N-400 Hartford, CT Tracking

CTN400: Do the processing timelines for a USCIS DO always move every month? Do you know what the history for the processing dates for the Hartford DO are? I am hoping that the dates will move soon and they will send out the next batch of letter...

Pauuji1, I am tracking Hartford DO dates since last Nov. Here is the history.

Posted Date N-400 Processing Date
----------- ---------------------
11/17/2006 04/14/2006
12/18/2006 05/14/2006
01/17/2007 06/15/2006
02/20/2007 07/08/2006
03/15/2007 07/04/2006
04/18/2007 08/23/2006
05/21/2007 08/18/2006
06/15/2007 08/28/2006
07/16/2007 10/20/2006

It was going month by month, then started the delay from Feb, but in July, it advanced 2 months. I think this is the worst DO in the U.S. All Hartford USCIS officers must be fired. My life is stuck due to this delay, my fiancee is waiting for me. At any cost, I will go to India in Dec for my marriage, then I'll deal with citizenship later, if I don't get oath by then. These officers and their spouses should be kept in separate cells face-to-face for one year, then they will understand the value of the family :)
Need some quick advice. I have to travel to Canada for a business trip next week for about 2 days as part of my job function. How does this affect my application and what, if anything, do I need to do when I am called for the interview?
Need some quick advice. I have to travel to Canada for a business trip next week for about 2 days as part of my job function. How does this affect my application and what, if anything, do I need to do when I am called for the interview?

Palluji1, get employer letter stating that this is mandatory business trip, showing the date of departure and arrival. At the time of interview, you need to update the N-400 application with this details. It won't damage your naturalization at all.
Question about marriage before interview...

I also have a quick question. When I applied I was single. In the mean-time, until they called me for an interview, I got married to a US Citizen (by birth). How does this affect my case and is there anything I should do other than taking my marriage certificate with me? Should I even bother disclose this information during the interview?
I also have a quick question. When I applied I was single. In the mean-time, until they called me for an interview, I got married to a US Citizen (by birth). How does this affect my case and is there anything I should do other than taking my marriage certificate with me? Should I even bother disclose this information during the interview?

According to me, you should definitely disclose this during the interview. There is a section in the N400 that asks about your marriage history and spouse's information so make sure you take all the info with u (info such as spouses date of birth, SSN etc.). Also there is a section that asks about your spouse's prior marriages, if any. If this is applicable, take that info as well.

Please read thru your N400 form thoroughly and take all the required info.

This does not impact your application whatsoever. Good luck!!

Experts on this forum, please comment...
According to me, you should definitely disclose this during the interview. There is a section in the N400 that asks about your marriage history and spouse's information so make sure you take all the info with u (info such as spouses date of birth, SSN etc.). Also there is a section that asks about your spouse's prior marriages, if any. If this is applicable, take that info as well.

Please read thru your N400 form thoroughly and take all the required info.

This does not impact your application whatsoever. Good luck!!

Experts on this forum, please comment...

I agree with Palluji1. You need to amend your N-400 as part of the interview with the new information. Please review the attached doc.

Palluji1, I am not the expert, same like you :)
Contacted Congressman after (800) call...


I called (800) number today and wasted time with customer rep and his supervisor. They don't have any information, so dumb guys like machine readers. They say Hartford, DO is still processing Oct 20, 2006 cases - dumb machines! Recommended me to open Infopass to get more details from the immigration officer.

I sent an email today to my congressman explaining the situation (stuck for marriage etc) and to investigate further in detail. Hopefully, I should see the response in couple of days time. Will be posted here. Also, waiting for the next update of Hartford, DO processing time...

Have good luck to all on this thread !

Hi Folks,
As i told you that two weeks ago i contact VSC and they said i will get IL or Related doc within 45 days. Today i got a letter from HARTFORD saying that
"you will be scheduled for initial interview as soon as we get an available date".
if more questions call following #...............
I am wondering this is good or bad news.....
any comment CTN400/Palluji1
Hi Folks,
As i told you that two weeks ago i contact VSC and they said i will get IL or Related doc within 45 days. Today i got a letter from HARTFORD saying that
"you will be scheduled for initial interview as soon as we get an available date".
if more questions call following #...............
I am wondering this is good or bad news.....
any comment CTN400/Palluji1

MEEK1234, So your case is with Hartford. You will have to wait for some more time since nothing is moving for the last one month in Hartford. I don't know what they mean by "initial" interview. I think you will be scheduled in this coming batch. If not, you can seek the help of congressperson.
Wondering why no processing times is posted by USCIS for this month. I think they are trying to cook their books as their processing times have increased in recent months and they increased fees claiming to reduce the backlog.
Wondering why no processing times is posted by USCIS for this month. I think they are trying to cook their books as their processing times have increased in recent months and they increased fees claiming to reduce the backlog.

It should be posted early next week as per the stats. Even if they increase the fee, I don't think nothing will happen. It will be used to build walls between U.S and Mexico and bureaucratic officers salary increase :)
It should be posted early next week as per the stats. Even if they increase the fee, I don't think nothing will happen. It will be used to build walls between U.S and Mexico and bureaucratic officers salary increase :)

so, if the dates are posted next week, do u think the new batch will/should also be sent at the same time?

im trying my best not to even think about it..... :)
so, if the dates are posted next week, do u think the new batch will/should also be sent at the same time?

im trying my best not to even think about it..... :)

Palluji1, I am also going to forget citizenship :) A bunch of idiots are looting our money and time. I think we will become too old, if stressed like this :) What's your take on this ? New processing date will be posted early next week, I don't know about sending batches by those fools. I hope it should not retrogress since the pile of applications received due to the fee increase.

