New Jersey SESA Tracker

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My Labour Application was filed from NJ on Feb 11 2003. Does any body has an idea when it would be cleared????? I just got my 7th year extension.
OH...We can't predict this. The cases are pending from Apr'02...
I am also one of the NJ labor bad luck guy...
mine was files onSep 29th'02.
srr2004 said:
My Labour Application was filed from NJ on Feb 11 2003. Does any body has an idea when it would be cleared????? I just got my 7th year extension.
Hi srr2004,

Regarding the 7th year extention, what documents from NJSESA are required to submit to the INS to get 7th year extention? Could you also tell me what is the procedure to obtain those documents from NJSESA? and how long does it take?

I'm planning to apply for my 7th year extention this Dec.

Thanks in advance for your help

If you filled you labor in NJ , There is no receipt number, So there is no proff to say that your labor filled already. So your lawyer has to request the INS to send leter to him, in INS letter head, say that your labor filled in so and So date..??/??/???? .It should be send with your 7 th year H1 pettition, Other wise, You will get a query to send this letter in future. This letter is must to get 7 th year extension in NJ.

yes it's true! your lawyer can write a lettet to DOL requesting for a proof. I think this process might take 20-30 days.
Our labor got cleared in june and it is moved to federal on july 13th... after that no news.
We applied in apr 2002.
God only knows when our labor will get cleared.

Has anyone send their passport for stamping in St.louis?we send it on july first week(10 days before deadline) and still we didn't get it back.we are in 7th year extension this year.Some friends got their passport stamped except ours. It is almost 3 months now...Can anyone have this type of problem?

Happens to everyone 2002labor -- I applied on Jan 2002 -- moved to NY DOL on Jun2004 --- still no news. Passport can now take 3 to 5 months -- anyway Nowadays we cant even send it for stamping.

2002labor said:
Our labor got cleared in june and it is moved to federal on july 13th... after that no news.
We applied in apr 2002.
God only knows when our labor will get cleared.

Has anyone send their passport for stamping in St.louis?we send it on july first week(10 days before deadline) and still we didn't get it back.we are in 7th year extension this year.Some friends got their passport stamped except ours. It is almost 3 months now...Can anyone have this type of problem?

inUSA2000 said:
Hey Guys My Labor has finally moved to regional (NY )on August 10th 2004

Congrats inUSA2000.

Could you tell me how many days NJ SESA took to certify after they received the replies on their querries. Is the NY DOL AVM updated with your case?

I sent the reply to their querries on Sept. 13th. Still Waiting....
rsrinivas27 said:
Congrats inUSA2000.

Could you tell me how many days NJ SESA took to certify after they received the replies on their querries. Is the NY DOL AVM updated with your case?

I sent the reply to their querries on Sept. 13th. Still Waiting....

Infact NJ SESA took just one day. My attorney sent the reply back on August9th and they forwarded it to NY DOL on August 10th.

Whats the time lag between when NJ SESA sends the app to NY DOL and when it actually can be traced on their phone system? My lawyer replied to NJ SESA on 10/13 and its not yet on NY DOL phone system.

LaborIsPainful said:
Whats the time lag between when NJ SESA sends the app to NY DOL and when it actually can be traced on their phone system? My lawyer replied to NJ SESA on 10/13 and its not yet on NY DOL phone system.


I am not sure about the phone system, but normally when a query is replied, it will be sent in a couple of days to NY. In my case it was sent the next day to NY DOL, but my attorney never bothered to inform me.

Regarding the phone system how do we check the status / info regarding our case at NY DOL. Do we need any number ??

You can call 212 337 2193.
You will need Employer phone number or your case number.

inUSA2000 said:
I am not sure about the phone system, but normally when a query is replied, it will be sent in a couple of days to NY. In my case it was sent the next day to NY DOL, but my attorney never bothered to inform me.

Regarding the phone system how do we check the status / info regarding our case at NY DOL. Do we need any number ??

Finally after a long wait (RFE from state and all ....), my case was transferred to NY Regional DOL on 10/20. Hopefully, it will be a smooth ride from here.

Good luck to all.
LaborIsPainful said:
Finally after a long wait (RFE from state and all ....), my case was transferred to NY Regional DOL on 10/20. Hopefully, it will be a smooth ride from here.

Good luck to all.

Can u update Njlabor.xls

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