Maryland SESA Tracker

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Re: Control number!

Originally posted by Garfield
I applied for Mayland LC in July 2002. My lawyer says that he didnt get any receipt from Maryland SWA (which I guess is quite common). Now I have come to know that you can get your control number(?) even if you didnt get your receipt. Is that correct? If yes, can I directly access contol number for my application (through a website etc.) or only my lawyer can get it? Please help!

You dont have much control in freaking labor stage, its upto Lawyer and HR people in your company who can make a difference.
finally moved to philly DOL

Hi all

My file moved to Philly DOL yesterday after a long wait of 2 years and 2 months.

Thanks for the information that has been shared in this forum and the usefulness of the information.
Re: finally moved to philly DOL

Congratulations! Goodness gracious, there is another one got moved up.
Your received date at MD SWA is 9 days earlier than ms-from-mich, how come that yours was sent to Philly later than his?
What the hxxx is wrong with MD SWA?

Originally posted by bright
Hi all

My file moved to Philly DOL yesterday after a long wait of 2 years and 2 months.

Thanks for the information that has been shared in this forum and the usefulness of the information.
Re: Control number!

What your lawyer said is probably true, since it is the same case with mine. When I asked my lawyer about my receipt from MD SWA, she only give me a control number and a date on which my case was received by SWA. She did not mention anything about the receipt and I don't bother asking for it since it is still far way from me to hear anything from SWA. But if you really need to know it, your lawyer should be the person to help you.

Originally posted by Garfield
I applied for Mayland LC in July 2002. My lawyer says that he didnt get any receipt from Maryland SWA (which I guess is quite common). Now I have come to know that you can get your control number(?) even if you didnt get your receipt. Is that correct? If yes, can I directly access contol number for my application (through a website etc.) or only my lawyer can get it? Please help!
MD is processing August 2001 (RIR)

MD is processing August 2001 (RIR) now, based on the official website. See philly DOL thread for the link.
Re: MD is processing August 2001 (RIR)

Originally posted by jmxu
MD is processing August 2001 (RIR) now, based on the official website. See philly DOL thread for the link.

Thankx jmxu for news
Looks like a slow down

Looks like they have slowed from the speed with which they went from end of April to July vs. now. Doesn't seem like they are processing 3 months of cases in 1 month. At least they are moving at a reasonable pace.

Thanks jmxu for the update!
Re: Looks like a slow down

Originally posted by garp
Looks like they have slowed from the speed with which they went from end of April to July vs. now. Doesn't seem like they are processing 3 months of cases in 1 month. At least they are moving at a reasonable pace.

Thanks jmxu for the update!

Nope, they are not 3 for 1 (3 month processing in one month), end of July the completed April 2001, in past two month, they processed only 4 months, making 2 for 1 only :(

Waiting so long, expect them to process faster, also when I read Philly DOL, I am start getting this feeling that if someone case reside too long on SESA (like 2 years or so), Philly DOL sending it back to State for re-advertise :(
Philly dol re-advertising

RahulatDC, could you point to some threads on the Phily DOL thread that refer to this?

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JA26 and FOX 12 your cases were in July.
SESA has moved to August cases now.
Have you heard anything from your lawyers?
I'm the next in line.
Nothing yet

I contacted with my attorney, who did not receive anything yet. I called Philly DOL. I did not find any case received by Philly DOL recently from my company. No idea what is happening.

I'll keep all of you updated once I hear something new.

No news is a good news


No news is a good news.
I think then your file is already approved and sent it to philly.
Because, if SESA had any questions you should have heard from your attorney immediately. But as you did not hear anything yet, means it is moved to philly. It will take minimum 20 days for DOL (philly) to contact your lawyer and another week to add you in the AVM system. This is my theory.
Re: Philly dol re-advertising

Originally posted by garp
RahulatDC, could you point to some threads on the Phily DOL thread that refer to this?



Here is the thread link I mentioned, I also try to put some quote from that thread, you'll find more posts of philly-DOL sending back and asking for re-advertise, if you read few page before and after of the link, wishing fast approval for all the people going philly-DOL

Originally posted by lbud2
I too share the same pain, after waiting fot my labor which was applied in Dec 2001, I got a NOF from Phila DOL and later they remanded my case back to the State asking to re-advertise.This happened on Sept 5, I am still waitng for DOL to send the instructions to my employer to re-advertise.

I asked my attorney and they said, we should hear real soon.

This is a pain and not fair, since the market is not the same as it was in Dec 2001. Our LC was applied based on the conditions then.
Its going to be tough to deny the applicants, it will be our luck of we get approved,since the DOL can deny the application by looking at the reponse that we send for each application we receive.