Newuscitizen, Please post your timeline here. I think you are also in Hartford DO, right ?
i'm from boston but posted here as this is more active threads than others. Also Hartford field office is under boston district jurisdiction and even boston is slow right now;.
Hi All

I will be moving to a new place (within CT) starting Sep. I am planning to send an address change to USCIS. Will this delay my citizenship application?

CTN400 - sorry i stopped looking at this board for a while. just get depressed going through these posts.

i have tried everything -
- written to senator lieberman two times.
- written to and spoken to congressman shays' office two times

both their offices were very courteous and nice and sent very nicely written letters (same exact letter sent back every time i wrote to them), but they can't do anything because of the FBI name check. but yeah - they must have heard this sorry tale so many times from us folks, they have a standard response that they send out. doesn't look like the senators/congressmen even want to bother reading the letters sent to them. their clerks do that job - and they could care less. they weren't the ones elected to help people. one thing is for sure, i ain't voting for any of these folks if i ever do become a citizen. at least have the friggin' courtesy of personally looking into the cases - at least once in a friggin' while. yeah whatever. have they even given more than 1 second of thought on the subject of fbi name check? have they read the ombudsman's report on this subject? do they agree with what the ombudsman says? they don't? take a stand, man! do something!

then i wrote to the first lady, as suggested by other posters here, and that didn't help either. i didn't expect much from there anyway. it's not her problem that my parents named me wrong.

i have stopped calling the 800 number as they just make me feel like a worthless piece of sh*t. don't remember how many phones i must've broken after speaking to those buggers

the infopass people are nice though (at least not overtly obnoxious and rude as the 800 number people), but no point making infopass appointments because if you're stuck in name check, as i am, there's nothing that they can do. if the name check is not done, the file's not even in hartford. and if the file ain't in hartford, the infopass guys don't know about us!

but yeah, the 800 number people don't even bother being courteous.

in any case, don't think anyone really cares about our plight. don't think any senator/congressman wants to touch this name check issue because they may be seen as "weak on national security". if we get stuck in name check, we MUST be guilty. tough sh*t!

we are all guilty until proven otherwise, so the story goes..

..it doesn't matter that if you've been in this country almost all your adult life, followed and obeyed every law, been a good citizen, a good human being. none of that matters. you're just reduced to being a worthless nobody who has no rights - NO RIGHTS AT ALL - when it comes to the fbi name check. no decency in the process at all. it's as if as soon as you get stuck in the fbi name check program, the authorities get the excuse to start treating you like sh*t, slap you around senseless and refuse to explain to you what it is that you may have done wrong! i've had a person from the office of a congressman tell me that because of your background (ethnicity), it'll take time - deal with it! at least she was being honest.

sorry for the rant! this whole thing is ruining my life in a way i could have never imagined!

p.s. - i am not advocating that people stop trying. these experiences are mine alone. others may have had better luck. we should try all possible avenues available to us. write/call/e-mail anyone you can.
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Hey Dnivrab,
I did same thing and now regrating ......
If possible keep same address OR change it within to same DO.
if you change it to New State it will delay 5-6 month at least or more.....
(as USCIS says 90 days of residency plus transfer delay).
Sorry to hear...

Today was my bad day and some more bad news from HELPMOI. I am really sorry to hear that. You need to wait now and cannot be done anything if Name Check pending. But, how sure are you that's the reason, it got delayed ? Did you get any letter from USCIS stating that ?

DNIVRAB, I don't see any issues if you move within CT as long as your DO is Hartford. But it is not recommeded. If it can be avoided, move after oath.

MEEK1234, you moved to CT from NJ. That's diff. story and that would delay a lot as you told.

I feel fear by listening to all these bad stories, delays and my personal life issues etc. God bless all of us !
that's one thing that the senator's and congressmen's offices are good at - they'll tell you exactly what stage your application is stuck at. they DO try to help - if the application's lost or if the USCIS is dragging its feet, they WILL help - there are posts on this forum with instances of that. but if it's stuck in name check, they'll let you know that and that they can't help.

but, the senators or congressmen don't bother for a second to worry about if this name check process is helping at all, or how the delays are ruining people's lives - if you don't want to get rid of the namecheck process, at least reconsider the reasons for which expediting an application is allowed.

not saying they should. i probably wouldn't bother about people stuck in name check if i wasn't either! and it's just like 300,000 or so of those. in the grand scheme of things, that is a pretty small amount of people - so why bother? their vote can't help. :) and to be sure, there are other issues that are even more pressing. this is probably an easy thing to fix if a couple of smart people put their heads together for 2 seconds. but oh well...

in hindsight, decades later, people will probably look back and laugh at this program just the way they laugh now at ducking under their desks in schools for the fear of being b*mbed by USSR during the cold war.

p.s. - i probably shouldn't be going off like this and using words like "b*mbed" knowing that i am stuck in name check. ain't doing myself any good, am i? :)
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Folks, I have a question. I just landed in Canada for a business trip. We came to Canada in the company's private jet (no a commercial flight) and there was no customs, immigration or anything.

They did not stamp my passport. In fact, nobody even asked to look at the passport or GC or anything.

How will I prove to USCIS during my interview when I left and when I cam back since there are no stamps in the passport?
