NEW THREAD FOR 420 -CSOFT-NJ based company

B1 visa?

I am not getting h1 visa.
I am planning for B1 visa.

Have any of our c* guys tried B1 visa?
Do you guys think it will work..

AnotherVictim1 said:
This is the time we have to protect ourselves.

Since you all had a legal representation thru an attorney --- I guess ... nothing bad might happen to U all -- regarding Ur filing of GC thru Nick and Co.

All U have to find a better employee now and work Ur way thru.

U can always say that U got "faulty legal advice" --- it's attorneys' responsibility to check all the documents and give U a real advice in writing.

Good luck.
pralay said:
In addition, people paid him money, got their GC already but never worked for Cybersoftec are clear targets because not working for Cybersoftec clearly indicates they never intended to work for Cybersoftec but obtained their GC in exchange of money.

Yes this might happen..... but I wonder what those guys can do now ... can they apply for GC all over again with a new company?
Innocent Employees of CST got affected

A very strange situation happened because of the fraudant activities of Narendra Mandalapa, CEO of Cybersoftec, manipulating / mis-use of US Govt documents, without information to innocent employees. He kept all employees and their families life in miserable situation, to fulfil his money hungry nature. He deserves the trail and jail.

But what the innocent employees did? Why the employees are treated and marked in all news papers as terrorists / illegal immigrants / illegal benefeciaries? The employees are innocents. They never got the information about their fraudant immigration filings either from employer or from USCIS, as the immigration matter is always between them. USCIS never discloses the information to employees, even though they are the worst affected by any fraud activities of employer.

The filing of immigration application is the employer's activity, by taking the credential information and experience of consultants, till the Labor Cerification is approved and I-140 is approved.

The system of immigration, attaching the employees to the employer is totally affecting employees, as the employees has no way of staying in USA and working for their living, without total mercy of the employer. Hence the employee has left with no option, except to agree for the terms of employer.

Who sees whether employer is properly giving salary to the employee as said in LC? Who sees whether employer is threating employees. All companies are making big big money by giving qualified consultants to clients, but they never look for the real benifits of employees. Employers just need money that is coming thru these consultants. If employee questions the employer about his rights in any matter, he will be sent out immediately. What a pity situation in USA, for so called skilled highly paid (not to employee, but to employer only) consultants?

In turn, if employer makes mistakes, the worst affected are employees only, in terms of deportation / fear of deportation.

Why not US Govt / USCIS make rule to separate skilled non-immigrant consultants from the employer and provide immigration benefits, based on his skills/ experience/his best track record.

In USA, all information is recorded / related / noted in Social Security Number (SSN).

And moreover, the immigration system working years together (now-a-days, no one knows when they will get immigation , 4 years,,? 6 years,,? 10 years.. ?), to provide / approve immgration is also causing the employee more hassals with emoployer. Employee is forced to accept all terms of employer, till his immigration is approved. He can't leave employer and even can't talk any mistakes of employer, because of scareness that employer will cancel the immigration process.

If employee dares, he has to restart the entire immigration process from begininng, which can't be done after 5 years of his stay in USA. Henec the employer charges lot of money from employees or reduces the employee's salary drastically, after filing for immigration application. Till the immigration is approved, the employee is like in the custody of employer. What the hell is this?

Well, coming to the Cybersfotec case, the innocent employees are already scared and please, please don't scare them further saying / writing in news papers, that those who are employees of Cybersoftec will be deported / taken action on them by USCIS, wherever they are now. All most all employees of Cybersfotec already left and joined other employers to save them from illegal status. Please don't scare them further saying that whereever they are, they will be prosecuted / deported. This will totally scares new employers and make them to remove the former Cybersoftec employees out of job. This even ruins the life and families of already affected employees.

All happened just because of one money hungry / idiotic mentality guy Narendra Mandalapa, and his illegal actions were never known to any employees, except to the office administrative staff sitting in the office and supporting his illegal activities.

Please show mercy on the employees, who lost lost of money, and lost immigration benefits (because of Narendra Mandalapa's fraud activities), lost reputation and scared to deportation.
rangara0000 said:
But what the innocent employees did? Why the employees are treated and marked in all news papers as terrorists / illegal immigrants / illegal benefeciaries? The employees are innocents. They never got the information about their fraudant immigration filings either from employer or from USCIS, as the immigration matter is always between them.

