My N400 Processing time for Atlanta


I sent a FOIPA request to FBI yesterday.

Within the next couple of days, I am going to mail a request to my senator. I downloaded a privacy request form from his website , I am going to fill it up with detailed description of my case and send it to him. His website is very clear on what I should communicate to get my problem resolved with any federal agency. The good news is the same senator had helped my friend when her background check was pending for a long time for her greencard.

I am not sure if u will find my post useful. But I just thought I will let u know whatever little I know
july2006 said:
I read in this forum that usually if you arrive at the entrance of the USCIS building more than 30 minutes before, they don't let you in the building and tell you to come back 30 min. before your interview. :(

That my not be accurate for Atlanta DO as I haven't noticed anyone checking the appointment letters while entering the building. No harm done, of course, you can always try.
Hi Gnn

Can you explain more about FOIPA? How did your senator help your friend about her background check. Do you have any format about the description of your case?


gnn said:

I sent a FOIPA request to FBI yesterday.

Within the next couple of days, I am going to mail a request to my senator. I downloaded a privacy request form from his website , I am going to fill it up with detailed description of my case and send it to him. His website is very clear on what I should communicate to get my problem resolved with any federal agency. The good news is the same senator had helped my friend when her background check was pending for a long time for her greencard.

I am not sure if u will find my post useful. But I just thought I will let u know whatever little I know


Please read the very first post by Rahul Kumar under the thread
'My name check Experience'. There is a format of a letter under Namecheck.pdf file addressed to FBI. Please read all the 3 pdf files. U will understand what I am talking about. Let me know if u still can't find it.

My Friend's experience

My friend's husband got his greencard but my friend's greencard(dependant) was not stuck in background check for nearly 11/2 years. Her background check was cleared within days after she sought the help of the senator's office . This happened last year, however she does not know what exactly the senator's office did to get her file completed so soon.

I haven't yet prepared any format about my case, i hope to do it only this weekend when i get some freetime. If u prepare/find anything please share with me

Interview Date

Hi My dates are as follows:

RD/PD: Nov 17th 2005
FP: Jan 27th 2006

And now here is my problem. I am planning on travelling to India for 3 months at the end of May. I don't know if I will receive interview letter by then. What if it comes in while I am out of country.

Could any of you suggest me what I can do, and how I can plan?

Thanks in advance.
IF they process applications at this speed, it looks like you'll be citizen before you leave so you don't have to worry about it. However, I'd have someone check my mail every day if you don't receive by then.
Any update on your case? Hope you got the "love" letter. :)

We've got only 24 days left in this almost 7-month-long journey of ours.

Those who were interviewed in Atlanta DO
I was wondering if it is possible to enter the building 1 hour before the interview even if the letter suggests not to arrive more than 30 minutes before?
july2006 said:
Any update on your case? Hope you got the "love" letter. :)

We've got only 24 days left in this almost 7-month-long journey of ours.

Those who were interviewed in Atlanta DO
I was wondering if it is possible to enter the building 1 hour before the interview even if the letter suggests not to arrive more than 30 minutes before?

I entered the building 1 hour before and placed my interview letter as soon as I entered the room in the tray. But I was called in exactly at my appointment time. My Husband was called in a little later.
Hi Gnn

Hi Gaya3,
My N-652 FORM says "USCIS will send you a written decision about your application". Officer said about 30 days, it's more than 45 days now.I am planning to contact either congressman or local senator about my status of my case. Do you have any other suggestions?

sdm said:
Hi Gaya3,
My N-652 FORM says "USCIS will send you a written decision about your application". Officer said about 30 days, it's more than 45 days now.I am planning to contact either congressman or local senator about my status of my case. Do you have any other suggestions?



U cannot do much except enquire for the first 120 days after the interview. (infopass, by yourself or thru your senator) After 120 days u can apply to the United States District Court for the District in which u reside for a hearing on the matter .

Please read the first few posts in the thread 'Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit'. I did't know much about all this till the date of my interview. But I am getting to know all this by just reading the thread

HOpe we both don't have to go this far. Please let me know if receive anything from USCIS. That will give me some hope.
MY status

Hello July2006, Thanks for your concern. I have not received anything yet. I think they've lost my case :( . I called and the they only advice I get is WAIT.
Time lines between interview & Oath

Dear All,

I had my interview passed on 19th jan 06, due to, I was the last candidate and close to 4 pm, i was not scheduled for the same day or the next day oath ceremony, does anyone recently have experince of how long will it take for me to get the letter for the oath and how long for the actual ceremony.
Thanks for all your replies
My Experience

Dear All,

here is my experience with the interview. Mine was on 19th Jan 06 @ 1:25 pm, I was there 2 hours early and was called in finally past 3:30 pm, the interview was simple, 6 questions, write a sentence, read one and sign photographs. The officer congratulated me and handed 652 and the oath for that day and the next day was not possible as it was close to 4 pm. So, now I have to wait.
Is it helpful to check out the oath dates using infopass appointment. As I am planning to travel abroad very very soon. Any experiences or light into this matter is greatly appreciated.
Good luck
Oath Letter

Hi Fellow_immig,

It appears you and I have very similar cases. Would really appreciate it you could keep me posted on your case.

My interview as done on Jan 17th @ 1:25pm. However I was actually called in at 2:30pm. The officer said i passed and gave me the N-652 and said INS will send a notice about oath time and place.

My question to u is did u ask the Officer about same day oath, or even next day? If you do go to DO using InfoPass, please let me know what u find out I would realy appreciate it.

Good Luck!! Hope we get out oath letters soon!

What time of the day the Interview starts?
How many officers take the interview normally?
How many people are allowed in each oath ceremony at 11:00 and 2:00pm?

Anybody has any answer to above questions?
Hi Hidimba,

Here are some of the answers to your questions:

1. I believe interview starts as early as 7:25am, as i had one of my friend called in for that time.

2. Interview is done on a one-on-one. In other words one officer.

I have noticed for people with an early interview time like before 1pm or so have a got chance of getting sworn in the same day, if one passes the test!

Good Luck!
Hi Shahidsan,

Thanks for the reply, I will keep you posted, Good luck to you as well, hope we get the oath letter very soon.


I saw in one of your earlier post, you mentioned about going with an infopass to pre-pone your interview date. Did you ever get that done, if so, what was your experience with inforpass and the process

Good luck
Hi Fellow_immig

Just so i know we are on the same page. When you got done with your interview, did the Officer had u the N-652 form with following checked:

You passed the test of English and US history and government

Congrulations! Your application has been recommended for approval. At this time it appears that you have established your eligibility for naturlaization. If final approval is granted, you will be notified when and where to report for the Oath Cermony

Did the Officer mention to you after your interview about the Oath cermony?

I have got an InfoPass to speak to an Immigration Officer for Jan 31st