New Plastic Card Tracker (08-19-02)

Stamped on July 17th

Stamped on July 17th at INS Arlington VA. No cards yet. AVM says "Case approved....."
Anyone else waiting for cards out there?


If anyone else waiting for cards out there, please post.

Detroit Stamping, Long wait......

PP stamped at Detroit in June first week. AVM not changed yet "to card ordered on ... " Still waiting :eek: :eek:


Did you talk to INS about the delay yet? If so, what was the response? Please post here...


I will wait for few more weeks and then I will call IIO. Anyway looking at cases stamped at INS Detroit office, the delay is 6-9 months. Detroit handles most of the cases from NSC and those who got PP stamped around july-aug 01 at Detroit are receiving their cards now.

Is anyone else from VSC who has done stamping at Detroit around June 02 and waiting for cards?
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Plastic card tracker

RD 8/23/2001

ND 10/17/2001

AD 7/18/2002

Passport stamped on 7/26/2002 at philly.

Message changed to 'Based on your approval card has been ordered on 8/23/02'.

Just one case progressed on Friday!

My two weeks are up on Monday 8/26/02. I have my fingers crossed and am holding my breadth... :)

Good luck you all,
waiting for cards

RD : 08/28/01

ND: 10/26/01

AD: 07/24/02


PP Stamped at Newark, NJ : 08/07/02

AVM has not changed to 'cards ordered' yet, as of today i.e. 08/25/02.
Hi for some who do not have any clue regd I-89

After the approval of GC and after PP stamping in local INS, this INS will send the form I-89 to the Service center (here ofcourse VSC). Then the AVM will again change from "This case has been approved on .................." to "Cards are orderd on and so date........." etc.

After this change of AVM, probably it may take a maximum of 30 days and a minimum of 12 days to recieve the card, I guess.

So good luck for everyone waiting for the plastic card.

By the way, anyone living out of VSC Jurisdiction but filed in VSC, recieved the cards? If so, are the cards coming from VSC or from the Service centre to which the person's living place belong to? Please clarify. Thank you.
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Stamping at Dallas on 8/23!

Stamping done at Dallas, TX on 8/23/02.

RD 8/8/01
AD 8/2/02
Stamping: 8/23/02
Card: ??

If anyone is interested, it is a long wait at INS, Dallas. Went there at 5.00 am and came out at 11 am.
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Advance congrats to you... Let us know, when you get the cards in mail please.

Card question

After a 2.5 hour wait finally got my passport stamped at Newark today. The officer was asking for the EAD although it is not mentioned to bring it along.

Would this cause a problem in receiving the plastic card.

How long is it taking to get the card?

Please reply.

PP stamped Aug 16, '02 in SFO, CA.

AD - Aug 02, '02. Same message on AVM. waiting ...

CD, normally the CC mentions 'EAD/AP' among the docs to given when one goes for stamping.
AVM changed to Card Ordered

AVM for my case changed to Card Ordered.

Below are my case details:

Here are my details:

RD: 08/23/01
ND: 10/16/02
AD: 07/19/02
PP stamped at Arlington VA, INS center on 08/05/02
Cards ordered: 08/29/02 (Today)

For my wife's case AVM is still playing approval msg, though we got our PP stamped together. Anybody had a similar experience??
Looks like INS is taking 3 weeks between Stamping and ordering!

Hope the logic applies...

Good luck you all,
SriniB, there is no logic

It all depends on how fast the local INS send your I89 back to service center. Once Service center receives I89 then there is not much delay in ordering a card.