Today I had an interview for citizenship at Garden City New York . This was my worse experience with USCIS. My case was 3 years marriage based. No criminal record, no moral issue not even a parking ticket. The interveiw was scheduled at 8:00 AM. I was called Approx. 9:10 AM by a lady officer (Black decent). From the start of the interview the officer was extremely rude and unfriendly. She started with the civic test which I passed with 10 out of 10 then she gave me three sentences to write which I did. After that she started with the application. She verified all the things on the application form. Asked about a trip of less than a month to home country. I said this was to visit my extended family back home. Then she proceeded to the rest of the questions including # of children, their dates of birth, names etc. etc. In this whole process she was not frindly at all. It's seemed like she was grilling me. After that she asked me about Tax transcripts which I handed over to her. I filed joint tax returns for the last eight years. Then she started working on her computer. At this point I thought its over and I am approved. Then she told me to show here the utilitiy bills , bank statements, house lease and health insurance information under both of our names. I had bank statments only which I gave it to her but she said this is not enough. Show me the apt. lease for the last three years. I told her that I am subleting a portion from my brother in law who own the house. She said OK show me the health insurance information. I gave her my health insurance card. She said "NO its not acceptable you have to show me the proof that you both are covered under this insurance for the last three years". I said Ok I can get a letter from my insurance company. She said OK " You either get this until 3 PM today or come back on November 17, 2008 with the proof and if you choose today & don't show up by 3 PM she will deny my case". I was shocked. I repeatedly requested her to please give me at least a day to get this letter but she insisted to inform her right now if I want until 3 PM today or November 17. I requested her to please give me at least 10 Minutes to check with my insurance company if they can fax me a letter. She said no as fax is not acceptable she needs original. I then conceded and requested her to give me the November 17th to come with the requested documents.
Guys It was extremely horrible experience. The interview lasted for one and half hours. Please advice what should I do now. Like I mentioned I am subleting a portion of a private house from my cousin who owns that house. I have no lease, no utilities bills under our joint name But I have joint bank statements and joint health insurance for the last three years. Will that be enough? Please advice.
Suprisingly she asked me If I have life insurance. I replied no. You will not believe me, she got annoyed and said " WHY NOT".
Guys what should I do now? Should I hire the attorney?
11/19/2007 N-400 Applied
1/23/2008 Finger print
3/23/2008 Name check cleared
9/24/2008 Interview (Request more evidence)

11/17/2008 Approved (Waiting for Oath).