New Jersey SESA Tracker

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Phone number

I used this number to get in the NJ State Labor dept office:
I got hold of the operator and asked her to connect me to the office of the person who could confirm for me that my company had really applied. Upon back and forth, she did connect me with someone. That guy was reluctant at first to give me any info but after a while he kinda took pity on me and actually searched my application and also gave me my case number.
He said that he would not have usually done that for anyone.

Be cautious though, he did ask me a couple of questions while searching my application like: Where do I work and how come I am working in another state when my company is in NJ and how come I have filed for Labor in NJ.

If you are unsure as to how or what to answer when questioned, it is BEST to NOT call this number.

There is another number (which may or may not be of actual use to you). This number is the auto ansering m/c which tells you as to what exact day (of that month) they are processing (atleast thats what I heard when I 1st used it.):

Hope this helps.
Reg: Phone Number

I did try these 609 numbers before. The catch with them is, once these numbers reach the masses, they will gracefully avoid giving status, because they know they are overloaded with calls when these numbers get to the public.

Thats been a trend for the past 1 year. Moreover they shuffle the prompts and numbers.

Yes kr2002, try NOT using these numbers because of the 2 reasons:

1> U dont want to answer questions that you are not sure how or what to answer, &
2> U dont want to pester/bother the person who processes with too many questions (just 1 question from 100 people calling in still qualifies as too many questions !). As it is, these govt. officials have less of patience & understanding of what we are going through.

Instead, try to get the info from your laywer as to what is the approx date they have filed. Later U can always check the njlabor.xls file that people update once they know of some developments.

Hang in there bud :)
Thanks folks

I would rather not take the chance of screwing it up. But Milind when you checked with your lawyer , what was the date that he gave you? was it the same or different?
Luckily the date was approximate:

i.e. the lawyer told me that he applied in the 1st week of April and when I finally inquired AFTER 1 YEAR to this guy he said that the application has been received on 3rd April.

U can probably guess what the applicaiton date was by knowing after how long did U'r lawyer file after U sent him the documents.
U can add 1 more week to the date when the lawyer said that he posted the papers to the Labor dept.
Labor cleared from NJ SESA


My labor got cleared from NJ SESA on January 27, 2004 and waiting news from NY DOL.

I have updated my info.
Re: Labor cleared from NJ SESA

Congrats KEPA. First approval in 2002, which is Jan 30.

Originally posted by KEPA

My labor got cleared from NJ SESA on January 27, 2004 and waiting news from NY DOL.

I have updated my info.

Just joined this forum & got a lot of info. U guys are good!
My labor was filed 2nd week of Feb 2002 as Software Engineer.
Could someone please update the spreadsheet.
Regional status


I am trying to figure out if the 212-337-2193 regional status number works. Did you (or could you) try to verify your certified status?


If one gets a query regarding wages & the company agrees to increase the salary. Do they have to give the new salary once they get the EAD or after the GC is issued.

Originally posted by Sh_Ad

If one gets a query regarding wages & the company agrees to increase the salary. Do they have to give the new salary once they get the EAD or after the GC is issued.

Legally, Yes.
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