I don't think newspapers said anything different from what ICE news release said. They just copied most of the texts from this news release (steno-journalism!). So blaming newspapers is unfair. Read what ICE news release said:
Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and ICE continue to investigate those aliens who received the fraudulent immigration benefits. Investigators are also working to determine how many people fraudulently entered the country and how many already in the United States may have received fraudulent labor benefits.

As I mentioned before, Mr. Mandalapa's fraudulent acitvities were bigger than what we used to know. It's not just 300 GC applications with forged/duplicate LCs (that's what we talked about in last couple of months), but there are other 700 GC applications. Who knows what kind of fraud he committed on those cases. ICE made generic comment without going into details in each case. So if your case/relationship with Cybersoftec is straight and simple, there is nothing to worry about - no matter what ICE release says or what newspapers say. Guilt by association - that is not the way law works in this country. Keep in mind, we know many bad things about Enron managment. But all the Enron management personnels were not bad and most of them did not commit any crime. Only a few of them did.

It's true that most of the employees are innocents and Mr. Mandalapa expoited them fullest. I don't think they need to worry about too much about this case. All they need to do is find some good employers (not like Cybersoftec) and transfer their H1s (most of them did already, I guess). Having said that, not all are innocents. People paid Mr. Mandalapa money for buying pre-approved labor. And some did even couple of months back when many fishy stuffs regarding Cybersoftec were coming out in various immigration forums.

rangara0000 said:
Who sees whether employer is properly giving salary to the employee as said in LC? Who sees whether employer is threating employees.

Couple of months back DOL agent tried to contact people who had salary problems with Cybersoftec. As far I know most of the people did not contact him - being scared. Only a few did. If people are scared and therefore cannot accept the proper legal route, it's very unlikely that the law is going work for them. That's the lesson from this infamous case.

rangara0000 said:
Well, coming to the Cybersfotec case, the innocent employees are already scared and please, please don't scare them further saying / writing in news papers, that those who are employees of Cybersoftec will be deported / taken action on them by USCIS, wherever they are now. All most all employees of Cybersfotec already left and joined other employers to save them from illegal status. Please don't scare them further saying that whereever they are, they will be prosecuted / deported. This will totally scares new employers and make them to remove the former Cybersoftec employees out of job. This even ruins the life and families of already affected employees.

Heard similar argument before. Couple of months back when people were exposing Cybersoftec's frauds, there were posts like - "Don't spread bad thing about Cybersoftec. Don't contact DOL. Don't take legal actions. Let me get my I-485 approved first, then do whatever you want. Nick is going to take care of eveything.". Bottomline, hiding things under the rug does not help. Secondly, read all posts in this thread carefully. Nobody referred Cybersoftec employees as "terrorists" or "illegal aliens", but rather people gave advise in a healthy way. Nobody scared you. If you think discussing about this issue (and the impacts on Cybersoftec employees) is not going to help you, the don't read this thread. It's as simple as that.
rangara0000 said:
But what the innocent employees did? Why the employees are treated and marked in all news papers as terrorists / illegal immigrants / illegal benefeciaries?

One big post for a first one.

Nope, they are talking about people who paid money to buy GC. Remember, some 2.1 millions seized are from people who are seeking GC thru fraud.

At an individual level, victimizing an employee might seem like injustice but the employee cannot be completely be exempt from consequences.

Think again, before joining such consulting companies, what is your primary motive? I'd say hanging on to H1, getting GC (quickly) etc. Bottomline is that
we do know what these companies do yet we join them. We only look only at basic parameters like whether they can place you quickly, whether they will file for GC, how many employees do they have etc etc.

If you are joining a decent non-consulting company, probably we look how well the company is doing, what are the employee benifits, what are its financial results, stock price etc etc.

I have been in this mess before and suffered like hell before I took a shot at some dignity in life using AC21.

I regret everyday thinking that I should have set my standards higher and should not have succumbed to pressure and join these desi companies.

If anyone is responsible for my plight, it is me.

Desi companies exploit only those who are willing to be exploited.
UN.....Its very Imp

Can you please advise as to how can this whole N*** thing affect the employees who were on payroll,I mean the ones who were genuine.

