New TSC Discussion - January 25, 2002


Our attorney told us he has received the approval notice today from TSC: EB3, ND July 19. Hope people in this thread will hear the same good news soon!
More details . . .

The EB 3 had an RD of May 15, and an ND of July 19. PD is 02/98. Long wait indeed! We had our medicals done about a month ago and had started gathering all the necessary documentation for I-485 about two months prior. This is my advice for the I-140 waiters -- get your docs together before your petitions are approved in order not to lose any more time on the I-485 paper work than you have to. Hope this is helpful.
Update & Thanks to GKing & KGH

Hello guys!

I have heard couple of complaints on the updating front. I want to clear up couple of things. I have tried to update the tracker on Monday night and Tuesday morning but the server did not allow me to and my update process has been timimg out. Finally I could update the tracker today.

In general I try to update the tracker at the end of the day everyday but sometimes I update the tracker once every two days as I have also been busy of late. But usually I do not delay for more than 2 days the updates. If I have not updated the tracker even for 2 days, then there will certainly be a strong reason behind it, so please be patient.

I like criticisms, but keep it reasonable and try to understand the pains that I take to maintain the tracker. I have been updating the tracker for the past 7 months and am glad to be volunteering my servives to benefit all of us. I get lot of e-mails supporting me and thanking me which keeps me motivated. Once in a while there are occassional finger pointers who never are satisfied with whatever voluntary work one does, and I have learnt to ignore them as long as 99% of others are happy and apprectaive of what I do. I don\'t mean to disrespect anyone or am condemning anyone\'s criticisms but just am asking you all to look through my eyes what I have been doing selflessly for the post 7 months and try to understand that for various reasons like technical problems etc. sometimes it is impossible to update the tracker as soon as you would want it to be updated.

Thanks a lot KGH and special thanks to you GKing in supporting me and also being on my side in helping me out for the past 7 months.

I will continue to render my services in maintaining the tracker and continue to do the best I can in maintaining the tracker as current as possible.

Thanks for all your support and cooperation.


New forum

This is getting long.
I humb;y request that people make relevant posts and not just complaints so we don\'t need a new forum every few days.