Maryland SESA Tracker

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Mine was Filed on 4/30 and not 3/30. All other information seemd to be ok. Got the control number from the lawyer. Haven\'t heard anything else from them.
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As for 11/27/01

lalo......Filed 03/09/01.....EB3/RIR.....receipt........pending
Do Kim....Filed 04/04/01.....EB3/ receipt.....pending
sgw.......Filed 04/18/01.....EB2/ receipt.....pending
Mdgc......Filed 04/27/01.....EB2/RIR.....10/01/01.......pending
VPR.......Filed 04/30/01.....EB2/RIR.....10/15/01.......pending
Sol.......Filed 05/20/01.....EB3/ receipt.....pending
bright....Filed 06/10/01.....EB2/ receipt.....pending
fox12.....Filed 07/17/01.....EB3/ receipt.....pending

Do Kim, Mdgc, thanks for info!

lalo, Do Kim, Sgw, it seems your BIG day is going to be any day (week :) ) now. Mdgc, you\'re next!!!

Please keep us posted as I called SESA voice mail and they haven\'t updated it so it keeps saying "Apr, 2 and receipts for Apr, 30 and 3000 cases pending".

If someone wants to join our list, you\'re very welcome to send your info!

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Hello folks:
It is terrible to see this agonizing wait for a Permanent Residency to this great country... Many of us have to face this agonizingly slow task and as soon as we are through we forget about it! It is high time we, the taxpayers did something about it!
I propose the following:
Everyone (including anyone that you know) should ask their lawyers to petition AILA to lobby in the US Congress and House (in fact, our employers can write a petition too), to streamline the Labor Certification approval process so that Labor must be certified in a reasonable amount of time (like 1-2 months instead of 1-2 years!).
Please post your thoughts on this...
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I filed EB2/RIR on 07/09/2001

The message on the SESA still says Apr 2 for RIR cases - so I can only hope that they are more current on their work than they are on their messages.

Isn\' t that terrible?

I spoke to the lady officer in SESA today. They are still processing April 2 only! She says it is going to take a long time to get to end of April and joined me in saying "Isn\'t that terrible?"

Sorry to carry this news. I was also hoping that SESA was not current with the voice message!

What is the salary requirement for EB-2 in Maryland?

My salary is 67k now, I do not know if it will be a problem for me to get EB-2 approved. Thanks.
600 receipts remains to be issued

Just called to Baltimore office and heard the voice message said there remained 600 cases to be issued a receipt card for April 30, 2001 applications.

If 180 cases per day still holds true, then they will proceed to May, 2001 in 4 days----I means "issuing a receipt".
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By trying to be optimistic it means in 9 business days Apr30 receipt proccessing should be over by mid December.
But, still, thank you, Mdgc and fox12 for info. It seems we\'ll have our LC approved somewhere in spring.
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Please don\'t panic. Just read what Virginia "Any Updates on Virginia LC" guys are saying: "They are still processing April 18. According to VA SESA officer, they have received around 8000 applications on April 30th. The expected time to complete all april applications about 1 year,i.e. end of 2002. ".
No comments.
Let\'s keep sharing info so we would be updated.
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Another "good" news. Some SESA workers are on training Dec3-Dec7.
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Just called at 410-767-2061 and this guy told me they are processing Apr 3 for EB2/RIR and has like 12,000 applications for April!!!!

info to SOL


I did applied in Nov 00 and got approval in Jul 01.

More Info
Category: EB2+RIR (3 Yrs Indian BS & 10+Yrs Exp)

IF you think, I can give you more info, please feel free to send a direct email to

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