Maryland SESA Tracker

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Discussions in the conf call:
We discussed this and agreed that, we will contact Rajeev Khanna for this problem. We will try to meet Rajeev Khanna OR his represntative in the next week OR atleast have telephone conversion.
But before I contact him , I would like to know if everybody is with us ?
I'll wait for all of your response till Monday.
Optimistic .../
I've updated my information on the URL given.
Thank a lot for the info.
Now looks like the delays in LC are already escaleted.
Originally posted by yhcheong
Don't forget to let your friends know this.
Post the URL on your community's site.


Please spread this link/news as much possible, I dont know how much this petition will matter to MD governer
Does anyone know Rajiv's next plan for the petition?
For example, how long the page will be opened and When he will send the signed petition.....

Re: Processing update

Originally posted by ms_from_mich
Anybody has idea about by when they hope to clear up April cases with 27 & 30th left?

thanks !

Unless Maryland SESA does some drastic change, it could very well be more than another year.

They have already spend 4 months to process April 26, at this speed it will be very long wait.

Please sign petition Mr. Rajiv has started. It offers some hope.
Don't wait. Act Now!!!

I'd like to advise all of those, who are still waiting, to sign the petition now. Don't expect that MD SESA will move forward soon. I called to SESA office 2 weeks ago, and was told that it would at least take another year to finish the April applications.
No one will care unless we do something for ourself, though not much we can do.
Act is always better than Wait.
checked thru the 410-767-2050 ARS.
It said that they are still processing 04/26/2001 RIR cases...
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Do anybody has exact number on backlog??

It seems like some member of sesa team has quit their job because of a lot of work :D , my guess since its getting SLOWER and SLOWER
Petition about "Backlogs in Labor Certification Processing"

Maryland look at this may be useful for you all

Petition about "Backlogs in Labor Certification Processing" (25th November 2002 until 26th February 2003)
Please sign this petition if you are a victim of the egregious backlogs in labor certification processing. We shall send this signatures over to the concerned authorities.
This is the link to the petition.
Re: LC tracking site

Originally posted by yhcheong
Is there LC tracking web site?


I haven't seen one for maryland, they are already shorthanded with people and funding I guess they can't afford one. I have seen some good ones from other state(i guess Oregon).

if you see one please do post here.
End of February 2003

Originally posted by yhcheong
Does anyone know Rajiv's next plan for the petition?
For example, how long the page will be opened and When he will send the signed petition.....


Rajiv and his team going to submit the petition at the end of feb'2002, now that may take another 2 month to take a decision (say adding more staff), now staff trainings and hiring may take 4 more months, it seems like end of 2003, nearabout same time state labor will finish April 2001 load.

Oh god, atleast give some good news.... :( :(

The petition

Thanks RahulatDC,

That's what I'm worrying.
With that plan, it won't help people like me(filed 04/30/2001).

It really hurts me and my family.
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