New Jersey SESA Tracker

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Wait and see...!!!


Dont be panic.

We already waited for 2 years...! Why dont we wait for few more years to hear from the little old fellow sitting in TRENTON says " of bla..bla..bla.... we are still processing bla..bla..bla...!".

I saw the petition named 'OPPOSE PROPOSED BAN OF H1'.
What kind of petition is that?
Is it something like they will make H1 holders to go out of the country or something else?
Please clarify my doubht..
i am very tensed on reading that.

Please see the Guru's messages

Hi 2002labor,
Please see the previous messages to relieve your tension.

I brought the same issue to this forum and GURUS said it is a rumor.

SO, dont be nervous. Relax.....have a Bud weiser.....etc, etc,.
Hey guys,
I think the news of getting the labor in 3 months is not correct. The postinmgs are from the guys who wants to sell their company as a very good one to attract the persons on the project.

why I think so, I think so because,
As it is mentioned the labor was applied in pittsburg for state and philly for fed,
If u see the processing time, pittsburg is still processing the 2002, it has not started even the 2003 both in RIR and non RIR.

Secondly, Philly just started RIR march 2003, non RIR is still 2002.

So please don't get mad these kinds news and stay focused.

Please correct me If some body think otherwise.
Stuck in Regional NY

MY LC is approved from state and got NOF from regional NY.

Please do not ask me what is NOF. I DO NOT HAVE IDEA. I am not able to find from my company legal department.

xcell sheet

Can someone update the xcell sheet for me please...
My info: PD:11/19/01, RIR, EB2, Technical Service Engineer (Polymer Engineering).

thanx a lot.

I have a request, please can u tell us, when did your case move to NY DOL?
Becoz its been a long time, since my case moved and i havent heard anything from NY DOL.
I am really worried, so i just want to know, when did your case move & when did u get NOF?

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Here is my Info:

PD : 8/27/01 (EB2/RIR)
NOF received from NY DOL : 7/15/03 (regd Prevailing wages)
NOF responded : 7/29/03

I will keep you guys posted once i hear from lawyer. Lawyer said it takes max 3 weeks (15 business days) for NY DOL to respond.

NY DOL is little better than CA Regional DOL. CA DOL is almost Auto remanding RIR cases to Non-RIR Category. I haven't heard anything on NJ Labor this thread about NY DOL auto remanding case to NJ SESA(SWA).

Folks, don't get panic. keep faith. hope for the best.


Originally posted by AwaitedLabor
I have a request, please can u tell us, when did your case move to NY DOL?
Becoz its been a long time, since my case moved and i havent heard anything from NY DOL.
I am really worried, so i just want to know, when did your case move & when did u get NOF?

Review of NOFs

Sounds like, NJ/SESA is reviewing the answers for EOF they issued earlier.
May take some time to go to the regular processing.
FYI: This is my idea. Any comments..????
Sep 24, 2001 - RIR - update

1. Mine was filed on Sep 24, 2001 in RIR. Any update from you guys?

2. I have another question. Will I be notified when my State gets cleared follwoed by Federal? Or will I be notified finaly when the Federal gets cleared?
HI Devadoss.

Why didnt yu update your skillset and dates in XL Sheet..??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
bloody labor


My case was moved to NY DOL abt 2.5 months back according to my lawyer and he has not provided me the case number. He says i will tell yo when you will get certified. He says NY DOL don't give case number. Is this correct? Looks like he is fooling me since last 3 months...Is there any way of finding out the case number in NY DOL.

FYI, I am getting Automated response from giving my emplyer phone number. But, It does not provide name along with Case number.

I also noticed that this email is not responding since few weeks. Is it still working? Is the list accurate?

please respond.
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Re: HI Devadoss.

What is the XL sheet you mentioned? I have no clue. Let me know what it is so that I can update my skills too.

Originally posted by Gottaget
Why didnt yu update your skillset and dates in XL Sheet..??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Your lawyer would have got a receipt from NJ SESA stating the date - your case moved to NY DOL, along with the case number.
So, looks like he doesnt want to give it to you.

Further more, from the automated voice message(212-337-2193), u can guess which is your case, by assuming the date it moved(thats 2.5 months according to your lawyer).

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