Maryland SESA Tracker

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What do you think about The Plan: there are 3 of us acting like active. Let\'s have a deal and call them once a week so if i called last week, Mdgc - this week, fox12 - next week and so on. We\'ll keep us and this board updated and, from the other point of view will try not to bother them too much as they are respectful people and do their job as fast as they can or allowed to do. The only thing - I think it\'d be better if you, Mdgc, will be able to call them about 6700 application to find out detais. The other thing - Virgina SESA office separate RIR and non-RIR application and I think it\'d be helpful to find out if MD SESA is going to do the same as it\'ll speed up proccess. And, final part, if they are going to separate 245(i) related applications or not.
I think as soon as Mdgc find out detals regarding 6700 and later me or fox12 - number of people assigned to work with LCs we\'ll be able to start writing draft letter, collect e-mail addresses of people in charge and schedule timing for letters sending.
Hope it\'ll help.
Have personal bad news: my attorney hasn\'t sent my LC at April, 10. He did it at 3rd week of May. I\'m so angry...That\'s why I\'m acting this way :)
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SESA MD says they have six analysts working on LC cases and the number 6700 is until September. Hope this info is useful.
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6700 till september and processing 180 per day is not a bad number at all........... the only reason it is worrisome is that they have been processing March for the last 3 months......unless they had a huge number of applications in March.

lets see if things get any faster.........

My friend got a LC

As I told you, my friend applied for LC on Mar 4.
Yesterday, he told me that he got a copy of LC from his lawyer, and it is certified on Sep 19.
If I have any information or update, I will post it.
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As for today, Sep.28, MD SESA is proccessing Apr, 2 cases. I called and was told so. Mdgc, thank you again for info regarding case numbers waiting to be proccessed and amount of people. They don\'t expect any improvements but told me these 6 people are doing their best.
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Hi All
I am beginning to wonder if we are all talking to the same Maryland SESA....... I just called and someone told me they are processing March 23!!!!
I think this whole thing is weird........ who do we believe....... is there some reliable source we can contact and get information ?
I am the happiest if they have actually reached April 2 but....... is there anyone out there who filed in April and got their receipts yet ?

Receipt Notice


I received the receipt notice today from my lawyer. The date of receipt is shown as 27 April 2001 and the following is also seen.

We are currently working on applications dated 3/23/01.
This receipt notice was mailed on Sep 25.

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Hmmm... I was so excited when called Friday, Sep.28 and was told they are proccessing Apr, 2... Do you think several people over there process different dates or I they just gave me unaccurate information? It\'s not good anyway. From your info it seems they were proccessing 1 day of march during almost 2 weeks...
Mdgc, congs with reciept!
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Mdgc, thanks for info! I haven\'t called them as last time I called they gave me unaccurate info. Probably will call later this week unless someone from this board has already done this and is willing to share information.
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HI All
I called today and they said they are processing last week of March - whatever that means!!!
And that she they have like 13,000-14,000 applications to date!

Just my luck I always seem to talk to someone who has nice things to say!!! I think I should just stop calling...........

Receipt Notice Received

Hi All,
I called the lawyer and she told me that she has received the Receipt Notice today. My Application Date is Apr-30,2001. She also told me they are processing Mar 28th cases. Looks like there has been a ton of applications in March & April.

RIR vs Non-RIR processing dates in MD

There seems to be difference in processing dates for RIR and Non-RIR cases. 3/26/2001 for RIR and 3/8/2001 for Non-RIR. Info from as of 10/12.

Relatively speaking RIR cases may go through faster (faster ?!!) than Non-RIR although there is a deluge of applications.

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Just talked to my lawyer regarding dates posted on He told me he conforms posted dates and, generally, in any way it\'ll take less then a year but something around 7 months...
MD LC state level

I filed my LC on May 7 but still haven\'t received the notice of receipt until today 10/19/01. Just wonder how much more time I have to wait? Can someone do any estimate how much longer until I get my LC approval?
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Just called SESA. Said they are proccessing end of the March. Still end of the March :-(

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I just called MD SESA.It seems they had lot of applications still pending for March. They are now processing March 30th as of 11/02.
They said, they have very less staff to work and they r not hiring new anymore.
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If I remember correctly, MD SESA has been processing the March cases since July. I am just wondering whether there are indeed so many cases filed in MArch, or they just slowed down intentionally? Does any one have idea?
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SESA is processing RIR cases as of April 2. At last there is a movement from March into April. Receipt notices are as of April 30.

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