New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences

Thanks for update indianexpert.

Looks like "Garden City DO" is consistent with interview scheduling (approx. 90 days after PD), and actual interview (approx. 120 days after PD).

And, updated tracker:

PD.....................FP.............LUD/IL.............ID.................Oath............ .User............... Note.............................................. ...........
07/02/2009.....07/24/2009.....00/00/0000.....11/30/2009.....12/10/2009.....718tc...............Got Oath letter on ID
07/09/2009.....08/01/2009.....00/00/0000.....12/07/2009.....12/21/0009.....yankee37..........Got Oath letter on ID
07/13/2009.....08/07/2009.....10/31/2009.....12/08/2009.....12/22/2009.....val2009............Got Oath letter on ID
07/20/2009.....08/12/2009.....11/06/2009.....12/10/2009.....12/30/2009.....id0mu...............Got Oath letter on ID
07/20/2009.....08/13/2009.....11/06/2009.....12/10/2009.....01/04/2010.....NYStu...............Oath Letter on Dec 18, 2009
07/24/2009.....08/18/2009.....11/07/2009.....12/10/2009.....00/00/0000.....usnycus............Rescheduled Oath (was on 01/08/2010)
09/23/2009.....10/21/2009.....01/06/2010.....02/11/2010.....00/00/0000.....indianexpert....... Spouse interview on Feb 11
10/13/2009.....11/03/2009.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....joanne26............Yellow letter on Dec 22
10/12/2009.....11/06/2009.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....gc_123..............Yellow letter on Dec 26
11/23/2009.....12/21/2009.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....manishvora_99....Yellow letter on Dec 16
12/08/2009.....12/24/2009.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....nri107...............FP was schedule 01/05/2010, Hicksville
Interview passed :)

HI all,

Yesterday i had my interview in Federal Plaza even though i live in Long Island. took the train at 7AM for then taxi to 26 federal Plaza. Oh boy the line was huge and those 5 minutes waiting outside was like Alaska.

Got in about 9:30 for 10am appointment and did not get called till 11:20 or so, that clock did not move at all. I got a very nice officer who was friendly and told me this will be very easy and asked if i had studied the questions. Asked me 6 questions answered correct read how many senators are there wrote the answer. then proceeded with application it was all done 11:50 got approved and it was such a great feeling cant explain. Got Oath for Feb 12 2010 in Brooklyn go figure not sure why but its so out of my way, any way i would go to cali if they asked me :).

Thank you for support and please please fellow immigrants dont read bad posts here and then loose sleep i lost so much over sleep over this think.

Again thanx for support 4 weeks to becoming a Citizen of this great nation.

Forum is a user community. In my opinion users in doubt are suppose to ask question to volunteer moderator.

I am still confused why it is offensive to ask a volunteer moderator on reason for "Merge".

And, if not the volunteer moderator then where are we suppose to raise the question? I am confident that wording in the post were not offensive in any way. I am not sure why you and other volunteer moderator (btw, you can find out who did it) felt that way. Volunteer moderator may have ignored the post and sent me a warning (if you/moderator felt the post is offensive).

Please note that merging thread created confusion among users who were contributing in the "Garden City DO" thread. We had a lot of useful information in that thread and many of us were clueless on fate of "Garden City DO" thread. Also, you may feel that "Federal Plaza DO" and "Garden city DO" are same, but many of us felt differently and that's the reason we started a new thread.

Btw, thanks for detailed response. It took you almost a day to respond, and other volunteer moderator did the job (of deleting a post and merging thread) in a minute. Please do not delete this post as I am going to open a thread in "Rajiv's corner" linking this post.

Thanks in Advance.

I know now that you have opened another thread and contacted administrator on this matter BEFORE I even made earlier posting to address this matter, so let the administrator now to respond to you because I don't think it would matter even if I will try to explain to you some of your concerns, and I did state in my earlier posting that in this situation members will nonstop argue to justify themselves. Besides, I'm not the involved party here since I've not deleted your that particular posting. I've simply tried to address your concerns above which I was not obligated to, but thought you will understand that- (1) each moderator sees things differently, which means what seems right to one person then it doesn't mean a moderator will feel the same. It's same like each person is unique and individual. As for your that particular posting which got deleted then as I've already stated that it could be possible that one of the moderators felt it as an offensive and inflammable so it be deleted. I did read that posting and felt the same and was about to delete it but I did NOT because I got busy in something else but I actually did feel it as an offensive. I know you don't feel that your posting was offensive but I did like other moderator did. Further, a posting doesn't get deleted just because of its being offensive or inflammable; instead sometimes it could be deleted for many reasons, such as serving no purpose on an important thread. In the past I've deleted hundreds of postings from this thread wherein members were seen to be in "chit-chat" which didn't serve the purpose of this thread nor help anyone. I spent numerous hours/days with my energy/time/efforts to organize this thread so that people could get needed information right away handy than spending scrolling 500 pages. Thus, there shouldn't be any question cause it is a judgmental call based on how a particular moderator felt about that particular posting. And in my personal opinion, moderators are not here to argue nor to explain to members each and every time as to why they did this and that as their moderatorship duties or what was offensive/inflammable and what wasn't.

