My parents become Citizen. What is Procedure


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My parents filed for me in 2002 when they were in USA as permanent Resident. And they file as Unmarried Son over 21 Year. Now they got there Citizens ship and I am married also. So could any one suggest me what should I do. Do we need to upgrade our file. Do I get same priority date as 2002 for it ??

Thanks in Advance

Sajan Patel
did you get married before they became US citizens? if yes, I believe your application is now null, and they need a new one.
Do I need to File again as Married Son of Citizen ?? Does any one know what is procedure once they apply for ??

As of July 2007 for Employment GC, I have filed my I-485 this months. Does this file has any Effect of my petition from My Parents ??

Thanks in Advance.

Sajan Patel
It makes it pretty much unnecessary, since you'll get your EB Green Card far faster than through your parents.

Thanks for reply, I know it may be not Necessary for you. I personally think there is NO problem if I (or anybody) start process both way as there is not Surity of Any immigration file (At least EB category) as I seen some in July 2007.
If you have please provide me answer for the question which I ask. Thanks