New TSC Discussion - January 25, 2002

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I Hope TSC does not go the ENRON way and Shred all out I140 applications. :) :) :) :)

GOD PLease !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi Just Introduced !

USA is land of rules and law with exception to INS. Do I need to say more before you any body in illusion understands how INS does its bussiness ?

What\'s the fking TSC doing there?!!!

What\'s TSC doing there? I-140 processing is supposed to be very
simple. They do not have to do very much. They just need to do
some very simple routine work. I really wander what the fking TSC
doing there?!!! I really hope TSC goes bankrupt. A new one maybe better than the current one. Those lazy bones do not have to work if they do not like to, but they can never lose their jobs. It\'s a government department.
Lets Stop emotions here and do smothing to wakeup TSC

Please do something with can have some impact to speedup the situations in TSC for I-140 process? Any Idea from senior guys!
EB3, ND July 19

No approval yet. The attorney tells me it could take another month for approval. Any thoughts?
how and where can i find out my authorized notice number online?

my lawyer told me my case had approved , how and where i find out number of my approved notice?
An idea to speed up processing at TSC

Protest letters

If you all remember we sent several letters when TSC stopped processing I-140 cases. This was during mid July to late October. TSC got lots of enquiries from law makers in hill.

Now time has come to send another round of letters. This time we should send letters and specially show our protest towards INS plan to implement the premium processing in TSC. We can single out TSC on the ground that TSC has been a very inefficient center and it should not be allowed to implement PP. INS can not do this as PP is going into effect in other three centers. Catch 22 for TSC, TSC either needs to speed up or needs to give up. Probably TSC will prefer first option as $$$ sign is attractive.

I know if INS wants to go for PP, we can not stop but INS can force TSC to speed up the cases.

These letters should be send in mass and language should smell out our protest toward TSC plan to go for PP without adjudicating thousands and thousands pending cases with NDs dated back to November and Dcember 2000.

Starting from members of judiciary committee down to your local congressmen/women and senators can be destinations of your letters.

If you don\'t do some thing for you no one will do nothing for you.

So guys just wake up and I hope you may be already having format of these letters drafted by Ken and some guys in forum.

If you can not do it for yourself, just enjoy your remaining days in USA and then pack up to go back home as in this uncertain job market any body can be forced to go home.

Guys just wake up.

Any takers of the idea.

Have a good weekend.

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KP, I agree with you by doing this atleast we can highlight our problem. Do you have any idea how to find the names and contact details of local congressman etc, I mean is there a web-site for this?
Also where is the draft by Ken, as i joined this forum much later than the prevoius round of sending such kind of letters?

RD 30 JUN 01
ND 30 JUL 01
TSC is probably holding approvals so people will pay the higher fees

Filing fees go up on February 19th. From $220 to $255 for 485, for the excellent level of service provided.
That would also be why they don\'t update AVm, so you can\'t prepare and get pictures, medicals done while waiting for the notice. :(
Illusion is over - my friend

KP .. I understand your rage.. And you have every reason to be ...
And with all due respect I am not in "illusion" either.. I had to go through two PT, two H-1, one I-140 via TSC... So illusion is over way back, even if I had any.....

Though my screen name says so, I am not just introduced to this forum... I have been around immigrationportal for more than two years now... i have forgot my password for the silent watcher account... fortunately remembered the just introduced pwd....

Any way.. waiting to hear good news from you... Few days back Rashid was asking here about your status... She is really nice.. isn\'t she???

Many thanks...
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It is very easy to find out list and addresses of congressmen/women and senator. Just go to URL

Enter your State and ZIP and here you go to your congressman/woman address.

Also we need to write letter to INS Commissioner.

Guys do it for sure, it is your work.


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Hi Just Introduced,

I did not mean to hurt feeling of any body but this is the fact that TSC is full of inefficient people and it will be very long wait for all of us.

Its not money

I think its not money. It\'s question of their efficiency.

To help ourselves lets write letters to law makers & TSC. If you do not want to give your case number tehn just compare the processing time with other centers.
That will keep pressure on.

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Hi all, if we are planning to write letters to law makers, we should highlight severe back log at TSC in each and every category.

Thank you Kishanpatel. Everybody please bookmark this address.

Please bookmark this address and send email when you have time. Also I suggest that we make a copy to this forum for reference when we send emails.

Nobody really has job security at this time. Laying off is happening every day. We must push the lazy TSC as much as possible.

Thank you Kishanpatel.


I\'ve been following this site for a few months now. Wanted to give this good news. My petition got approved and I got this news from my lawyer on Friday(25th). These are the details:
RD: May 21st 2001
ND: July 12th 2001
AD: Somewhere aroung Jan 18th 2002

Thanks to all you guys and hope this cheers up your spirits.Also, the AVM has not been updated yet.
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Congratulation hope_for_all, We need more such Good news to keep our spirits up, you have really brought a new Hope For All.