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It is inhuman that on stupid political basis Cubans are banned to visit relatives in the island. We love these people! They grow us up! Parents, sons, brothers and sisters. It is very painful for any Cuban not to be able to visit their close relatives period.
It's funny when you say this. I see no any Cuban complaining about having "inhuman treatment" when United States hands them a green card RIGHT AWAY once any Cuban puts his/her feet on US soil....As a matter of fact, US made this policy ONLY for Cubans even though there are people who come over here from other communist or lawless countries like from China, Russia, Haiti, and many more. This SPECIAL not-so-called "inhuman treatment" is ONLY for Cubans, and you are still blaming US govt for your so-called "iinhuman tratement"???
Don't you know WHY US govt. gives a green card RIGHT AWAY to Cubans? Because most Cubans face persecution if they return back to Cuba. And now going back to Cuba, a person is saying that s/he doesn't care about his/her persecution over there, or he never have had that fear of persecution...which means his right to obtain the green card just being a Cuban becomes questionable. It's same to the fact that asylum seekers from around the world asking aslyum from US govt. on the ground of possible persecution if they are sent back to their home country, but once these people get their green card, they right away want to visit their home country, the country they claimed will perscute them...funny, isn't it?
Whatever embargo/restrictions US govt. has on Cuba, including restrictions on traveling is actually penalizing Cuban govt. so that Cuban govt. could reconsider following human rights and world's laws to its citizens. United States will do the same with Iran to make it to obey the world's wish on its nuclear policy. Sometimes these restrictions are not good, but govt. doesn't have any choice just to restrict certain things to penalize these troubled countries. By the way, you could have asked for the permission to travel to Cuba which could be granted within a few hours in emergency situation...Also, when people break a law knowing well that they are breaking a law then they should be ready to face the consequences as well than hoping for the both world...
People cannot have their cake and eat it too...when it's convient to them...for example, you wanted to visit Cuba anyway despite of knowing that it's illegal, but now wanted to obtain citizenship as well just because your interest is involved here...So, you want to keep both cards in your favor....First breaking the law in the name of family emergency, and then hoping to become a US citizen by not disclosing this matter to the officer so that you could become a US citizen...Every's just
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