR cases will also clear up at this rate? Any reason by April cases might take more processing time than usual?
Re: Why did regular LCs jumped from 1998 to 2001?

Originally posted by hemantb
While all the RIR case are bottlenakes at April 2001, the regular process backlog dropped fast to March 2001 from 1998 within a year. Does this mean that as soon as April backlogs are over, regular as well as RIR cases will also clear up at this rate? Any reason by April cases might take more processing time than usual?

Its two separate paths , I do not think there is connection, also most of the LCs cases in NY state are RIR as my lawyer stated before, it does not make since to apply for non RIR in NY and wait for 4 years ( that was his comment 2 years ago ):)
I got this information from

It appears that there is now a budget for PERM. The Department of Labor continues to project in October/December 2003 start date for the program. To date, the regulations have not been finalized nor has the technology for PERM been completed.
Yep, these bills are expected in times of bad economy. In addition this time outsourcing to India in the magnitude never seen before is turning everyone's head towards India IT professionals in this country.

Would such bills be introduced ? Yes.
Would they succeed ? Maybe, maybe not. In most probabability, would be very very difficult. Afterall, they need to stay competitive also.
I think this forum should be renamed - "Bad news, you may never get your LC, coming back in one year".
The current name is now, unfortunately, misleading.
An Alternative to shabby treatment

People, I think some pro-active effort is requried here. We need to lobby our congressman/woman on this matter. It's fair to say that H1b workers are a definite asset to the economy for the single reason that we came here Full Grown / Fully Educated and productively employed from day one. The US economy has only benefited from our presence.

Those who are trying to prohibit H1b workers from coming into the country are simply misguided or misinformed. So I suggest that you find your local congressman and convey your problems.

Injustices will continue till YOU bother to set it right. If the DOL has a funding problem get them to charge $1000 per case and hire some additional manpower.
willing to accept LC substitute

Hi to all,
I heard about this forum from one of my friend. I heard that some one is willing to transfer their LC. I am willing to give a try by transfering the LC to my name. Please eamil me with details to

Thanks and regards,
Originally posted by nylcvictim
I think this forum should be renamed - "Bad news, you may never get your LC, coming back in one year".
The current name is now, unfortunately, misleading.

May be we should call it , good news .... NY has started processing 27th of Apr 2001, 1:30 PM cases :) :)
PERM news

this is update from the Murthy Attorney office,

My understanding is that PERM needs 3 criteria to be able to move forward:

1. The DOL needs to finish writing the rules and procedures for how it will work.
2. The technology needs to be finished and tested to confirm that it will work.
3. There needs to be money in the President's budget to keep both PERM running along side RIR and the RLC process until the DOL is able to clear the backlogs and make PERM the only method to file.

From the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Conference in New Orleans at the end of June this year, it appears to that the DOL is working hard to make PERM a reality but does not have the above three absolutely necessary criteria filled at this time.
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