Also, I have already explained to you above as to why Garden city thread got merged with this thread. I don't think it's worth to talk more about it. Further, moderators don't normally issue warning to members on offensive postings especially when it's made once or twice; instead they delete the offensive postings and issue warning only when members REPEATEDLY get involved in offensive postings. So you to ask why you were not given warning first then it's was in the sole discretion of moderator who decided your posting to be deleted. If you seemed to have involved in making offensive and inflammable postings repeatedly then I'm sure every moderator might have issued you the warning. And I do not know the name of the moderator who deleted your posting nor I even tried to look for his/her name, but I believe s/he took the right decision in deleting your that posting. And as I said earlier that no one likes their posting to be deleted, so obviously most members try to argue nonstop to justify themselves right over here and even contact administrator and owner of this site. Thus, let administrator to look into the matter because I'm sure you will not accept the answer from moderators as to why your posting got deleted and why your "Garden City" thread got merged with this thread. Just for your knowledge, hundreds of threads have been merged with this thread over the years to keep all the NYC naturalization experiences at one place so that readers could be benefitted with it. No one has ever questioned. You are the first one who questioned this despite of being a former moderator. I mean, you should have known that putting threads together on its respective places is also a part of moderatorship. Naturalization experiences from Federal Plaza and Garden City do fall under NYC experiences, and lately no one knows where they could be interviewed at even if they fall in Federal Plaza office or Garden City office. This thread contains experiences from these both offices over the years and officers from these two offices do get transfered to each other office all the time. Thus, you can not separate naturalization experiences from Federal Plaza to Garden City office. After all they both belong to NYC area and their adjudication officers interchange all the time. Just one fact for your knowledge, over the years moderators have merged threads all the times for similar topic/information.

And I've no idea what you are talking about "volunteer moderator" or other things here. All I know so far is- you have made a posting on this thread a few days ago which I also found inflammable in my opinion and now it's cleared that other moderator felt the same which made him/her to have deleted it. You seem angry and upset because of your posting having deleted, so you are now questioning on why it got deleted and even contacted administrator. As I have said earlier that each action of moderators cannot be questioned/challenged because moderators are human beings too and they act individually based on what seems right to them. Thus, one of the moderators might have felt that your posting was offensive and inflammable which made him/her to delete your that particular posting. Keep in mind that I did NOT delete your that posting. Anyway, you have involved administrator on this matter then let them respond to you since you still seem to disagree with one of the moderators' action. Besides, I'm not the involved party here. I'll stay out of this because I like to spend my time/energy in helping people than something like this unless someone has personally targeted others. Anyway, if owner/administrator of this site will feel that you are right and two of their moderators were wrong then they can undo things for you.
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HI all,

Yesterday i had my interview in Federal Plaza even though i live in Long Island. took the train at 7AM for then taxi to 26 federal Plaza. Oh boy the line was huge and those 5 minutes waiting outside was like Alaska.

Got in about 9:30 for 10am appointment and did not get called till 11:20 or so, that clock did not move at all. I got a very nice officer who was friendly and told me this will be very easy and asked if i had studied the questions. Asked me 6 questions answered correct read how many senators are there wrote the answer. then proceeded with application it was all done 11:50 got approved and it was such a great feeling cant explain. Got Oath for Feb 12 2010 in Brooklyn go figure not sure why but its so out of my way, any way i would go to cali if they asked me :).

Thank you for support and please please fellow immigrants dont read bad posts here and then loose sleep i lost so much over sleep over this think.

Again thanx for support 4 weeks to becoming a Citizen of this great nation.