Looks like most of the CST victims have filed their H1 through new companys and GC as welll.Will they get affected in any way?

What about their salary which is not paid yet for last few months?

UN,please guide

pralay said:
Contacting good lawyer is long overdue. People should have contacted long time back - in last Aug/Sept when people where getting NOID/NOIR for their I-140s. It's possible that Mandalapa can accept plea-bargain deal and avoid trial. In that case many things may come out from himself - including the cases where someone/some people tried to "buy" pre-approved labors from him. If some people paid him good amount of money innocently assuming they are paying for the "application filing fees" and "attorney fees", they need to talk to lawyers too because there is no guarantee that Mandalapa will tell the true stories. Keep in mind, Mr. Mandalapa profitted $2.1 million by selling pre-approved labors and collecting money from employees for the purpose of filing GC applications. ICE froze that account. Now all the transactions/deposits in that account will come under scrunity.

In addition, people paid him money, got their GC already but never worked for Cybersoftec are clear targets because not working for Cybersoftec clearly indicates they never intended to work for Cybersoftec but obtained their GC in exchange of money.

If you remember last Aug/Sept period when NOIR/NOID rumors (actually they were facts) were flying around, there were 300 cases involved. However, ICE new release mentioned about atleast 1000 cases. That means Mr. Mandalapa's fraud is lot bigger and deeper than what we used to know couple of months back. Those 300 cases we used to know involved only fraudulent LCs (duplicate, forged or non-bonafide jobs). But it's possible that his other 700 cases involved more serious frauds - and that includes getting people from India with fraud H1s (and then filing for fraud GC). $2.1 million is not a small amount of money. He must have collected by many illegal means.

Very sad to see your "bold letter" sentence. It looks like we will be seperated again with "future employee" vs "working employee". Tomorrow if USCIS says, future employees will be scrutinized, then all "working employees" will be happy. hmmmm...... Very bad indian group here. Still looking for some favorism.

I remembered when Nick assured all "working employees" are safe, then all "working employee" felt very happy. Though I raised this is not true and he is cheating. No "working employee" believed that. And they thought they will get GC.

Similary, now if there is a situation comes from DOL/USCIS for "future" employees, then it looks like all "working employees" will be happy and do not cooperate.

very very sad..

Pralay, you are a superb guy and you have very good knowledege in immigration related matters. Several times you have given lot of information.

Please do not bifercate future vs working.

I request others also..

I know everyone is trying to save their .................

Everbody, please be with the group and solve it. And continue to help others.
cybersoftvictim said:
today I see one LUD on my approved 140 ... bit scared... I think this is the first LUD after my approval date.

My LUD also changed after 2-3 days of approval.
I guess U should be OK with that.

Nadi said:
My LUD also changed after 2-3 days of approval.
I guess U should be OK with that.



I understand that LUD might change right after the Approval and it did changed after a week or so.. this was approved 3 months back..

I wish the same for this time too..

AnotherVictim1 said:
Very sad to see your "bold letter" sentence. It looks like we will be seperated again with "future employee" vs "working employee". Tomorrow if USCIS says, future employees will be scrutinized, then all "working employees" will be happy. hmmmm...... Very bad indian group here. Still looking for some favorism.

AnotherVictim1, in above comment you showed that you have very little understanding about immigration process. There is nothing "future employee" and "working employee" in my bold letter comment.
I commented about people
1. who paid money to Mandalapa
2. received GC
3. but never worked for Cybersoftec.

If you don't satisfy all the three conditions (not just satisfying two or one), you are not one of them. Did you get GC from Cybersoftec? Try to understand my bold letter comment first and then reply. Don't give me those "future employee", "working employee" craps. It only shows that you did not learn anything in this last three months - after all these ordeals.
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Sorry, I have not seen the word "already" in the bold sentence.
I apologize. But anyway I am still worried about the csoft victims. Because it is possible to loose the cooperation from "working employees" if any rumor like [DOL/USCIS is going to scrutinize only "future employees" and "benefited employees"].

