So here's my experience for yesterday's oath ceremony... 109 days from my application receipt date...
It was raining pretty hard... parked at the lot nearby and walked over to the Theater... people were milling about waiting for check-in – they told us to be there by 9am for 10am ceremony. Before I checked in, a woman went over the checklist on the oath letter with me, and then when I checked in at the table (tables were separated by last name) they gave my my naturalization certificate and a packet containing some booklets, a copy of the constitution and declaration of independence and a US flag. They also gave us red carnations to wear and asked us to wave the flags after the oath.
We went into the auditorium and they seated all the citizens-to-be together. I sat on an aisle because I needed to rush to the regional passport office right afterwards.
The program began on time... we had quite a few introductions since it was a shared event with the Angel Island ceremony. Then came the speakers... It sounded like a few people were 'replacement' speakers due to illness or unavailability. Some of them were good... some not so much. There was a reading of poetry from the walls of Angel Island, which was really beautiful... a nice way to set the tone and then the Oath Ceremony began.
There was a presentation of the colors (flag ceremony) and also someone singing the National Anthem. After that, a gentleman from USCIS gave a short speech and he introduced all the oath takers' countries. They asked everyone to stand up when their country was called out. (It was 44 countries). Then he administered the oath to us and POW!!!! we were now US Citizens. It was a very emotional experience.
After that a 9th Circuit Federal judge spoke and she was quite funny and a very good speaker. Told a funny Bertold Brecht story. Then they gave an award to an outstanding US citizen, (Dr. Jeffrey So) for his work on Hepatits B and Liver Cancer. Dr So led us in a recitation of the pledge of allegiance and then we watched a video message from President Obama... and then it was over.
After the ceremony was over, I rushed across the city to my 12:00 appointment at the Regional Passport office (at 95 Hawthorne Street in SF). That was a very easy process. Walked in, (through metal detectors (like the airport)) and I was given a number at the first window... 2 minutes later, my number was called and they collected my application and fees. They told me to return at 3pm same day to collect the new passport. I came back at 3pm and 5 minutes later I walked out with my brand new US Passport.
Good luck to all... I will be happy to share any information or advice I can moving forward and will check in here on the boards from time to time. Peace and happiness to all.