Congratulations!!! I know exactly what you mean by 'great feeling'.
And I have some news too. My passport was mailed yesterday!
My Details

Hello everyone,

I'm getting close to flashpoint here. Does Federal Plaza hand out OL the same day as interview? How far apart should I expect the Oath to be from Interview? I'm moving out of my current Manhattan apartment end of February. Me and my wife are looking at either Queens or New Jersey. If my interview completes by then, which I am hopeful it will, can I take the oath being a Queens or NJ resident? I hate to do this process all over or push the Naturalization dates out.

Please share your thoughts.

MD: 10/26/2009
RD: 10/27/2009
PD: 10/29/2009
ND: 10/29/2009
FP Date: 11/18/2009 (201 Varick)
Many (not all ) received Oath letter same day in Federal Plaza (including me).

I got Oath day for Jan 8 (approx 30 days from interview).

Hello everyone,

I'm getting close to flashpoint here. Does Federal Plaza hand out OL the same day as interview? How far apart should I expect the Oath to be from Interview? I'm moving out of my current Manhattan apartment end of February. Me and my wife are looking at either Queens or New Jersey. If my interview completes by then, which I am hopeful it will, can I take the oath being a Queens or NJ resident? I hate to do this process all over or push the Naturalization dates out.

Please share your thoughts.

MD: 10/26/2009
RD: 10/27/2009
PD: 10/29/2009
ND: 10/29/2009
FP Date: 11/18/2009 (201 Varick)
Congrats Elplast

Updated tracker.

PD.....................FP.............LUD/IL.............ID.................Oath............ .User............... Note.............................................. ...........
07/02/2009.....07/24/2009.....00/00/0000.....11/30/2009.....12/10/2009.....718tc...............Got Oath letter on ID
07/09/2009.....08/01/2009.....00/00/0000.....12/07/2009.....12/21/0009.....yankee37..........Got Oath letter on ID
07/13/2009.....08/07/2009.....10/31/2009.....12/08/2009.....12/22/2009.....val2009............Got Oath letter on ID
07/20/2009.....08/12/2009.....11/06/2009.....12/10/2009.....12/30/2009.....id0mu...............Got Oath letter on ID
07/20/2009.....08/13/2009.....11/06/2009.....12/10/2009.....01/04/2010.....NYStu...............Oath Letter on Dec 18, 2009
07/24/2009.....08/18/2009.....11/07/2009.....12/10/2009.....00/00/0000.....usnycus............Rescheduled Oath (was on 01/08/2010)
08/21/2009.....09/09/2009.....12/08/2009.....01/14/2010.....02/12/2010.....Elplast.............Got Oath letter on ID
09/23/2009.....10/21/2009.....01/06/2010.....02/11/2010.....00/00/0000.....indianexpert....... Spouse interview on Feb 11
10/13/2009.....11/03/2009.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....joanne26............Yellow letter on Dec 22
10/12/2009.....11/06/2009.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....gc_123..............Yellow letter on Dec 26
11/23/2009.....12/21/2009.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....manishvora_99....Yellow letter on Dec 16
12/08/2009.....12/24/2009.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....00/00/0000.....nri107...............FP was schedule 01/05/2010, Hicksville
Thank you. How did you answer the "have you been cited" question? I've had 2 speeding tickets which I paid and took a defensive driving class to eliminate points but don't have any records of payment or dispositions or citations or whatever. I have a copy of my driving record that says its clean. Still not sure how to answer that question. Sorry, I know this topic has been beaten to a pulp a million times over.

Many (not all ) received Oath letter same day in Federal Plaza (including me).

I got Oath day for Jan 8 (approx 30 days from interview).
I never had a moving violation.

In your case if you already marked yes (in application) for citation, you can get driving record from DMV and show that during interview (if asked). Please check DMV website on how to request driver's record.

Thank you. How did you answer the "have you been cited" question? I've had 2 speeding tickets which I paid and took a defensive driving class to eliminate points but don't have any records of payment or dispositions or citations or whatever. I have a copy of my driving record that says its clean. Still not sure how to answer that question. Sorry, I know this topic has been beaten to a pulp a million times over.
Good driver you. I put in I've never been cited in the application and going to say the same in the interview, if asked. I'll keep you posted on what happens. I have a pristine copy of my driving record.

I never had a moving violation.

In your case if you already marked yes (in application) for citation, you can get driving record from DMV and show that during interview (if asked). Please check DMV website on how to request driver's record.
Interview 2/18

My turn for interview. Got the mail today that my interview is going to be on 2/18 @ 26 Federal Plaza, exactly 3 months from FP.

Question - In the interview letter it does not ask you to take anything like tax transcripts, copy of lease, utility bills, birth certificate, etc. It asks me to bring only green card, interview letter, ID, passport and maybe photo. I've been reading these forums and people have been bringing all kinds of things like tax transcripts, ticket dispositions, birth certificates etc.