Originally posted by jatt5abda
The same thing has happened with my case as well. The good news is that your case is in the Philly office and they are really quick in getting back to the company to file the new ad and they do not give too much time to get back with the answer. The bad news is that your case is in Philly....and that means that there are going to LOTS of people replying to ad they post for the job.

It depends what kind of relation you have with your HR people, your manager etc, coz they will have to reject all those who apply to the ad.

Keep your fingers crossed.
I taked to my lawyer today and he was saying MD is processing September:cool:

I think some people in SESA are still in August though. just like before. ....
Thanks RahulatDc

I put a post in Philly DOL thread to get more info. This is a serious issue if in fact the readvertising is due to the fact that the original ad is from Dec 2001.

Thanks pessimistic for the update. Any idea where your Lawyer got the info?
Re: Thanks RahulatDc

Originally posted by garp
I put a post in Philly DOL thread to get more info. This is a serious issue if in fact the readvertising is due to the fact that the original ad is from Dec 2001.

Thanks pessimistic for the update. Any idea where your Lawyer got the info?

I was at the lawyer's office for my H1B renewal, I asked him about maryland labor.. He said that they are moving fast and they are currently processing September cases. I felt that was correct since DOL website is reporting MD is processing August and normally there would be lag time between DOL posting and current processing.....
I didn't get into details about how he got the info :p
FYI...Saw this in the NY thread

I never saw this posting in our thread, probably was posted long back. Don't know if it's true either.

Originally posted by GC_enroute
In reference to sankat mochan reply on maryland thread i was able to find something in regards to that. Please see below about the post. May be sankat was talking about this.

Responce from MD State
Dear Friends,

I am sorry for not responding to some question directed to me, as I was on travel.

Our represenations regarding the delays in MD Sate Labour Processing caught the attention of MD state Legislative office.
Below is the responce I received form Mr. Dilip B. Paliath, Legislative Officer to the Governor.

Let me know if you have any ideas about the next level followup process

Thanks, rsiv

Thank you for your e-mail to Mr. Dilip Paliath, the Governor’s Legislative Officer, regarding labor certification for employment-based immigration. Mr. Paliath forwarded your e-mail to me and asked that I address your concerns.

The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation shares your concerns and understands your frustration with the length of the labor certification and immigration processes. Your correspondence indicated that you had a general knowledge of the problems caused by the implementation of the amnesty provision under the LIFE Act. However, not being aware of the specifics of the labor certification process in the State has led to your perception of Maryland being at a “stand still.” Let me assure you that this is not the case.

The nature of the problem is a bureaucratic snag brought to us by changes at the federal level in 2001; reductions in funding at the federal level and the required federal processes related to completing each Foreign Labor Certification (FLC) request.

Foreign Labor Certification is a complex process. Although we have streamlined the federal mandates to the State, we must adhere to the principles of the United States Department of Labor policies, regulations and procedures. Cases are required to be processed according to their date of receipt by the FLC unit. When the LIFE Act granted amnesty in 2000, Maryland experienced a major influx in the number of labor certification applications. Our customary caseload of 2200 – 2400 applications per year was increased to over 16,000 in the six weeks from March 15, 2001- April 30, 2001. Over 6,000 cases arrived on April 30, 2001, the final day of the initial amnesty period. This is what is giving you the perception that we are at a stand still.

Comparisons to other states dates of processing, without awareness of their caseload and staff levels, do not give an accurate picture. Eight states, of which Maryland is one, have over 95% of the national backlog of 250,000 – 300,000 cases that came in during the amnesty period.

We are working aggressively to decrease the backlog; however, the 16,000 applications received in 2001 are more than six times our annual average. This combined with no additional resources to handle the amount of work resulted in a large backup. Our staff continues to work diligently; since April 30, 2001 we have processed over 6900 labor certification applications; our program administrator has moved staff to assist with FLC, we have requested additional federal funds to clear the backlog. To assist in the clearance of the backlog I have authorized the transfer of additional staff to the unit.

Your suggestions were thoughtful and we appreciate them, but they pertain to policy beyond our scope of authority. We will be glad to forward them to the United States Department of Labor.

The impact the delayed processing of these applications has on lives of various individuals and business is of mutual concern. Every effort is being made to ensure we obtain resources to continue making reductions in processing time.

Thank you again for bringing your concerns to my attention. The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation looks forward to an expeditious resolution to this adverse situation.


James D. Fielder, Jr., Ph.D.

Cc: Mr. Dilip B. Paliath, Legislative Officer to the Governor
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