New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences

No, it's "downstate NY" - I need to correct it (thank god, that question doesn't appear in the civics test!).

I disagree on that.
I live downtown Manhattan and my corporate office (only for 2 more weeks, thankfully) is in Westchester, some 40 miles away.
It feels like Canada.... :D
Should I email the interviewing officer and tell her to deduct a point from you :D:D?

thankful said:
....The interview is a laidback affair. Enjoy...

In fact "she" will retro-actively cut your point for calling it an "affair" and that too, "laid-back" with an emphasis on "enjoy"...:D:D Sorry, couldn't resist the double entendre..
In fact "she" will retro-actively cut your point for calling it an "affair" and that too, "laid-back" with an emphasis on "enjoy"...:D:D Sorry, couldn't resist the pun..

Too late. I was approved a while back. The statute of limitation has run. :)
nope, they gave me N-652 "congratulations, your application has been recommended for approval" and told me to expect my OL in 2-3 weeks.

this is how pathetic about Federal Plaza, i have not even been interviewed yet but i have my WOM case ready. let us know how it goes.
So I call USCIS yesterday to ask if they have my file. Apparently not, they however asked me to come in today for my interview and to bring a copy of my application. So I leave in about an hour for the interview. They faxed the interview letter and said they would acclerate the process from there on.

Persistence pays my friends. :)
I wrote letter to office of senator Schumer back in March. I got a letter from his office today told me something I already knew. How timely.
Interview Experience: Federal Plaza, NYC (05/13/2009)

..Will keep the forum updated. ...

Just returned from the interview. We reached around 40-minutes before; the security person asked us to come after 15 minutes (so that it's 30-minutes before the interview time, which was 9:35am). Spent some time in McDonald opposite federal plaza. Entered at 9:00am, went through the airport-like security check and reached the 7th floor. Gave interview letters one-by-one (I and my wife) to a person at the counter. She asked if both of us (wife and I) were together; we said "yes" and she placed our letters together, gave us some printouts that mentioned about "we are running late due to some delay..." Before I could finish reading it, I was called for the interview, 20 minutes before the scheduled time.

The officer was a very young lady and I thought "OK, junior officer; so no decision today." She made me take some oath ("will tell the truth, etc..."). Hardly had she started, and another officer barged in to the office, apologized for the interruption, and they started discussing about a case-file of an armed-forces person routed to wrong department by mistake. Didn't make me feel very comfortable listening to all that.

Anyway, the regular interview started after some time. She gave me civics test (six questions: name senator of NY, who is vice president, how many amendments to the constitution, which group of people were brought in as slaves, who lived in the US before Europeans arrived, and why did colonies fight the British), then went over the application item-by-item, made me sign few papers and two pictures I had attached with N-400 (everything is routine thus far). Asked for greencard and passport, verified my international travel stamps in the passport. Did not ask for any other documents.

She has another file on her desk with all my history - around 10-inches thick (yes; I went through many steps with the INS: J-1 visa-->Waiver from 2-year HRR-->H-1B-->EB-1/NIW based I-140-->I-485 was taking too long, so switched to Consular Processing, etc.). She went through all pages of that file, too but did not ask me any thing related to that file. She asked briefly about what I do at job (it sounded casual but I believe this was to check if my employment is consistent with EB-1 and NIW petitions I had in past).

Then she mentioned she would also interview my wife and whether we wanted oath on the same day. I said "yes." She told she would give me "recommended for approval" paper right now, and if my wife's file and interview are in order, she would approve both the cases and give us oath letters today itself. I thanked her. I went out (total 40 minutes interview) and she called my wife.

My wife's interview also lasted for 40-minutes. Her international travels were significantly less than mine, so the officer joked why I don't take her with me abroad whenever I fly. We have kids and my wife works and studies - so she explained it. My wife had two passports with her - both expired. The officer looked only on the most recent passport with greencard stamp. This passport had expired in August 2008. No questions were raised on this. No documents were asked. My wife saw officer stamp her and my files with a big, red "Approved" stamp; though the officer gave my wife a letter saying "recommended for approval." The officer told someone will review our files, we need to wait in the main room and that we would get oath letters today itself. Before the officer let her go, she asked my wife if she had income tax returns with her (what a surprise! - I expected that question for me). Anyway, my wife had, so she gave copies of last five years tax transcripts.

So we waited for around 2 hours, and first I got the oath letter (my name was announced asking me to go to a specific counter). We waited another half an hour, and my wife's name was announced. She was also given the oath letter. Our oath dates/time are the same (see signature below). We live in Westchester, NY - so we expected oath at White Plains court house; but our oath ceremony paper mentions about some "Special Naturalization Oath Ceremony" at New York Historical Society, New York location. Somehow, I did not feel any exhilaration; may be a tiny bit of relief.

Overall experience was good, staff was polite and courteous. No complaints.

