New Jersey SESA Tracker

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Re: Re: NJ State Labor

The labor certification was approved by the state on July 22, 2003 (RD 09/24/01) and was forwarded to the NY Regional office.

Originally posted by Gottaget
What is RIR approval date?. Did you get labor cleared and ready to apply 140 and 485?. Or, did you get only NJ state labor cleared?. Please be clear....!. It helps us to reduce the redundency.
Good luck.
Can somebody who has authorization to update the Excel Tracking Sheet please do so, My Job Title: Project Engineer\Manager (Civil\Environmental Engineering - Site characterization, remediation, innovative technologies implementation, modeling etc.)

My attorney's assistant is telling me that NJDOL does not notify attorney when the case moves to NY Regional DOL. Is this true?
I strongly believe that SESA will notify the attorney. Please let me know whether I'm correct or not.

BTW she confirmed that NJ SESA is processing October cases after speaking to a NJ DOL representative this morning

your lawyer's assistant is wrong. NJ SESA does notify lawyer. My lawyer recieved a post card size letter stating that my case was forwarded to NYDOL. Although the letter got to my lawyer 10 days after the case was forwarded.

Originally posted by inferno

My attorney's assistant is telling me that NJDOL does not notify attorney when the case moves to NY Regional DOL. Is this true?
I strongly believe that SESA will notify the attorney. Please let me know whether I'm correct or not.

BTW she confirmed that NJ SESA is processing October cases after speaking to a NJ DOL representative this morning
oct cases

good news. Your attorney's assistant has given great news abt NJ SESA processing october cases. Hopefully on 1st September we hear they are processing Nov cases :D

Originally posted by inferno

My attorney's assistant is telling me that NJDOL does not notify attorney when the case moves to NY Regional DOL. Is this true?
I strongly believe that SESA will notify the attorney. Please let me know whether I'm correct or not.

BTW she confirmed that NJ SESA is processing October cases after speaking to a NJ DOL representative this morning
moved to regional

Mine was filed on 09/07/2001 and moved to regional on 11th July 2003. Waiting for regional response.

Anybody who get the approval for the regional filed on or after 11th jul 2003, let me know. So that I can follow up with the attorney.
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Hi ... Friends

My LC was filed from NJ on 08/27/2001.. till now my lawyer says he did not receive any thing from the state. I dont know how to track whats happening. When I see in this thread most of the people had already got their approvals who filed on or after my filing date. Can any one guide me what I should know and what to do. Is there any way I can track my LC.


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Does anyone know when and how often is the NY DOL's AVM updated? I called up yesterday but it cannot find my case although it has been forwarded from NJ SESA on August 5th. Any clues on how NY DOL works?

NY DOL, looks to have slowed down.
Many people whoes recieved date at NY DOL has been late june & early july, havent heard anything.
I just dont understand , y things have slowed down.
If anyone gets to know any reason from their lawyer, please update us.



Unfortunately, we have no way of checking the status of a LC application ourselves - your best bet is to get your lawyer to call NJ Dept of Labor to check on your case. The VM at 609-984-3520 has been stating 'September' dates (RIR) for a while now. Assuming that your case was filed under RIR, you could try getting your lawyer to call.

Hang in there...

Originally posted by Pranveer
My LC was filed from NJ on 08/27/2001.. till now my lawyer says he did not receive any thing from the state. I dont know how to track whats happening. When I see in this thread most of the people had already got their approvals who filed on or after my filing date. Can any one guide me what I should know and what to do. Is there any way I can track my LC.


Hi Guys,

After constantly reading your message for long time, finally i decided to contribute, My labour is moved to fed. NY.

PD : 2nd Week October 2001
Moved NY on : 08/20/2003.


Finaly approved

Hi Guys,

Mine filled in June 26,2001 RIR, had a query regd wages,
replied by May '6. Finally approved in August 15. it is really a long wait. Others who had similar problems do not lose hope.

Good Luck. This thread really gave me moral support.

Good luck to everyone.
Updated Tracking Sheet


I have updated tracking sheet for following members.

long_haul --> Please give your skill set and RIR/Regular ????
amishjc --> Please give your skill set and RIR/Regular ????
coumars --> Congratulations......
Just for information, my co. received query about co. pertaining to a case of PD 28-30 of SEPT. 2001. It is a query about company's status and not beneficiary.
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