New York City Transfers

Thanks newyorker. How is going.. Any plan for the week end.... In the end beggers can not be chooser... Have a great night....

I admire your strength and pray that you will get your GC very very shortly. I was hoping to see the news that your stamping was done.

All the best.

Hey guys, how is going. As I said I am having a bad year. Some of my bathroom tiles fell and then the wall behind the tiles was not very good so I spend most of the week working on that project. It is still on but it is keeping me busy.

Anyone else just waiting on background check for their stamping or is it just me. Coldfusion is in a better position since all he needed to do is to mail in financial support for the company. But it could just to see our patience. Well, then I got all the patience. I am just a little confuse as my EAD expiresin May (05/05/05) so should I start the renewal process or should I assume my name check will be completed by then. Any thoughts... Lets vote on it....
Hey Johar

Nice plan ficing tiles on the weekend. Wll I was awake till 3 in the morning last night watching this really really nice movie and I recommend everyone who is Immigration related to watch this and have fun.

the movie name is " The Terminal" starring Tom Hanks


Hi everyone,
I just finished watching football game and JETS won , it looks like we have a good start for 2005 ( if you are JETS fan ).
This is a year for all underdogs , people watch out.
hey newyorker, don't even try to live on the airport by terminal 67. Before you know it you will be the plane to your home country and if Tom Hanks country was in war then there is Getmo dude... where there is no law.. Hurray we got a lawless place for people like Tom Hanks who try to live in the airport. At least he was not scared of anything back home but we are scared... We are scared of the culture, economy, age discrimination and a lot more. Hum hoi Dobi kay kuthay, na ghar hay na got kay.. :)
yeppo said:

I admire your strength and pray that you will get your GC very very shortly. I was hoping to see the news that your stamping was done.

All the best.

Thanks for the wishes and compliments. There is nothing I can do so why bother... Isn't it true? Look at newyorker, he is always in good mood as well,, :)
Array Joharali

Kyu ghabrata hai yaar, India itna bhi kkarab nahee hain yaar, Apne watan se mujhe pyar to hai lekin door se bahut great dikhta hai. Kya khayal hai...

newyorker012: The mountain looks greener form a distance. Anyway, Tom Hanks was very strong in that movie. The only problem is that it is far from the possibilities in real life. I like movies closer to being to being possible in real life if not totally possible. It was kind of funny though.... Have a great weekend.
Hey Joharbhai

The battle fo life cannot be won by stronger or faster man, But by those who think they can!! And yes Mountain looks greener from far away but I have a perfect words for not very optimistic individuals.

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."

Having a positive outlook towards life and it's events brings a lot of positive results in your life....

I hope it helps

hi joharali and newyorker
i was very busy this weekend so could not post but you guys seem to be very happy with each other so you'll musn't have notice
yeah "The Terminal " is one of my favorite movie so is most of the other Tom Hanks movies i had seen it in theater. This weekend i saw RAINCOAT it is good movie if you can manage to keep yourself awake
i hate sunday nights it is so depressing the entire week routine starts and so the does the waiting of the mail starts
anyways youll have a good monday and pls read my post too

hi sidk
i have no comments on the football game or jets won thing (if you are a jets fan than good for you)
if there is any news on criket you can share with me ( so very desi but can't help it )
joharali i don't know if you r an indian but living in india is not that bad and especially if you come from a city like bombay .
Tasneem and newyorker: I understand what you guys are saying. Yet we are all still here waiting for the postman. Living back home is only good if you have enough money. Remember Gujarat where the elected party and LK advani was a part of mass killing. Human beings burned humanbeings. In the end the train fire was started by cooking inside the boggy, they guess. Anyway, I am not going to argue anymore but I can not live the people who do not have respect for life and other humanbeings. I am sure it is fun for a while to go and eat cholay and wistle at the street corner and smoke in public but hey I pass that age. I am sure it is fun to roam around at work time and drink tea all day but hey I am pass that age. I am sure it is fun to see 75% people as poor as animals over here and do not enough to eat but no sorry I can not live in that system which supresses those. I am sure it is fun to see the rich gets richer with the global economy and let the poor still not get their proerp share of the pie but I can not do that. More power to you guys and see yousome day on the streets of Bombay if you are planing to go. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. But there was a friend of mine from China. One new person came form China and excited the rest of the Chinese to go back, I told my friend gave the person six months and after that the person applied for immigration as well. The worst come worse go back for six months and you will see it for oyurself. I had tried it and had gone back for one year and was teaching but got culture shock and I am determined to live here unless get kicked out so lets be honest.. I like honesty. Believ eme we do not waite for the post man just because we like to waite.... So here is my personal opinion so you do not have agree. I am sure people do not hate their country of origin and we all would go back now and then but living there is work. The system is corrupted. George furnandez was tashing money in the purchase of coffins for solders. Let me stop here man and let you guys have your fun.... SORRY but hey you guys started it. SOrry to all other for talking about irrelavent topic on this forum,,,
Hey Johar

I can understand whatz wrong with our beloved India, I am not saying all is alright there. I know what happened in the riots was as nasty as it can get and should hnot have happened. but the killings and blooodshed are not just limited to india. It happens all around the world. I completely agree that if given a choice to every professional indias they would opt to settle down somewhere else due to the "Corruption" and "Unlawful attitudes". But hey things are not right everywhere too.

But I thank god for everything he has provided me till day and keep thanking him for all his gratitude...

I am also tahnkful to the United States of America for helping me out to make my life better. It played an important role in where I stand today..

Now this is the truth newyorker. We all love our countries but the truth is that we are doen with the system there adn that is why we are here. Not just here but waite for the postman on a daily basis. Over here is the best and we wanted teh best that is all and accepting the fact only takes courage to come forward and say it in public. Lawlessness may exist elsewhere but not like it exist on the east side of the earth...

CHEER and ignore my posts on this topic please. My apologies. Lets get back to the real topic the GC even it is not green... :)
I don't want to add anything more but please remember a citizenship obtained by naturalization can always be revoked, but what is by birth will always remain yours.

Just my 2 cents.
well said yeppo. Thanks for hanging around. How is the new free life. have gotten over the waiting cycle yet. Or you still sometime crave that you are probably waiting for something but do not know what. SO hay it is over and enjoy your life. Go on a long trip and take long vacations. Also wish us the best.
Still wondering if coldfusion will get his approval today....

Wish you all very happy new year.

Was busy in shifting. Did address change, filed AR-11, inform NYC office.

Call customer service. got letter stating that i need to reroute inquires to local uscis office where my file is.

Still waiting for interview letters.

I think I will be on this forum - even after approval I visit it countless times between work. As long as my friends are still there.

I wish all of u all the best and hope to see approvals soon for all of you.