I'm planning on taking just what's being asked. Anything else they ask I am going to tell them I don't have it because its not mentioned in the letter.

Does anyone had or know somebody who has had a similar experience?

I'm applying based on 5 year employment based PR and a fairly straight forward case hopefully.
No harm in carrying papers if you have them. Even if you don't want to, still I would say carry at least following:

Tax returns
Green Card
Drivers License
Bank Statement/Credit card statement

I had exactly same wording like yours in the letter and they still asked me for tax papers. I also had 5 yrs employment based PR.

Good Luck.

My turn for interview. Got the mail today that my interview is going to be on 2/18 @ 26 Federal Plaza, exactly 3 months from FP.

Question - In the interview letter it does not ask you to take anything like tax transcripts, copy of lease, utility bills, birth certificate, etc. It asks me to bring only green card, interview letter, ID, passport and maybe photo. I've been reading these forums and people have been bringing all kinds of things like tax transcripts, ticket dispositions, birth certificates etc.

I'm planning on taking just what's being asked. Anything else they ask I am going to tell them I don't have it because its not mentioned in the letter.

Does anyone had or know somebody who has had a similar experience?

I'm applying based on 5 year employment based PR and a fairly straight forward case hopefully.
I received my interview letter yesterday, and I also have the interview scheduled for Thursday, February 18, 2010 at Federal Plaza.
115 days after mailing the N-400.
Good Luck studying for everyone.
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What time is your interview?

Mine is at 9:55.

I'm done reading. Just debating on whether I need to take tax transcripts or not because they haven't asked for it in the interview letter.

I received my interview letter yesterday, and I also have the interview scheduled for Thursday, February 18, 2010 at Federal Plaza.
115 days after mailing the N-400.
Good Luck studying for everyone.
NY Timeline: Updation of timeline sheet

I never had a moving violation.

In your case if you already marked yes (in application) for citation, you can get driving record from DMV and show that during interview (if asked). Please check DMV website on how to request driver's record.

The list does not show "baasha" and "daaisy". Also, my PD is 12/3/2009 as given in their FP letter. I am still waiting for any further updation on their online or any information from USCIS. When I last talked to IO.One, he just read out the RFE as appearing on the web and he did not agree that RFE and FP are the same. He said as on 31st December, the record shows the same RFE status and if not received any notice, I should wait for sometime.

What time is your interview?

Mine is at 9:55.

I'm done reading. Just debating on whether I need to take tax transcripts or not because they haven't asked for it in the interview letter.

Mine is at 11:10am. My letter did not ask for tax transcripts either, but I will order them tomorrow, just in case.
Just debating on whether I need to take tax transcripts or not because they haven't asked for it in the interview letter.

It seems obvious you have either not read sticky thread and this one or at least didn't read them well; otherwise you would have known very clearly that- (1) interview letter is mailed out by clerks and not by the immigration officers who take interview; (2) immigration officers at the interview could ask ANYTHING and EVERYTHING regardless of what is mentioned on the interview letter to bring with; (3) interview letter is just a generic letter than a case specific. That being said, one should take to the interview EVERYTHING and ANYTHING relevant to the application if s/he doesn't want his/her application to be delayed/denied.
It seems obvious you have either not read sticky thread and this one or at least didn't read them well; otherwise you would have known very clearly that- (1) interview letter is mailed out by clerks and not by the immigration officers who take interview; (2) immigration officers at the interview could ask ANYTHING and EVERYTHING regardless of what is mentioned on the interview letter to bring with; (3) interview letter is just a generic letter than a case specific. That being said, one should take to the interview EVERYTHING and ANYTHING relevant to the application if s/he doesn't want his/her application to be delayed/denied.

Guys! Please! But seriously, maybe someone cant tell more competently - should I call to IRS and order a transcript (and I expect it might take long time to get it)? Or all my regular tax papers (paid W2 etc - for 5 last years) can satisfy IO?
why dint i recieve my interview letter yet? looking at the posts here i should have recieved the letter and also, on the website it still says "request for evidence".. I am really worried!!! should i go for an infopass??
my timelime is as follows:

location: Long Island
10/19/09--- Mailed N-400 (Lewisville, TX)
10/21/09---Application Delivered
10/23/09---NOA recieved
11/16/09---Fingerprints Done (Hicksville)
12/01/09---Yellow Letter Recieved
Waiting for interview letter