Good luck to all who are eagerly awaiting for their turns. Thanks a lot to all who were very helpful here on this forum; and to those who selflessly shared their own experiences so that others can benefit.
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After harassing my contact at USCIS for weeks now, she asked me yesterday if I would be available for an interview today. I said "yes", showed up today, although my file has still not arrived and they asked me to bring a copy of my N-400 form. Appointment was scheduled for 11am, I was called at 11.10am (I was shocked it was really surprising). A really high up official called me to his office and conducted the interview. He apologized for my file not arriving, but hoped to get it next week.

So, I have to wait for my file to arrive before a decision is made. I advice to everyone, be persistent in contacting people to move your case forward.

All the best to everyone.
NYC DO is getting quite fast for naturalization as well.
I remember when it used to take at least 2 years for AOS.
I was lucky that they opened then Garden City office before I applied and could eliminate the backlog (I got my GC in 4 months).
Now it looks like I'll get naturalized in a few months, that's great!
Interview Queue?

First of all, congratulations to everyone who has "almost" finished the process. Considering I have done fingerprints 3 times in the past 9 months, I wish mine is half as smooth as yours. (very jealous!)

How can I find out if my application has been added to the Interview Queue. Today I checked the status online, and it still says my application is st at VSC. Does your status online stays the same even after you receive you interview notice?

I have a very important question for anyone please answer I've got a ticket when I was 16 years old now I'm 21 goin 22 but I never pay it because I was afraid to tell my mom abot. I'm sending my n400 this week can I have problems because of it I call the police number to check but thay can't find anythin by the way it was an MTA please help no one else can't answer me thanks everyone best forum ever
I called USCIS today, 2nd Level IO informed me that interview letter was mailed on May 11, 2009. According to her, the interview is schedule for July 6, 2009 at Garden City at 10:30 am. However, today is Thurday May 14, 2009, I have not receive it yet. Why is the letter taking so long to arrive? I know a letter mail within the same state usually takes 3 business days.
How can I find out if my application has been added to the Interview Queue. Today I checked the status online, and it still says my application is st at VSC. Does your status online stays the same even after you receive you interview notice?

Online status is a joke. For some people it stays the same for others it changes to validation error after you receive your interview notice. For others it never showed up to begin with.

To check whether you're in the interview queue, call the 1-800 customer service line and ask to be transferred to a second level immigration officer. Since your application is from July 2008, you really shouldn't have to fight with them to be transferred. Tell them that your district office is processing August 22, 2008 applications according to the USCIS website and you demand to be transferred to a second level immigration officer to figure what's wrong.

It sounds like you're stuck in name check though. If so, check out the sticky about WOM law suits. Start writing letters to your congressmen, USCIS ombudsman, etc. Good luck.
Recd Interview Letter

Sent N-400 02/19/2009
NOA - 03/02/09
PD- 02/24/09
FL - 03/10/09
FPD - 03/21/09(Walk in 03/11/09 Completed)
CFR Letter:05/09/2009
ID: - 07/13/09 @ Garden City
OL: xx/xx/09
OD: xx/xx/09
PP: xx/xx/09 (applied)
PP: xx/xx/09 (received)
It sounds like you're stuck in name check though. If so, check out the sticky about WOM law suits. Start writing letters to your congressmen, USCIS ombudsman, etc. Good luck.

Thanks, sh1996. I called the USCIS today and asked to speak with the 2nd level immigration officer (I really didn't have to fight to transfer.) He told me my application was still at VSC, and he did not know why they were holding my application. However what he did was sending a request for me to VSC regarding my call today. He said I should get a written notice directly from VSC in a month and they would let me know what happened to my application. (Helpful? Yes? No? I don't know anymore...)

I dont know if Name check is the reason holding up my case because I did call the FBI not too long ago about my 3rd time finger prints. The lady from FBI told me they already cleared and sent my finger prints back to USCIS. Doesn't this mean that my name check and finger prints are clear?

And... yes I will start sending out the letters to everyone.....
Name check and finger prints are two different things.

They are different!?!?! Is there anyway to find out the name check is clear? I guess I should have asked the officer about my name check when I called earlier today. But all he said was my case was still at VSC, and he had no other information... I hope the letter from VSC will answer all my questions. I REALLY hope...
NEW YORK brooklyn
Sent N-400 05/16/2009
FL - xx/xx/09
FPD - xx/xx/09
ID: - xx/xx/09 hopin to be before 2010.
OL: xx/xx/xx
OD: xx/xx/xx
PP: xx/xx/xx (applied)
PP: xx/xx/xx (received)
They are different!?!?! Is there anyway to find out the name check is clear? I guess I should have asked the officer about my name check when I called earlier today. But all he said was my case was still at VSC, and he had no other information... I hope the letter from VSC will answer all my questions. I REALLY hope...

Actually, the 2nd level CSRs (Immigration Information Officers) do indeed have access to your background check information and are able to tell you whether or not your name check has been cleared. Call again and ask.