New York SESA Tracker

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taking to media

I would agree with you regarding taking this issue to media. But worth to give some thoughts before do this as per my personal experience nowadays most of the media are against immigrants.

good luck,. let me know for any help.
I am sure there will be an upswing in the economy, and they will need us 'immigrants' again. (that word makes me laugh... how mnay of these people's father/grandfathers were born in this country ! well... lets not get into that conversation)

And even if we are immigrants, we do deserve to be treated right and fair.

I think if Rajiv (Mr Khanna) writes a good letter to papers (or help some of us write it right), it will at least create an awareness amongst the government and people that there are these hardworking, tax-paying, educated people who are not being given a fair chance.

Just my thoughts
My company filed my labor in Feb2003 .. at this rate looks like I have 3- 4 years in before my labor even gets a first look ... Best of luck for everyone who is in Queue before me !!! Does anyone have any info about the NY cases which got distributed to Maryland and D.C centers ? Is NY still passing cases to MD and other ser. Center's ?

I have not received any updates from Mr. Khanna or his staff. I assumed that they would set up some sort of petition form as they did for many issues.

I think we should start write our own letter expressing our long long wait. Effective or not, it is better than idling. I am very busy at work recently. It would be highly appreciated if anybody wants to initiate a draft. Thanks.
This is a request to everybody.

Plelase do keep updating this thread as and when your LCs are cleared.... that really helps everyone on this boat.

hi, my lawyer yesterday said they had started april 26th , so hope fully we r going some where, any one got any reply? please post.

Case finally certified on 6/13 :)

Mail to SESA : 5/11/01
RFE : Sometime in april'03 (wages)
Recd. at regional : Beginning May 2003
NOF issued Mid May
Certified 6/13

Its been a crazy ride, but great to finally see the end of the tunnel.

Good Luck to all.
Any one got rejected ?

Happy to see such good news !Congrats ...jrinny !
Does anyone know how many (or % ) RIR cases got rejected 'cause of the current Labor market ?
my 2 cents

According to my attorney - RIR cases are getting greater scrutiny. The officers are making sure that all the i are dotted and t crossed. However, if the case is well prepared, recruitment well documented and the company has had no lay offs - cases get approved.

So just hang in there, it will all work out.
congrats jrinny,:) what a ride huh? real bumpy, glad to see u off the waiting list, hope to hear about others too,:D
thanks fathi

No kidding about the wait!! Longer than 2 years for a RIR, and in your case still counting. I hope to see you in the certified group soon. Good Luck and keep posting, I will keep checking this board.
I really do not get it ? one lawyer says they start process April 26th while other got approval for May 11th , how that happen ?
It seems NY SESA picked some May&June/01 RIR professional cases to process several months ago. That's why we saw May/2001 cases got approval. RIR in other categories are still in April/2001. Unfortunately, NY SESA has stoped separating professional from others recently.

Does anyone know:

If NY SESA has ever published what their backlog is by category by month? Do they know?

NY SESA monitors this website?

I read about the letter that some of you are suggesting, some thoughts:

I think there is a better chance if we provide some solutions vs. just complain, even if they are off the wall.

Has anyone asked their lawyers if any negative repercussions could come to those that 'support' the letter?

How about a volunteer program, help with data entry, even help them build web status capabilities. It's not like there isn't a few IT people waiting for labor certifications.

How about donations? I don't know about you but I would be willing to throw a few (or a lot) dollars their way if they could process it faster (I know some of you think, why should we...that is why it's called a donation).

Just some thoughts

BTW - my mailing date - Nov '01
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