I know all our cases are genuine.
Those who are in Software field and have good immigration status ,there is no need to worry at all....
Any guess for problems who just paid

I have a friend who paid them money but never joined them as by the time he was appraoching them there were lot of rumors of this fraud. He has got visa which is valid with some other employer. But his papers are still pending with CSoft for H1b/I140/485.

AnotherVictim1 said:
Because it is possible to loose the cooperation from "working employees" if any rumor like [DOL/USCIS is going to scrutinize only "future employees" and "benefited employees"].I know all our cases are genuine.

AnotherVictim1 ... I think you are worried in wrong direction.... Everything from Ur part might be OK ...

The problem is beyond the beneficiaries control ... it’s about the labor certification...

Some desi employers:
1> Defaced the labor ...
2> Applied for multiple 140 n 485 one labor
3> Applied for labor with GHOST guys
4> Applied for labor against GHOST companies
5> Opened dummy offices in areas where one could get labor certification faster. The company existed only for GC purposes
6> Many more....

All of the above is crime and if proved the employer might go to Jail for many years. But the above may not legally harm any beneficiaries...

But the problem arises when a beneficiary is hooked with the labor, which was fraud to begin with. Now it might be possible -- at any given time -- if this is uncovered --- it might mean revocation of approved GC.
Nadi said:
AnotherVictim1 ... I think you are worried in wrong direction.... Everything from Ur part might be OK ...

The problem is beyond the beneficiaries control ... it’s about the labor certification...

Some desi employers:
1> Defaced the labor ...
2> Applied for multiple 140 n 485 one labor
3> Applied for labor with GHOST guys
4> Applied for labor against GHOST companies
5> Opened dummy offices in areas where one could get labor certification faster. The company existed only for GC purposes
6> Many more....

All of the above is crime and if proved the employer might go to Jail for many years. But the above may not legally harm any beneficiaries...

But the problem arises when a beneficiary is hooked with the labor, which was fraud to begin with. Now it might be possible -- at any given time -- if this is uncovered --- it might mean revocation of approved GC.
Both buyer and seller will be in big trouble. In the first instance of detail investigation phases, it is necessary to revoke any given benefits to the beneficiaries related with this seller. On later stages, USCIS will decide who is wrong or right. But long way to go with the help of competent attornies. It is called benefit of doubt to cease, break, revoke, suspend the already given benefits or to hold cases under review untill appropriate decision is reached after investigation phases.
Expect, more sellers will be brought in arena those awarded or under process to clear the pool/pond.

Why are you grouping seller and buyer here. There is no buyer in this forum or anyone whose applications were filed by Cyber also not a buyer. PERIOD.

Tell me any employer can file for you any application in USA - especially desi companies - there may be few but not all. I am in USA for last 6 years and I did not paid for H1 & H4 transfers including Cyber. But when a company wants to process for green card, they told me that I have to pay for expenses incurred for processing. This is what. Whoever paid for Cybersoftec those amounts are towards for expenses and some candidates agree to and some like me did not. But after analysing myself, I did towards the expenses not any bribe.

The expenses, advertisements, attorney, forms, printing, coping, sending applications to labor office, USCIS, etc.,

A Cyeber Victim.
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need_info1 said:

Why are you grouping seller and buyer here. There is no buyer in this forum or anyone whose applications were filed by Cyber also not a buyer. PERIOD.
Assur is exaggerating situation.

As we know there is no buyer. what you think, people go to cyber to be a part of this fraud? no one had a sense that they are becoming victim of this immigration scandal. I believe even N** didn't have idea about what he was doing when he became too greedy.
need_info1 said:
The expenses, advertisements, attorney, forms, printing, coping, sending applications to labor office, USCIS, etc.,

Here a small gotcha for you. If you paid for "advertisement", that itself indicates (from the perspective of USCIS/DOL) that your whole GC process is fraudulent. The very purpose of advertisement is that employer is trying to recruit a US citizens/perm-resident for an opened job position. When YOU paid for the advertisement, that indicates that employer is not sincere enough to fill up that job position with a US citizen (but already determined to recruit you for the job position). That makes your GC process fraud. And that makes your payment "illegal" (even though you may be considerd innocent). This kind of technical mis-step can put your whole GC process in jeopardy.

Many people do not understand what they are paying for (including you). That's the problem and that's the reason people get into this kind of troubles.
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