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Max CN limitation for each REGION - my prediction !!!!!!

the calculation that I made last March was mainly based on the DV-2013 quotas, since we know know that Europe will have few thousands more (between 3k and 5k), so I am sure that the 43400 must be reviewed and can hit 46k or even more, same for Africa the 106k must be reviewed also, most probably 95k or even less. so be quiet I am sure that you will have you chicken ;), just be ready for the interview.... this year is the year of Europe...... (as it was before 2006)
i hope so:)
Latest data shows that Nepal has 201 AP Cases, 87 rejection, 2292 issued and 916 ready..so i too think there will be a new cutoff for Nepal
"Ready" status since the beginning is not taken into account..and most of the AP Cases are still on AP since the beginning..
I've been thinking DV 2015.
Max CN:
Africa - 99xxx
Europa - 45xxx
Oceania - 22xx
Asia - 19xxx.
The results were published on May 1. They already know 90% of the maximum numbers in 2014. But there is another mystery. Winners were reduced in special countries. So the cells filled other countries and then the maximum number of falls.

Please what do you think of my chances (CN: AS 108**), when to expect interview?
I've been thinking DV 2015.
Max CN:
Africa - 99xxx
Europa - 45xxx
Oceania - 22xx
Asia - 19xxx.
The results were published on May 1. They already know 90% of the maximum numbers in 2014. But there is another mystery. Winners were reduced in special countries. So the cells filled other countries and then the maximum number of falls.
Just two questions:
- Why isn't SA in your calculations? (Suddenly SA dissapeared of all conversations... I wonder why o_O)
- Why would they choose 4000 from SA for DV 2015 if they already knew that with less than half of that they can fill the quota?
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Malcom :
Nepal won't remain at 9500 !
A minimum stretch in in august 10k maximum 10.5k...
Because they will still take from Nacara unused visas, the 3500 limit was never applied historicaly speaking.

if they take from NACARA we might have 500 more, but I think not more then 10k
Just two questions:
- Why isn't SA in your calculations? (Suddenly SA dissapeared of all conversations... I wonder why o_O)
- Why would they choose 4000 from SA for DV 2015 if they already knew that with less than half of that they can fill the quota?
I do not see the winners from South America in 2015. By simple calculations in 2014 4600/2600 = 1.76, 2015 max CN 4000/1, 76 = 2272.
I do not exclude a large jump in September 2014 until 2200 for South America.
I hope in 2015 AS will be CURRENT............ (20000 selectees only) ... Hence in 2014 they will call up to 21k in AS........
so do You think all CN for dv2015EU Will ne current in the end? At least 2015EU434xx? Or even biggest one? Please let us dream!
so do You think all CN for dv2015EU Will ne current in the end? At least 2015EU434xx? Or even biggest one? Please let us dream!

Let's see what happens in 2014 before starting to predict whether 2015 will be current. Your number sounds good - but again - 2014 will make that clearer. This is a LONG process. Keep patient.
should be ok (90%)

Thanks for your nice reply.
As we know, we have only the September VB for 2014. Do you think all Asian CNs get current on September VB? I am dissaponted because how they can process around more than ten thousand Asian cases for one month!
Thanks for your nice reply.
As we know, we have only the September VB for 2014. Do you think all Asian CNs get current on September VB? I am dissaponted because how they can process around more than ten thousand Asian cases for one month!
10000 cut off doesnt mean 10000 cases!
It can be only 2 or 3 thousands.
Remeber there is holes between case numbers....
except the people who didn't send their forms, are there any holes ? what is the reason for that ? Let say, Between 1 - 100 ...... There can be about 10 CN only (example ) like...... 1, 23,36,39,46,59,65,77,80,97 ???? don't consider the people who didn't send their doc in this scenario..........
Yes there is first holes( created by the software, the rejected applications).
Than second holes( people whop didn't send forms).
10000 cut off doesnt mean 10000 cases!
It can be only 2 or 3 thousands.
Remeber there is holes between case numbers....
Thanks for providing a nice information.
What do you think about Iran and Nepal for Asian cases? Can they create holes for September?