Massachusetts SESA Tracker

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Cube .. Thank you

Thank you for all the effort.
By the way, in the status that you put, what does ?special mean?
got a query on wage yesterday...

SESA has sent query on my case about my wage. My lawyer said she is going to make an amendment and send it back to SESA today.

I guess SESA finished processing july cases.. Hope I will see my case soon in DOL data base...

thanks for the help I am getting fROM this board, especially Cube, he is doing an awesome job.

PD 07/17/01 EB2 RIR
Question about getting LC done faster

Guys this could sound very dumb, please bear with me.

My wife is working from home (New Hampshire) for a company based in Philadelphia and will be applying for LC shortly. My doubts are,

1) I guess they should be applying in NH for state LC, am I right? (Big relief, it is current now).

2) Where will the case go after the state? I mean Boston or Philadelphia? (Please say Philly - they are lagging by only 3 months...)
I appreciate a lot if anyone can shed some light on this. Thanks.

I\'m stuck here in MA state with PD 11/30/2001 RIR EB2.
Any updates CUBE!!!!!!

By the way i am pv2002. That login will not allow me to post so i had to find a new login. Did any of u experience this problem
This is MAY10 new login is vdshri

since I can not post anything by my previous ID.

I have not heard anything from my lawyer. I hope my application goes to DOL soon.
Long way to go ;-(

Looks like SESA started working on my application around 4/1/02
4 months in SESA : 7/30/02 ????
6 months in DOL : 1/26/03 ????
LC may get approved after Jan-03 ;-(?.
Anyone has a better looking (faster) time calculation?
Am I missing something?

i tried that method but i didn\'t get a confirmation link and so could not post. But then i send a mail to the Sysop and she reinstated my privs. So here i am back.

Thanks for all your work. At the rate at which Boston Reg is approving when do we get current for labours.
Boston DOL thread

I guess You and Phonon are doing an excellent job. People need to understand that you guys have a full time job and that you are not 24 hours available to update the list...
CUBE i could volunteer but ......

i am consultant and am on the road 90% of the time. So i will miss updates everytime i am at a customer site that i cannot access internet at. SO i would rather that someone do than me taking the task and screwing up
Think I am in between now

I just talked to my lawyer yesterday who called SESA and found out that my case had been cleared and is now waiting to get registered at DOL. My PD is 7-02-10.
cube please clarify, about wage issues

recently a lot of MA SESA cases got wage ref, and also

Recently a lot of cases in DOL are been NOFed,
I checked some of those cases, found most of those case with salary below 70,000 . cube please clarify the reasons the case may got NOF.

My company just had a 10 percent layoff, public company but relatively small and the news of layoff was not publiced. I am very worry about my case in DOL .

Thanks a million
New dates

July 26- Aug 9 -- RIR..

Does that mean my cert. will be in DOL soon.. RIR July 26-2001!!

Poor Non-RIR people, they are dead in SESA cold water, seems to be for ever for them..
How do you find status of your case in SESA


According to the new recording at SESA, they are past the day my case was filed (July 13th, EB2 RIR). How do I find the status of my case?

CUBE please reply

i have noticed that the MA SESA message says that RIR\'s between Jul 26 and Aug 9 are being processed.

the previous message was from June to July 9.

so what heppened to all the other apps in between. i am on Jun 26 so i should have been done by now or almost there this week. so i am in the in between folder now i guess.

Any comments on the descrepancy of the dates.

IMHO i think the MA SESA is being conservative in the dates it predicts that it is working on but they are actually meeting and exceeding those dates and that makes them look better.
according to my case

The message reads: July 26 to Aug 6 are being processed.
there is huge difference between "are being processed" and "have been processed".
I don\'t want to discourage people. According to my case, they still need more time to certify the cases even they say "are being processed", plus the case certified still takes time to get into DOL.

so just be patient more time, I am sure everybody will get it.

when read "April 30 are being processed" , it was Nov/December 2001, my case actually entered DOL on April 15 2002. Now SESA speeds up, so I think you still need 2 more months to see your case has been processed and has entered the DOL database.

GOOD LUCK TO ALL include me.
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