Maryland SESA Tracker

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Re: New kid in town

Originally posted by leojames22
Hi fellow MD long waiting folks,
Let me join your race.
I filed my application last November 28,2001.
Date of receipt was on Feb 9, 2002.
Could you please add me into your list .....


I guess we don't have a list yet.....:eek:
Well we can start........:D

Name Filed Date Receipt date
Hangu.............................. Nov 01, 2001 ...................................... Feb , 2002
hemant2001.............................Aug 14.2001
leojames22 ........................ Nov 28, 2001 ............................. Feb 9, 2002
mdgc ............................... Apr 27, 2001

please post your dates and I will update it every 2 weeks or so...... :D
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I'm a new member.
Please add me to your list of MD's waiting for LC approval candidates.
My LC date is on Aug 14.2001 and I'm still waiting to hear anything from state.
Re: Re: New kid in town

See my file data. Don't know the receipt date,
I am not interested in knowing it as a matter of
fact, since I still have a long long way to go.

Originally posted by hangu


I guess we don't have a list yet.....:eek:
Well we can start........:D

Name Filed Date Receipt date
Hangu.............................. Nov 01, 2001 ...................................... Feb , 2002
hemant2001.............................Aug 14.2001
jiangnan............................Feb 08,2002
leojames22 ........................ Nov 28, 2001 ............................. Feb 9, 2002
mdgc ............................... Apr 27, 2001

please post your dates and I will update it every 2 weeks or so...... :D
Here's mine.

yhcheong EB2 Apr. 30 2001 Apr. 30 2001

I don't know why two dates are same.
But that's what my lawyser said.

Here is mine

EB2 Oct 29 2001 I don't have receipt date

receipt date is feb 22, 02
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What is our action plan?
Are we going to ask some lawer to write a petition for us?
Are we going to go to court if needed?
If all are near by (around DC area) can we meet share the info and decide on action plan ?
April 30 processing!


I think April 30 is going to be a nightmare to process. It took them 2-3 months to send out receipt notices alone. I remember seeing someone get a receipt notice for April 30 towards the end of October and I got mine sometime in mid-Jan.


I strongly support the idea of meeting in somewhere to discuss our problem. April 30th definitely will be a nightmare for all of us - MD LC applicants.

If anyone wants to join for a meeting, please post!!!!!


Originally posted by hemant2001
What is our action plan?
Are we going to ask some lawer to write a petition for us?
Are we going to go to court if needed?
If all are near by (around DC area) can we meet share the info and decide on action plan ?
We will wait till the end of this week for all the replies and then decide on the venue of the meeting.
I'm sure this is very important to all of us waiting for the LC approval and evryone will definitely find some time.
The agenda will be as follows,

1.> Share info
2.>Sharing expenses if it comes to that stage.

Feel free to add your agenda items.

The other alternative is to have a conference call,
I can conference four persons from my office, If some body can do the same thing then we can talk atleast 8-10 persons over the phone. Certainly the timing of this call will be off hrs like 5:30 OR 6:30 PM.
Originally posted by hemant2001
We will wait till the end of this week for all the replies and then decide on the venue of the meeting.
I'm sure this is very important to all of us waiting for the LC approval and evryone will definitely find some time.
The agenda will be as follows,

1.> Share info
2.>Sharing expenses if it comes to that stage.

Feel free to add your agenda items.

The other alternative is to have a conference call,
I can conference four persons from my office, If some body can do the same thing then we can talk atleast 8-10 persons over the phone. Certainly the timing of this call will be off hrs like 5:30 OR 6:30 PM.

I agree on initiative to get togther, but before that we should discuss here on what we can do and what are our limitations? I think our employers must be involved in order to get this going, because we tried earlier sending emails to SESA office but we got reply as
The law forbids contact between Foreign Labor Certification staff and the foreign worker. Any information exchanged must be between the employer or the employer's attorney and Foreign Labor Certification staff.
If we try to do something by ourself, it might go nowhere..

But we still could get togther and take this matter further
Infact this comes under sharing the info of the agenda.
The reason behind this meeting is instead of just updating this thread we can discuss about the action plan in one day and give some more seriousness to this thread.
But as I mentioned I'm open to all the suggestions.
Originally posted by hangu

I agree on initiative to get togther, but before that we should discuss here on what we can do and what are our limitations? I think our employers must be involved in order to get this going, because we tried earlier sending emails to SESA office but we got reply as

If we try to do something by ourself, it might go nowhere..

But we still could get togther and take this matter further


I think some of our employer, dont take much interest in this (specially in this down time), may be we can start with approach like make a group, and ask Rajiv (as he mentioned in 'Stop being nice' thread) to help us or may be any other lawyer.

As your mentioned

The law forbids contact between Foreign Labor Certification staff and the foreign worker. Any information exchanged must be between the employer or the employer's attorney and Foreign Labor Certification staff.

Law dont want to have a contact between foreign worker and labor department, but atleast We can contact someone whose responsible for this department and ask them to provide more funds to it, in other words we too dont want to contact labor dept., as they cant help us in this matter.

what we need is :

a) make a group
b) hire some lawyer or work as a group and contact higher official.

Hemant2001, thanks for initiative, can you please open a thread to unite all the Marylanders (whose in labor row), and let people unite there.

I'm a very very new member (not even one week old)
Please do not misunderstand me ,I thought this thread is specifically for MD labor certification.
I don't mind opening a new thread. But we will loose all the history and the pain we are going thru this on this thread.
Can we gather all the info on this thread itself
I think "NEW KID IN TOWN" has the list of all the persons
waiting for LC approval on MD state.
Many people took several on this thread approches (e.g. sending email to senator gathering list etc) but we are not getting any momentum for the process. That was the main reason behind calling a meeting. So that we can decide on the action plan.
Otherwise we will go in the same loop again.

How about this can we ask the administrator if we can all meet at Rajiv's office and get some guidelines.
The date and timing will be finalized by them , so that there will not be going back and forth on dates.
But I don;t know how do we contact Rajiv's representatives.
Please giude me in this.
I think this site's admin goes by the name operations, there is send mail to operations link, I think we can reach him, he has several post on 'stop being nice' thread...
Nice Idea to meet at one place so that we can gain momentum.

Also, if there a chance to escalte your concern about these long dealys to SESA through your employer please do it.

I have discussed this with my employer and lawer, explained the impact of these long delays on our personal life as well as cost to the employer, and requested them to write to SESA requesting to address regular LC applications with high priority over 245s.

Here is the information about my labor filing date:

rsiv - Filing date Sep 10 2001

I think we are at least four-five people interested in persuing like this. I can conference all of you if you can give me your telephone numbers(work) , Could you please send me this information at with subject Maryland LC ?
We will discuss this tomorrow at 5:30 PM(EST).
New List


rumeet............. 05/04/01.....EB3/ receipt..pending
WGK................. 05/07/01.....EB2/RIR.....01/29/02...pending
Sol.................... 05/20/01.....EB3/RIR.....02/xx/02...pending
bright................ 06/10/01.....EB2/RIR.....02/07/02..pending
gc0614.............. 06/14/01.....EB3/

others on list
airplane, bright, chj, elen, K_P_K, MD-dude, muppaneni,
RahulatDC, sarasri, smallriver, Sol1, SubbaE, umag,
wiiw, yann, yhcheong
I've received two emails regarding the conference call I had suggested in my previous post.
We will see how many people respond to this.
We will discuss about further steps we are going to take in this call. I'll update this thread with the outcome.
has anyone called sesa office to see how well they are doing??
I haven't had any luck recently
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