New Plastic Card Tracker (08-19-02)

card received

interviewed and stamped on 8/27/02 at baltimore,
card received on 9/21/02 (avm message is still old---schedule for interview, case has been transferred to baltimore...)

wait is over now.................i guess done with immigration

GL to all of you

good nite
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Cards ordered

RD- 08/09/01
ND- 09/27/01
AD- 08/23/02
PP Stamped - 09/04/02 Hartford CT (Reach early before 8.00 a.m. I had to go back next day as I reached at 10.00 well in time as per approval notice)

Cards Ordered - 09/21/02 ( AVM updated today 09/23)


:) :)
cards received

08/023/02 : PP stamped at Philadelphia PA, INS center
09/19/2002: Cards ordered
09/24/2002: Cards received

Good luck to all

Hi all,
My green card arrived on Sept 23 from KY.
Here are the details of my case:

RD: 08/14/01
RFE: 08/07/02
AD: 08/14/02
Passport stamped at San Jose,CA on Aug 26
COD: 09/18/02
Card received: 09/23/02 (Yayyyyy!!!)

I have a question for all of you:
I went to the social security office last week to change my Social Security status. It turns out that my status in the Database shows that 'I am authorized to work temporarily'. It had not been updated to 'permanent resident'.
I showed her the stamp on my passport(I had not received my GC then) but she refused to honor that: my status in her database was all that mattered. She suggested I called INS. But, I have already received my green card. :confused: So, somewhere in their records, it has got to say that I've been approved for permanent residency already.

I did call the INS yesterday and the lady acknowledged that my status had not been changed in the database and she asked me to wait for a month or two for the update to happen. It did not make sense to me.

Can any of you provide some insight on this situation?

Thanks in advance,

Cards received on 9/25

Finally the process is complete! Good luck to all! :)

RD 8/8/01
AD 8/2/02
Stamping: 8/23/02 at Dallas, TX
Cards ordered: 9/20/02
Cards Received: 9/25/02
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Reply to quest4gc


I did go to SSA office 2 weeks back. Filled out the application and showed the passport stamp(551) and told them that I need to change the status on my existing SS card. She didn't ask me any questions. I received my new card within a week.

You can find more info at

Good luck!
RD : 09/17/2001
AD: 08/26/2002

Stamping : 09/09/2002 at Newark

Cards Orderd : 09/25/2002 ( According to the online status check)

Cards Received : Not yet
No plastic card yet

My passport was stamped on 8/20 in Newark but I still have not received my cards.

How do you check the status online? What's the URL?

Waiting for Card

Hi Guys,
PP stamped on September 20th Friday at NYC, NY and waiting for Cards arrival.
cards received

RD Aug 3
AD July 22
Stamping done Aug 01
Cards ordered Aug 23
Cards Received Sept 26

The cards came to my address and then went back because my name was not put on the mail box, after that the AVM changed to " the card or document we mailed was returned by the post office as undeliverable", then called IIO and the IIO told may be because my name was not there on the mailbox it got returned. Put my name on the mail box and received the card yesterday.
Cards received.

RD: 08/09/01
ND: 09/27/01
AD: 08/23/02
Stamping : 09/04/02
COD: 09/21/02
Card Recd: 09/26/02
:) :) :)
My info : Wait is on .....

AD : 8/26
PP : 9/04 : Newark
Cards ordered : not yet.
Cards Recevied : waiting.

I hope we receive the cards soon...

Recd. Plastic cards

Stamped : 09/09/2002 at Newark

Cards ordered : 09/25/2002

Cards Received : 10/01/2002

I guess i'm through with this process. It's been a long wait but it's finally over. Good luck to all of you still waiting. You need that more than anything else during this long wait.

Signing off.
Card Rcvd for my wife and mine wait is still on...

AD : 8/26
PP : 9/04 : Newark
Cards ordered : 09/27 for my wife; 9/28 mine
Cards Rcvd : 10/01 for my wife; mine wait is on.

Thank you & Good Bye.

I just now received my card also. Posted date on the mail was on Oct 01, 2002.

Again our info:
AD: 08/26/2002
PP: 09/04/2002
COD: 09/27 for my wife and 9/28 for myself
Card Rcvd: 10/01 for my wife and 10/04 for myself.

Thank you again and I'm signing off from here. I got lot information from this site.

Good-bye and best of luck to every one.

:cool: :cool: :) :) :)
Does Mail Box need to have Name

Hi Gurus,
I live in NY city and over there we dont have mail boxes individually and for a group of 5 apartments the post man drops all the letters together underneath the door and some member of the apartment groups them together and keeps it on stair case so that every body can pickup their own mail.
1. My question is will post man deliver my Green card letter if there is no way of verifying my name whether I live in that apartment or not?
2. Does he leave any missing mail notification so that I can show my ID and pick it up from Post office.

Thanks in advance.
Nothing to worry.

I called IIO when my card was delayed (2 days), the lady told me that, my name should be on mail box clearly, otherwise USPA will return mail back to INS.

Also, USPS will not send the mail back immediately; they may keep it for a week or more at the local post office. So, you can go to your main local post office after 10 days or more of your card is ordered. And show your photo Id and they will give your mail.

Anther thing also, even if you miss the mail at post office, you can call INS and ask them to send it to different address and you can personally collect it.