Montreal Interview Tracker -- Part DeuX [Ara2000, AttaBoy, CDN_CPER, Dongky, Enduring, GC Indian, Ja

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I cannot answer the I-134 issue as I did not sponsor anyone under my application.

I will state that I live/work in VA, so processed through Vermont Service Center I believe, and then NVC in New Hampshire. Apologies if I am making an error here.

As far as the documents I sent in, I sent in copies only of all documents for P3, and showed originals at my actual interview. The only original they kept at interview time was PCC (as well as medical reports and employment offer letter). All other originals were returned after the interview. I believe I read somewhere that Montreal consulate is the test site for a new consular visa process, and as such, copies are taken by NVC in P3, and originals are shown at interview time. This differs from other consulates which I have heard want document originals in P3 and return them at the interview if the applicant gives them copies in exchange.

Maybe Enduring and others can add in their experience. I know for certain my lawyer submitted BC and PCC copies, and that was sufficient to get P4 sent back. Your lawyer should be able to tell you if copies will suffice depending on where your P3 is sent (ie: which service center if not NVC)

Hope this helps.

My P3 was received at the end of the December. At that time I was instructed to only send originals of birth certificates, etc. Some who have posted here have had delays because they did not send originals. It sounds like the current requirements are originals.
Thanks but can someone....

Thanks Thespian and Enduring for your reply. Can someone who has recently sent their documents to St. Louis or someone who
got their documents recently reviewed by NVC please post. I have to send my documents this week and
this is the burning question.

i do not want my whole process delayed because of not sending originals and at the same time do not
want my originals lost or misplaced...that would put me back six months or so.
thanks for your input again,
Re: PKV2

1. If your P3 instructions require you to send the originals / certified copies to NVC, then you must send those to avoid any delays. NVC will not accept notarized versions. Unfortunately, the possibility of losing the originals exists - there is one case on where NVC lost originals. Just be sure to send them in via registered mail, etc. Also, make copies of all originals and carry them for the interview. At the time of interview, the consulate will return your originals (BC, MC, etc.) and keep the copies.

2. Yes, you need to submit a notarized I-134. If you did not file a visa petition on anyone\'s behalf, you may answer \'NONE\'.

You need to send what they asked for. Like Enduring, my P3 was created before January so I was asked for copies (interview in 2 weeks). If your case was created recently and they ask for originals, you have to send originals. No original, no interview. Brian.
Originals it is!

Thanks friends for your immediate case was created in October, 01....and they asked for
originals. Making copies, certifying them and sending the originals. Thanks for the I-134 input as well.

My p3 did not request I-134 for my wife, and I did not submit one. i do intend to take it for the interview though. Now you have got me wondering whether I should have submitted one in the first place. Any comments, experts??????
wait till Packet 4...W2\'s

W2\'s, pay stubs etc., can wait till packet 4. i think we can take them with us.

DID MTL-CPers take an updated employment letter addressed to the Consulate with you-----did you also
include this with your Packet 3??

Couple of Questions about CP interview in Montreal

Friends ,
(who have been to interview recently)
What is the order in which original(and other) documents need to be submitted to the office clerk ? Is it all the birth certificates of the family,all photos of the family etc or is it one persons documents
and then that of the others...?

I was trying to make a file folder for my interview, it struck me that I better arrange them in the order they are asked...

My I-134 experience

No mention was made for a I-134 prior to the interview, but I was prepared and had them with me to avoid delays. Guess what? At no point during the interview process was I asked for it. And I had no trouble getting my visa. Go figure?

Don\'t worry too much about order.

They asked me for things, but they ask one at a time and you hand it through the window as they ask. The important thing is that you have it organized and can access it quickly. I had a file folder for each family member so that I could easily give them what they wanted for each person.
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I agree with Enduring, just have the documents readily available. The window staff are generally friendly and courteous. when you first walk up to a window, it never hurts to say "good morning" as a courtesy, and always answer "Yes/No Maam" or "Yes/No Sir", or "Thank You Maam/Sir" when finished at a specific window. You never know if good manners will help speed you through on a busy day.

Anybody know where I can download a filleable (or even non-filleable) IR-9003 form without the annoying "NONE" written in the space for SSN? Strange that the IRS does not have this form on their website. Brian.

They do ask for the documents for one person at a time, starting with the primary applicant.

They didn\'t ask for one for my husband in Packet 3, but we did bring it to the interview. They did ask for it at the interview.
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I will be driving to Montreal tomorrow. I have my medicals scheduled on Monday the 29th and the interview is the following Monday the 6th. Wish me luck and good luck to all of you.