New Plastic Card Tracker (08-19-02)

Hi Sanju7,

Would the IIO be able to say if the card is mailed or not?

My and My wife's cards are ordered on 10/08/02. We received my wife's card on 10/12/02. But mine is not yet received.
Change in Status to Card Ordered

I got the same message saying that on Oct 16 your card has been ordered and I am a resident of NY city.
Case approved on Sep 6 2002
Card ordered on Oct 16 2002

I have a question for you Gurus. I applied to 485 along with my wife and both of our applications are approved on the same day but only my status has changed to Card ordered but not my wife's. Any ideas why?


Yes, this is possible. In our case my wife's card was ordered on 27th and mine on 28th. We recived my wife's card 10/2 and mine 10/5.

So wait for couple of days, you will get.

krishnagc ,

Yes, IIO told me that the date it was mailed. But the problem is it is not the USPS mail date. It is INS dispatch( according to my attorney) date, which will be at least 1 day before USPS gets it.
