National Security Clearance for citizenship

Well, I didn't need a lawyer. The SAUSA typed up a joint dismissal request saying that I could re-open the case within 30 days if CIS failed to adjudicate. This was last Monday. Today, I got my oath letter for the 31st. I must say that I got NO indication of malicious intent from either the SAUSA or CIS, and that the SAUSA was VERY helpful, friendly and honest throughout the whole process. Maybe it was because my application really had no issues, but you guys really scared me often times. My oath date is the 31st. Great feeling!
Well, I didn't need a lawyer. The SAUSA typed up a joint dismissal request saying that I could re-open the case within 30 days if CIS failed to adjudicate. This was last Monday. Today, I got my oath letter for the 31st. I must say that I got NO indication of malicious intent from either the SAUSA or CIS, and that the SAUSA was VERY helpful, friendly and honest throughout the whole process. Maybe it was because my application really had no issues, but you guys really scared me often times. My oath date is the 31st. Great feeling!

Congratulations cafeconleche!
Thanks. It's surreal!

I can imagine. I had been following your posts and this thread. Am glad it all worked out for you.

I think you should buy a round of drinks [maybe virtual :) ] for Bobsmyth, Jackolantern and Al Southner. [wonder why he got banned, I thought he made a lot of valuable contributions to the board]
Well, I didn't need a lawyer. The SAUSA typed up a joint dismissal request saying that I could re-open the case within 30 days if CIS failed to adjudicate. This was last Monday. Today, I got my oath letter for the 31st. I must say that I got NO indication of malicious intent from either the SAUSA or CIS, and that the SAUSA was VERY helpful, friendly and honest throughout the whole process. Maybe it was because my application really had no issues, but you guys really scared me often times. My oath date is the 31st. Great feeling!

Finally! Congratulations cafeconleche!

A hearty congrats to you! It's a shame that you had to spend time and money on getting the USCIS to do what they were supposed to do in the first place, but at least it was worthwhile. In 3 more weeks, you'll be able to forget about USCIS.

On a side note, I had no idea Al Southner got banned. Perhaps his sense of humor may have been a bit too coarse for some people, but it's only humor. I guess some people's skin isn't thick enough.
Too bad. I don't remember him being a problem.

So, I have a question. Once I take the oath, is there anything stopping me from writing angry letters to several government agencies, including my senators for not doing enough for my case when it was clearly incompetence that delayed it? Should I worry about any consequences?
YES! Cogratulatios cafeconleche! You are just one short ceremony away from not ever having to deal with those people again.
Too bad. I don't remember him being a problem.

So, I have a question. Once I take the oath, is there anything stopping me from writing angry letters to several government agencies, including my senators for not doing enough for my case when it was clearly incompetence that delayed it? Should I worry about any consequences?

Congratulations! Since you are a citizen once you complete your oath, nothing is stopping you from being more vocal and assertive with your representatives. As a practical matter, though, I would wait until you have your passport and taken care of the other administrative steps, such as changing your status with Social Security. In general, I would not burn bridges, so you might want to keep the letters positive in the spirit of "I would like to give you some feedback that might help you improve your operation," etc. You will likely get more attention, and you never know when you may need them again at some point in the future.

Another fun thing to do would be to request a copy of your A-file. (You can get the CD-ROM version for free.) It might be an interesting read...
I will NOT be positive about it. I will tell them very directly that the level of service I have experienced has been sub-par (this is CIS). As for the senators, I will tell them that it was disappointing that they did not make a better attempt to find out what was really happening with my application, and that as a voter, I will have to reconsider voting for them in future as I would be more inclined to give a fresher face a chance. I am tired of being polite with these old farts (Gillibrand included, though she is young). I will possibly be needing them sometime down the road, but they aren't likely to remember me, and even if they do, it is their job to listen to constituents and CITIZENS!

But, I will definitely wait until I take care of SS, passport, DMV, (what else?), and I will try to get my A file on CD ROM (is that a FOIPA request?).

Consider writing a registered complaint to the USCIS Ombudsman detailing what you had to go through and the waste of time you spent with USCIS. CC the complaint letter to congressperson(s).
Yeah, the ombudsman will be one of the recipients. I guess CCing the rest would be a good idea, though I was considering personalising each letter. I even contacted the ombudsman before I sued, and someone from CIS called me and just said my background check was pending, so that was useless.
I will NOT be positive about it. I will tell them very directly that the level of service I have experienced has been sub-par (this is CIS). As for the senators, I will tell them that it was disappointing that they did not make a better attempt to find out what was really happening with my application, and that as a voter, I will have to reconsider voting for them in future as I would be more inclined to give a fresher face a chance. I am tired of being polite with these old farts (Gillibrand included, though she is young). I will possibly be needing them sometime down the road, but they aren't likely to remember me, and even if they do, it is their job to listen to constituents and CITIZENS!

But, I will definitely wait until I take care of SS, passport, DMV, (what else?), and I will try to get my A file on CD ROM (is that a FOIPA request?).


Yes, this is the FOIPA request. What I meant with positive is keeping the letter constructive, not just rant. While it may feel good to tell that their level of "service" sucked, they will probably throw the letter in the trash if it just contains venting. However, if you describe your experience and ask them to explain why they behaved the way they did, you might actually get somewhere. In particular politicians now need to take you seriously, since you can vote once you are a citizen. Filing a complaint with the ombudsman might be a good idea as well.
Oh, I will definitely be detailed and clear about how things went down, and the fact that I had to file suit, and that both the SAUSA and the IO clearly said that my application had been FORGOTTEN should show that their process is flawed. I will not just tell them they are douchebags, hehe. I will give them constructive criticism, but it will be clearly curt and direct. I will NOT coddle them anymore.
Well, I've done it! Hah. I don't feel differently at all, but I know it's a big deal that it's over. I will detail my experience a little later, and I still have to update the Lawsuit thread, but thanks guys for your advice and help. This forum gave me the courage to sue, and the reward is sweet. Otherwise, I would have been sitting like a duck waiting for years...
Thanks. I'm getting my passport tomorrow at the NY passport agency. I'm going at 7:30, and hopefully both the book and card will be ready by the afternoon (a few agencies produce the card on site!).